Thank Biden for the Gas Shortage

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    Stopping the Keystone Pipeline. Another dumb move by Biden. Thank him for that, inflation, and the terrorist attacks in Israel. But at least he tweets nicely.


    Lakewhut: Are you intentionally trolling or just uninformed. Keystone would not have been ready until 2023-24 and would have delivered Canadian tar sand crude to refineries in the midwest and upper plains. It would have ZERO affect on deliverability of gasoline, diesel and other distillate products along in the mid-Atlantic /east coast states served by Colonial (which will be on line this weekend). If you want to give thanks, call the Trumpkopf and his cronies who twice resisted making gas pipelines subject to mandatory cyber and reliability standards.


    100 days of this administration gas shortage lumber food commodities are all up dollar is tanking against all currencies Middle East is on fire
    Fake news tells us that 63% want more of this
    Please bring back the mean tweets we had 4 years of peace and prosperity


    Another keystone pipeline reference that makes no sense. America needs really high gas prices for it not to be a massive waste of money.

    Amil Zola

    I recognize that the folks that bloviate here are from the tri state Jewniverse. Be aware, and perhaps be more catholic, small c, in your news reading. The midwest and west are not suffering from fuel shortages.


    @GH, it looks like your the one who was uniformed, crude prices doubled since Biden got elected, he stopped fracking, he threw the US oil industry under the bus to appease the enviromental wakos


    Lakewhut -“Stopping the Keystone Pipeline. Another dumb move by Biden”

    That wasn’t the cause of the shortage.
    But it was Biden’s Fault!
    How come this cyber attack never happened before?
    Because now we have a Federal government that sides with criminals over e/o else.

    Look how they dealt with the Criminal named George Floyd.
    They prosecuted the Cops.
    They defunded the Cops.

    Next time there is a Crime – When you call 911, they should let the Biden people go to the Scene.
    The Hypocritical Leftists in Congress have their own Police Force & for months they had the National Guard.
    We don’t need to Defund the Cops in the US, until we get rid of the Capitol Police!


    The colonial shutdown shows why we need more pipelines. Biden is clueless.


    Gas prices were as low as ever under Trump GH


    Dear Common,

    Crude prices are up, due to oil demand spiking in anticipation of a very busy travel season. Fracking only makes money when the government pays for it. Or if gas goes way up again. And it eventually bankrupts those areas. The oil giants destroyed themselves years ago so that they should not have to pay their workers. Biden pledged do destroy oil before it becomes the disaster that the coal industry is.

    Amil Zola

    No, it’s sad that you couldn’t address the topic I raised vis a vis why the east coast is suffering from shortages in vehicle fuel an rising costs. Here in the PNW with minimal refineries our prices yo yo and it’s not dependent on who is elected.

    The east coast is suffering ’cause this is a pipeline that fills the needs of east coast refineries. Why so stubborn to admit the truth?


    @amil, the PNW has the highest price of gas of any region in the lower 48



    Keep telling lies
    ” now we have a Federal government that sides with criminals over e/o else.

    Look how they dealt with the Criminal named George Floyd.
    They prosecuted the Cops.
    They defunded the Cops.”

    The Federal Government did NOT prosecute and Police in the George Floyd murder, neither did the defund the police.

    Floyd’s murderer was prosecuted by the state. The police are funded by the city with some state assistance.

    STOP LYING….get it through your head, Trump is a LOSER. He couldn’t get reelected or take it in the courts.

    Reb Eliezer

    Health who ousted Krebs who protected us from cyber attacks?


    CTL no just Minnesota and ST Louis did and other democrat cities. You have a way with word games.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    “I recognize that the folks that bloviate here are from the tri state Jewniverse.”

    Wow. Hate much?
    Or does being anonymous mean we don’t have to pretend to be socially appropriate?

    Amil Zola

    CS, gas prices west of the Mississippi have traditionally been higher than the rest of the country , trust me we don’t move to the PNW for cheap gas.


    As we talked in another thread, it is always possible to explain away a problem with yet another, separate, reason, including randomness. This may be where avodah zora impulse comes from – things are not connected, there is a special entity in charge of every item in the world and it has it’s own ideas …

    re: oil prices, yes cyberattack might have came during Trump time, and yes, there is driving season, but it is added to restriction that already exist and the ones that markets factor in for the future. Keystone might have been approved years ago … Cyberattackers might have not attacked if there was a glut of oil or would be afraid of Trump doing something unpredictable … were prices super-low before the attack, they would rise from the lower level…
    need to do hishtadlus before blaming others

    just think what would press say if FBI says cyberattack was done by Russians, but Trump would deny it the way Biden just did. And Biden is still on twitter, I think.


    @amil, no most of the US west of the Mississippi and equal or less the the rest of the US, its inly in the insane states of CA OR and Wa where its higher and the Governor of OR wanted it it even higher at least the GOP senators had enough backbone to prevent a qurom


    trump caused the corona virus and Biden’s vaccines are curing that. trump alienated USA from the world and Biden’s fixing that. trump caused a border crisis that Biden has to deal with. expensive gas? well if trump would stop with the BIG LIE and house republicans could focus their energy somewhere else, maybe they’d find a solution. instead, they demoted Liz Cheney, the conservative congresswoman who actually has experience with frackingpolicies.



    That is the most blatant effort at trolling I have ever seen. Please next time make it a little more subtle in order for it to be slightly entertaining.


    Thanks Biden for soon resolving the gas shortage, for sending us our money, for pre-paying to solve all urgent problems of the 22nd century, and for the wonderful weather forecast next week.

    When we do these future-looking things, we just need to be humble – can we predict what is going to happen? and if not, are we sure we are solving the right problems?
    Read old papers and see what they thought about the future. Say, check these:
    1913: anyone worrying about great war possibly coming?
    1988: anyone discussing how will West and East Germany be able to unite?
    1995: anyone predicting how Internet will be used 20 years later?
    2019: anyone worrying how they are going to walk in masks?


    CTLawyer -“The Federal Government did NOT prosecute and Police in the George Floyd murder, neither did the defund the police.”

    You’re so used to lying in Court, you can’t even understand a simple Post!
    Here’s my quote:
    “Because now we have a Federal government that sides with criminals over e/o else.

    Look how they dealt with the Criminal named George Floyd.
    They prosecuted the Cops.
    They defunded the Cops.”

    Do you happen to Notice that I started a New paragraph?
    Do you know how to even tell the truth?
    You made an assumption that this paragraph is going on the previous!
    Even a HS kid knows the difference between jurisdictions!
    But your hatred on Right wing posters makes you post absurd Posts.
    To explain my post, even to Libs, I was denouncing this Lib Leftist way of Thinking!


    with no indentations, you posted no paragraphs………………………………
    They is a pronoun, it should refer to the previous plural proper noun, in this case Federal Government.
    It could not mean criminals as they don’t prosecute.

    I am not a mind reader. If you intended fior someone besides the Federal Government to have been the prosecuting authority, you should have posted it


    Ctlawyer -“with no indentations, you posted no paragraphs”

    If you looked at the post – you’d clearly see there were 2 paragraphs!


    “The Federal Government did NOT prosecute and Police in the George Floyd murder, neither did the defund the police.”

    Someone who posts that sentence is not qualified to criticize someone else’s grammar.

    “They is a pronoun,”

    That’s a grammatical microgression. Now I’m going to need therapy.

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