The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors

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    Non Political:
    Of course they are brought liHalacha, as stated. Your laziness to look at VaYoel Moshe or elsewhere is not an excuse for insinuating that others are making things up.

    See this post here, on these very boards, for example:

    No, you did not do your job. You did not take the numerous quoted sefarim and ask Rizhin how their alleged mesorah works with or argues with that. The “flip side” is not going to Satmar to ask about your stories about Rizhin; that’s beyond silly. Have Rizhin publish a teshuva that their alleged mesorah disagrees with all the quoted sefarim here and elsewhere including but not limited to Rav Elchonon, the Chazon Ish, the Brisker Rav, the Gerrer Rebbe and all the rest. You can’t, of course.

    It wasn’t an emotional issue; I (seemingly incorrectly) thought that if I pointed out the obvious fallacies in each of those “arguments” that even Zionists would understand that they were being fooled by their idol. I guess I was wrong about that.

    No, you don’t have any “mesorah” for Zionism, because there is no such thing. Nobody claimed to be following his rabbeim in promoting Zionism. In fact, Rabbi Dr. Soloveitchik acknowledged that he was breaking from his (rather strong anti-Zionist) mesorah in doing so, and the gedolim did not agree.

    My response to Avi K’s nonsense remains, it is your “facts” that are wrong, and you are the one ignoring the facts presented in my perfectly valid IMHO response about. But since you’re so smart, why don’t you take the original sources, including the Satmar Rav (can’t mention his name to Zionists, I know) and Rav Elchonon and all the rest, and ask a talmid chacham to reconcile your alleged mesorah with the plain sourced halachos that they present, even without their own opinions.

    Regarding Rabbi Dr. Soloveitchik’s “six knocks” nonsense, I referenced a printed source in which you could see why it is nonsense. Again, you chose to ignore that.

    The answer is, as published by the Brisker Rav and signed off by both the Gerrer Rebbe and many others, “Religious Zionism” is “a sea of heresy mixed in with a drop of Torah”, and as published by Rav Elchonon, that Zionism is idolatry and “Religious Zionism” is idolatry and “religion” biShituf. It’s really that simple.

    As to your second post:
    You are also surely aware that an “ideological dispute” doesn’t cause a gadol to write like that. As Rav Shach pointed out, Rabbi Dr. Soloveitchik was unfortunately influenced by his “external” learning, to the point that Rabbi Dr. Soloveitchik wrote heresy that is shocking to see. That’s well beyond “ideological dispute”. And stories are irrelevant, as noted.

    I find it amusing (and pathetic) that Zionists ignore all the poskim that bring the oaths and claim they are “only” aggadita and therefore could and should be disregarded because, say, the Rambam didn’t include them in his sefer haMitzvos (for which there are reasons given). Yet, those same Zionists, will go with stories and legends to disregard published halacha simply because of a story that someone learned with someone else or whatever other irrelevancies.


    HaKatan, you keep bringing those who disagreed with RYBS and he would agree with you (as he answered the question whether his secular learning interferes with his Torah learning, he replied – when other T’Ch learn, I learn; when others tell lashon hora about me, I study philosophy). But, as mentioned, R Kotler’s position was somewhat nuanced.

    I came up to seemingly a factual story – when Rav initiated Talmud Class for college girls in the 1970s, R Schwab and some other Rabonim were considering a cherem and wanted to have R Moshe onboard. Some of Rav’s students went to R Moshe hoping to explain that they are not initiating “new reform”, R Moshe dismissed their defense and said “r Soloveitchik’s teaching approach does not require my defense”. Cherem did not materialize. Seems that we can learn from this
    (1) R Moshe respected RYBS’s approach even if it was different from his. Possibly because they were addressing different audiences.
    (2) R Schwab and others maybe did not like RYBS’s approach but did not consider him a heretic at least until 1970s (and RYBS was a public figure from 1930s).
    (3) a harrowing lack of communication between the gedolim from my perspective. Why didn’t they get in the same room or a conference call and discuss all views and implications?


    here is from 1955:
    After more than a half hour of futile effort to get Rav Soloveitchik to publicly oppose giyus banos [female draft into the IDF], Rav Aharon [Kotler] came up with the following brilliancy, of course in Yiddish. He said, Bostoner Rav [R. Soloveitchik], imagine that instead of the three of us discussing this issue, there were another three who were judging the appropriateness of drafting girls into military service. Instead of the Bostoner Rav, there was your zeyde, Reb Chaim. Instead of the Radiner Rosh Yeshiva [R. Mendel Zaks], there was your father-in-law, the Chafetz Chaim. Instead of me, there was my father-in-law, Rav Iser Zalman Meltzer. Bostoner Rav, what would your zeyde have said?

