the apple sign…

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    you know how the “traditional” forbidden fruit that Adam and Chavah took a “bite” out of was the apple…? and the sign of apple products is a “bitten” apple…? And..the #1 (yes there are others) “aveirah device” is apple products…? (just thinkin)


    And a drioid is similar to an idol. Avodah zara.

    I’m pretty sure blackberries are kosher, though.


    The android symbol reminds me of aphids that I see when I check lettuce.


    Dvash: You do know that it’s a Christian Pshat that it was an apple, right?


    And..the #1 (yes there are others) “aveirah device” is apple products…?

    How do you quantify that?

    The Wolf


    How do you quantify that?

    Because clearly, no one in their right mind would use a 24″ desktop monitor when they could use a 5″ phone screen.


    Sam2: of course i know that… but the product is a goyisha product anyway.

    i was thinking there was an insidious hint… im aware theres machlokes plus mystical explanation to what the actual “fruit” was…

    the wolf: the quantity is endless… in our days we must be extremely careful.

    everybody else: hows my “apple chidush”? (i like to know wat ppl think sometimes:)


    Blackberries have bugs.


    idiotic. (hey, you asked for my opinion!)

    Letakein Girl

    What, so your theory is that the creators of Apple had a top secret meeting at midnight in the tallest tower in LA to discuss how they can hint to the fact that Apple’s products are products of the Soton?

    Wow. Just wow.


    In general, most things that have power can be used for good or bad. If something cannot be used for bad, it most likely can’t be used for good either.


    the wolf: the quantity is endless… in our days we must be extremely careful

    I think you might have misunderstood me. When I asked “How do you quantify that?” what I meant was, what criteria do you use and what methodology do you use to determine that Apple devices are the “#1 aveira device?”

    The Wolf


    So what does it mean that you live in NYC, “The Big Apple?”


    “everybody else: hows my “apple chidush”? (i like to know wat ppl think sometimes:)”

    Not such a chidush, unless you’re Rabbi Jonathan Rietti. I heard him say the exact same thing on a Tisha B’Av Chofetz Chaim video a couple of years ago. (I think it was him; I may be wrong. But someone definitely introduced this idea.)

    Barry – I like that 🙂 🙂


    The ‘Apple’ logo has been commented on by many, and what has been alluded to here is the myth that it is based on the biblical ‘fruit of knowledge’.

    Another popular theory is that it represents the apple that Issac Newton observed falling from a tree, as was indeed displayed on the first ever logo.

    And perhaps the most popular myth is that it alludes to the poisoned apple that computer pioneer Alan Turing used to kill himself. All of these were presented to founder Steve Jobs, who dismissed them but says he wishes they were true.


    I heard a different version of why it’s called Apple, but I can’t remember it (I hate when people do that, btw 🙂 ) anyone know of any other reasons/rumors?


    Well at least i wasnt the only one who thought of it.

    i feel as if you guys are putting me down. so no-one likes this?

    oy vey. i apologize for posting this…

    wolf: apple is the largest most used product i guess. yes i was only guessing. i dont know what statistics are.

    shebbesonian: thanks for the honest opinion… although im slightly hurt, but iill get over it.

    Letakein Girl: not planned… Hashem puts ideas in peoples mind.secular theory or not, there are hints every whre you go. maybe he steve jobs wanted an apple at the time lol..i dont know.

    im just saying maybe we can take a hint

    but i fully admit to the fact that i can totaly be wrong. was just sharing……………sheeesh:(


    wolf: apple is the largest most used product i guess. yes i was only guessing. i dont know what statistics are.

    Thanks for the clarification, but that wasn’t quite what I meant. I wasn’t referring to Apple vs. whatever other brand. My question was how do you quantify that a mobile phone (or tablet, or whatever device you’re referring to) is the “#1 aveira device.”

    The Wolf


    WOLF: you cornered me. i was hoping we would be on the same page.. people use there devises for many aveiros you can think of besides an actual act of relations.

    i will not deny that they can equally be used for good too

    other than this post i cant answer you


    I remember that Steve Jobs and Wosniack wanted a name that would come alphabetically before ‘Atari’, which was the big computer name at the time.


    WOLF: you cornered me.

    I’m not trying to “corner” you. I’m trying to understand how you came to the conclusion that you did.

    If you simply exaggerated, or spoke without really thinking it through, that’s fine too — I do that sometimes. I just wanted to know how you came to the conclusion that smart phones are the absolute worst things in the world (with regard to doing aveiras).

    The Wolf


    I just saw a really cute Quote

    3 Apples that changed the world: 1-Eaten by Eve

    2-Fallen on Newton

    3-Created by Steve


    “I remember driving down Highway 85,” Wozniak says. “We’re on the freeway, and Steve mentions, ‘I’ve got a name: Apple Computer.’ We kept thinking of other alternatives to that name, and we couldn’t think of anything better.”

    Adds Jobs: “And also remember that I worked at Atari, and it got us ahead of Atari in the phone book.”

    Excerpt from an article from Business Insider



    I think the human brain is the #1 aveira device.


    I think we should ban it. An Asifa… Anyone caught using it can not be ?”?, get an Aliya or be an ??. You will not be allowed to daven in Shuls in Meah She’arim, parts of Bnei Brak and KJ…

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