The Anti Mussar Movement

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  • #616945

    If someone lectures you about tzenius take them to task for speaking loshon hora and having no ahavas yisroel . If they admonish you for speaking loshon hora ask them why they use internet without a filter. If they give you Mussar for speaking during davening berate them for davening without a hat.

    All in all, give yourself a pat on the back and stand up for your rights.

    ☕️coffee addict

    What if the person giving you mussar doesn’t have any realizable faults, like one’s mashgiach

    Neville ChaimBerlin

    There’s always reasonable faults. If someone berates you for not wearing a hat, berate him for wearing a hat. That’s how it works here in the CR.

    B1g B0y

    How do you suggest going about “berating” your Mashgiach for not wearing a hat?

    B1g B0y

    Also should you “berate” your Mashgiach for having too much yiras shamayim

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