This article is from today’s weekly Chabad newletter.
The Art of Listening
Here is what the Lubavitch Rebbe, Rabbi M.M. Schneerson explained about speaking and listening:
But a clever person can even use silence to inspire his fellow Jew. The saintly Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Rabbi Yisroel Hager, once entered the house of a local bank manager. The bank manager was an assimilated Jew but he had deep respect for the rabbi.
He showed the rabbi a chair and waited for the Rebbe to state the reason for his unexpected call.
The bank manager was stunned. The matter entered his heart and he was unable to sleep. Before the week was up, he paid the widow’s entire mortgage out of his own personal account.
Penetrating the heart of another Jew requires careful thought wisdom and sincerity. That is the Mitzvah of this week.