Texting Lingo Home › Forums › Decaffeinated Coffee › Texting Lingo This topic has 12 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 3 months ago by shlump. Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total) Author Posts December 30, 2011 2:21 pm at 2:21 pm #601398 musicaldignityMember I always love learning new abbreviations. Please post ones that you know – some I find quite comical. Here are some obvious ones everyone uses: ty atm yw gn np afk idk idc dc nvm OMG my mind is blank i know im forgetting like 100 other obvious ones. HELP December 30, 2011 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm #840235 yentingyentaParticipant hhhhhmmm texting lingo…. i don’t speak that language. if you’re interested, i can give you a list of about 500 med abbreviations 🙂 alphabet soup anyone? December 30, 2011 4:53 pm at 4:53 pm #840236 whats_in_a_nameMember I’m horrified on behalf of the English language. December 30, 2011 4:59 pm at 4:59 pm #840237 yungerman1Participant musicaldignity- I must be getting old. I dont know half of these. ttyl December 30, 2011 5:24 pm at 5:24 pm #840238 Queen BeeMember I don’t know if these are “text talk” but they are the abbreviations I know: brb, hw, dw, btw, ikr, lol, wth, ttyl, ttys, gm, gb, bb, hth, jas, otoh, iirc, gg, gtg, gj, rofl, lmao… And many more that I can’t think of right now. December 30, 2011 5:30 pm at 5:30 pm #840239 IsometimesAgreeParticipant could someone please translate these abbreviations???? I can type random letters also!!! all you do is this: dksl,kdk,lpwe,ytp,bsb,vab,mip,xpdi,qwir,slsofjkd,zxz!! someone try to figure those out!! December 30, 2011 5:40 pm at 5:40 pm #840240 dunnoMember Maybe write out what the stand for to help the less educated… December 30, 2011 5:42 pm at 5:42 pm #840241 shlumpMember firstly if you are righting abbreviations please write what it stands for brb- be right back plz- please wtvr- whatever jk- joking lng- languege txt- text sry-sorry queen bee what does jas, otoh, iirc and rofl stand 4? sorry! ttys gtg but ill brb!!!!!!!!! 🙂 December 30, 2011 5:54 pm at 5:54 pm #840242 ha ha ha haMember gigig- get it got it good btw- by the way or you can just leave out the vowels…. tht- that etc…. December 30, 2011 6:16 pm at 6:16 pm #840243 fan of pdMember shlump—rofl–rolling on the floor laughing otoh–on the other hand mt-mazel tov otw-on the way December 30, 2011 6:23 pm at 6:23 pm #840244 Queen BeeMember Woops, sorry I forgot to add their meanings: 1) brb=be right back 2) hw=homework 3) dw=don’t worry 4) btw=by the way 5) ikr=I know, right 6) lol=laugh out loud 7) wth=what the heck 8) ttyl/s=talk to you later/soon 9) gm=good morning 10) gb=goodbye 11) bb=be back 12) hth=hope that helps 13) jas=just a suggestion 14) otoh=on the other hand 15) iirc=if I recall correctly 16) gg=good game 17) gtg=got to go 18) gj=good job 19) rofl/lmao=other ways of saying lol December 30, 2011 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm #840245 HIEParticipant its crazy that texting has a language of it’s own!! December 30, 2011 7:37 pm at 7:37 pm #840246 shlumpMember thank you queen bee i was trying to figure them out..until everyone started writing what it stands for! Author Posts Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total) You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In