    This masterstroke did not result in a shift in Rav Soloveitchik’s position. He got up and said that he had to leave, “Kletsker Rosh Yeshiva and Radiner Rosh Yeshiva, a gutten tag” and left.


    second part:
    Yet, not long after this incident, in 1954 or 1955, Rav Aharon reached out again to him and enlisted him in efforts to raise funds for Chinuch Atzmai. The high point came at the first Chinuch Atzmai dinner where Rav Soloveitchik made the most remarkable speech I have ever heard…

    [R. Soloveitchik] then lavished praise on Rav Aharon, comparing him in elaborate language, first to the Vilna Gaon, then to Rav Akiva Eger and finally to his zeide, Rav Chaim. I was standing directly behind Rav Aharon as Rav Soloveitchik spoke and as each of these comparisons were made, Rav Aharon tugged at Rav Soloveitchik’s jacket with one hand and implored him to stop and with the other hand he pounded on the table and intoned repeatedly, “Das iz nisht emes, das iz nisht emes.” As I looked more closely at Rav Aharon, I saw that he was crying…


    here is some history between early zionists and Rav Chaim Brisker

    In 1904, years before Menachem Begin was born, Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism died, and Zev Dov Begin, one of the leaders of the Brisk kehila, wanted to hold a memorial service in the main shul. Rav Chaim Brisker said no and locked the shul. Menachem Begin’s father and his friend, Mordechai Schneidermann (whose grandson Ariel Sharon would later play a powerful role in Menachem’s life) broke the lock of Rav Chaim Soloveitchik’s synagogue to conduct a service in Herzl’s memory.

    Does that mean that Begin’s father was not respectful of the Rav? When Begin visited the United States as prime minister, he visited the great rabbis of the Agudah in Rav Moshe Feinstein’s home. He also paid a call on the Lubavitcher Rebbe and held a meeting with Rav Yosef Dov Solovietchik, who insisted on coming to meet Begin, not the reverse. Rabbi Soloveitchik reminded Menachem Begin of the incident in which his father had disobeyed Rav Soloveitchik’s grandfather. The Rav told him that, in the family, they said that this was the one and only time the elder Begin did not follow the Brisker Rav’s guidance in regards to the kehila. Menachem used to tell another story of how his father and the Rav were walking together, and an anti-Semite began harassing the Rav. Zev Dov Begin took his walking stick and hit the gentile over the head. He went to jail, but he was proud that he stood up for the honor of a Jew.

    Non Political

    @ UJM

    I read through the letters you posted from the Satmar Rav. Perhaps you would care to post where the Satmar Rav sees in Rav Kook’s written works or speeches that: ועל הכלל כולו יצא, לכפור בתורה שבכתב ובע”פ ובעיקרי האמונה לתת אותם לשמצה

    enquiring minds want to know

    yankel berel

    Re Rav Kuk
    Yadua lakol in Bnei Brak that Chazon Ish paskined that one is allowed to learn his halacha sfarim , but not his agada sfarim.
    That fits very neatly with Karyana De’igrata who clearly says that athalta d/g is wrong but not kfira.
    So Rav Kuk would not be an apikorus according to Chazon Ish and according to Staipler.

    Thats besides a clear letter from Emrai Emet in Osef Michtavim that although Rav Kuk is mistaken in his hashkafa, he still is a Rav who should not be mevuzah chas veshalom.
    Again clear proof that athaltah d/g , while wrong- is not kfira.

    All of the above clearly not like satmar rav .

    Attempting to rewrite history is an might seem a viable option , but sometimes some pesky historical facts get in the way ….


    Just to clarify again, Mesora & Psak in Rizyhin is that Zionsim is al pi torah.

    Mesora-Psak, is not subject for interpretation and is not a story. Its deeply rooted in torah and stronger than sefarim.


    In a letter to Rabbi Kook, Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer and Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein greeted Rabbi Kook with “Our honored friend, the great gaon and glory of the generation, our master and teacher, Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen, shlita”. Meltzer was also quoted as saying “Let them, any of us, pray on Yom Kippur the way Rav Kook prays on an average weekday.”[43]

    Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer also once said to the famed Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky from Vilna, “The two of us are considered Torah giants until we reach the door of Rabbi Kook’s office.” (cited by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Israel National News, August 8, 2013).

    There are also some rabbis who spoke very highly of Kook in greetings of the letters they sent to him.

    Chaim Ozer Grodzinski: “Our friend, the gaon, our master and teacher, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook, shlita” and “The Glory of Honor, My Dear Friend, Ha-Rav Ha-Gaon, Ha-Gadol, the Famous One… The Prince of Torah, Our Teacher, Ha-Rav Avraham Yitzchak Ha-Cohen Kook Shlita…”[44]

    Boruch Ber Leibowitz: “The true gaon, the beauty, and glory of the generation, the tzaddik, his holiness, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak, may his light shine, may he live for length of good days and years amen, the righteous Cohen, head of the beis din [court] in Jerusalem, the holy city, may it soon be built and established.”

    Chatzkel Abramsky: “The honored man, beloved of Hashem and his nation, the rabbi, the gaon, great and well-known, with breadth of knowledge, the glory of the generation, etc., etc., our master Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook, shlita, Chief Rabbi of the Land of Israel and the head of the Beis Din in the holy city of Jerusalem”

    Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach: “In the time of Rabbi Kook, the majority of Torah giants were ‘all as if nothing’ compared to him.

    Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv: Owing to the close relationship Rabbi Kook had with his grandfather, the Leshem, Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv, Rabbi Kook made the match of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv and his wife, who was the daughter of Rabbi Kook’s close student, Rabbi Aryeh Levin. Rabbi Kook officiated at their wedding, and Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv later chose Rabbi Kook to be the Kohen (Priest) to redeem his oldest son, Shlomo, at his Pidyon Ha-Ben. Rav Elyashiv revered Rav Kook for both his piety and his Talmudic erudition. Rav Elyashiv would do all he could to silence those who would criticize Rav Kook and attempt to diminish his stature. He would frequently describe Rav Kook’s saintliness at his Shabbat table and occasionally reminisce about the times he attended seudah shelishit in his home.

    Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said of Rabbj Kook that he was “a great man” and it is “forbidden to speak against him.” Rabbi Yosef further called Rabbi Kook “Tzaddik Yesod Olam

    We know Haktan will say ots all stories that can be interpreted. Right only his facts are correct. of course he will bully us despite overwhelming evidence that R Kook was a holy man.


    yankel berel:
    It is you who is rewriting both history and facts.

    The fact is that Rabbi Kook published outright heresy. Period. Whether or not to consider him a kofer is a dispute among the gedolim. But it is simply a fact that Rabbi Kook wrote heresy. Like his soccer player line and much, much more. And that heresy is still polluting (via lectures by students and students of students) countless Jewish souls worldwide.

    The Chazon Ish definitively ruled it is forbidden to even sell Rabbi Kook’s “hashkafa” books, let alone read them. It is false to imply that he therefore *approved* in any way of his halacha books.

    Regarding the Imrei Emes’s letter and his supposed approval of Rabbi Kook, even that supposed approval was specifically after Rabbi Kook had agreed to retract his heretical writings – a retraction that Rabbi Kook never did, and Rabbi Kook also later claimed that he meant only to retract the “language” which offended simpletons, rather than the “substance”, of his heretical writings. The Imrei Emes, therefore, never approved of Rabbi Kook, and, in response to the Gerrer Rebbe presenting this, Rav Yosef Chaim and Rav Yitzchak Yerucham did not retract their ban against Rabbi Kook because they found his alleged disavowal of his heretical works to be “insubstantial”.

    Regarding all three points: Rabbi Kook’s heresy and the Imrei Emes’s letter and your rewriting history, you conveniently omitted the parts of that letter where the Imrei Emes wrote against Rabbi Kook’s heresy (including the Gerrer Rebbe stating that Rabbi Kook is “omer al tamei tahor” and), like where the Gerrer Rebbe stated that for Rabbi Kook “to elevate the [physical] exercise of sinners and to flatter them in a shocking manner, to say to them, “Welcome, ministering angels from on high” – this angers the G-d-fearing to a point that is impossible to imagine.

    Take your pick if you were to read his works, but, off-hand, just this one should do it: Rabbi Kook’s stating that the entire Torah will be revealed through the atheist soccer players whom, Rabbi Kook claimed, will be on a greater level of prophecy than even Moshe Rabbeinu.


    You can write heresy and not be a kofer? Not only that but you can still be the greatest gedolims rebbe????
    You are full of yourself! LOL

    yankel berel

    Katan is rewriting the Emrai Emets letters .
    Read them in the original.
    Osef mihtavim.

    Hazon Ish is yadua lakol in bnei brak, that he was matir lehedya rav kuks halacha sfarim.
    Not as a diyuk.

    Katan lost his heskat ne’emanut.
    He simply is not ne’eman when the topic is zionism.

    Rav Shmuel Auerbach z’l did not let the printers take out rav kuks haskama from his fathers sefer , Me’oreh ha’esh.
    Rav shlome zalman z’l printed rav kuks haskama BEFORE R yosef chaim zonnefelds haskama.

    All this is mefursam . If katan wants he can close his eyes and claim that the sun is not shining.


    The ONLY people who are required to listen to the Satmar Rebbe are Satmar Chassidim.

    Satmar Chassidim do not listen to Modern Orthodox Rabbis or Young Israel Rabbis
    or Religious Zionist Rabbis or Chabad Rabbis or Sephardic Rabbis or Tzahal Rabbis,
    even when those Rabbis are expert in all of Shas and all of Shulchan Aruch.

    Since I am not a Satmar Chassid [Baruch HaShem],
    I have *** NO REASON *** to listen to the Satmar Rebbe.

    Baruch SheLo Asani Satmar!

    Non Political

    “Rabbi Kook’s stating that the entire Torah will be revealed through the atheist soccer players whom, Rabbi Kook claimed, will be on a greater level of prophecy than even Moshe Rabbeinu.”

    Where are you quoting this from?


    @ HaKatan
    even that supposed approval was specifically after Rabbi Kook had agreed to retract his heretical writings

    That’s a story based on interpretation. According to you that doesn’t count. Show us that in writing

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