Thank the President

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    Maybe we should call the White House and say thank you to the president for vetoing the U.N. Security Council resolution against Israel, Maybe if he feels appreciated he might be willing to think about pardoning Pollard.

    ☕️coffee addict


    :p> mbachur <d:


    No because AIPAC dosent care for Pollard.


    deyezooger: And has Obama shown any sign of caring for AIPAC?

    mbachur: What’s that supposed to mean?

    pascha bchochma

    Thank you for posting this.

    Of course it is appropriate for us to express our hakaras Hatov.

    I will do it now and am ashamed I didn’t think of it earlier.


    Since there are elections on the horizon he now cares for AIPAC.

    ☕️coffee addict

    mbachur: What’s that supposed to mean?

    it means that Obama won’t care if he gets a lot of calls vis a vis Pollard, If letters from all these big name people (representatives, and what have you) haven’t done a thing, we can’t either

    personally my take on the matter is that he will be imprisoned and freed when Moshiach comes (which will be soon (I say within 5 years)) I can be wrong in both counts (and I hope I am (for the better))

    :p> mbachur <d:


    Yeah, sure. Oh, and while you’re at it, why not thank the president for the Health Care Bill and Stimulus Package?? He sure is going out of his way to please the Americans as well as the Jews, isn’t he? He LOVES Israel, doesn’t he? Listen to me: He’s a black muslim who WON’T FREE POLLARD. He’d rather free terrorists in Guontanomo Bay (Uh…. eclipse? C’you help me with the spelling? PULEEEEEZ! Just this once, okay?).

    m in Israel

    It’s a good idea for its own sake, regardless of whether or not it helps Pollard!!! It never hurts for any elected official to hear from pro-Israel individuals, particularly the presidents. Give credit where credit is due, and the “positive reinforcement” will probably serve at least as much of a purpose as calling to complain about anti-Israel decisions.

    pascha bchochma

    m in Israel – Thank you for being the voice of reason on this thread!


    mbachur: Public opinion is public opinion. Every little bit helps.

    observanteen: Keep your ignorant frummak bile to yourself.


    observanteen this is the first time he’s done something good for Israel maybe if he feels appreciated he will do more


    Maybe we should thank him and salute him while the two Iranian War ships pass through the Suez Canal?

    Obviously he SHOUTED his support for ISRAEL in regard to the flotilla loudly and clearly.


    Aries, that was in the past this is in the present if we criticize him when he does something wrong than we should praise him when he does something right

    pascha bchochma

    And complaining about it will help us how?

    We should write when we oppose and when we support. Showing we care is the way to get things done. And mods – there’s an earlier post of mine that doesn’t seem to be up in this thread 🙂


    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    You can use a computerized spell-check.


    I’d like to tell all the liberal Jews who voted for him -I told you so. Maybe you should call him, but not to thank him. I heard in the News he told the “Palestinians”, that the reason of the veto was for them. He didn’t want Congress to stop the funding of them. If Barack Obama liked Israel, why didn’t he tell them – Jews have the right to build and live in their own country?



    Why do you give credit for doing the right thing? Is he in kindergarten? Nice boy, good boy! This has always been the policy of the United States a “friend of Israel” and a supporter of democracy. OBama has turned his back on Israel and he has caused tremendous harm and unrest in the middle east. HE does NOT get credit for doing the right thing. HOWEVER, the congressmen and women who wrote to him because THEY didn’t trust him to do the right thing DO.

    Dave Hirsch
    ☕️coffee addict

    mbachur: Public opinion is public opinion. Every little bit helps.

    true, but not with this guy

    :p> mbachur <d:


    I’d like to tell all the liberal Jews who voted for him -I told you so.

    I’ve tried that. Repeatedly. They still like him and think he’s good for the U.S. and Israel. Go figure.

    m in Israel

    Aries — Good point — call/ email your congressman/ senator as well if (s)he has expressed support for Israel.

    That doesn’t change that if Obama gets emails and calls expressing support for Israel when he does something perceived as pro-Israel (even if he is doing it for ulterior motives), it is good for Israel. I’m sure you know from your own vast experience working with people that it is not only in Kindergarten that people need to be reinforced for their behavior, and that behaviors that are reinforced are more likely to be repeated.

    I think Obama is terrible for Israel — but he is the president right now, and the best hishtadlus we can do until the next election is by making sure he is constantly hearing from people who support Israel. This is a good opportunity to “catch him doing something good” (returning to the kindergarten terminology that is very effective for adults as well).


    If you will note what was said afterwards, you’ll see that Obama (via his Secretary of State) still castigated the Israeli settlement policy. I don’t think he deserves any thanks for that.


    i also thanked martin luther king for my day off in january

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