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- This topic has 80 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by Reb Eliezer.
November 12, 2010 12:37 am at 12:37 am #593002TheChevraMember
How can someone do teshuva for murder?
November 12, 2010 4:28 am at 4:28 am #802068myfriendMemberThe same way one does teshuva for avodah zora or mishkav zochor.
November 12, 2010 5:38 am at 5:38 am #802069bezalelParticipantOr turning on a light on shabos.
November 12, 2010 6:39 am at 6:39 am #802070HomeownerMemberTheChevra, just on the slight chance this question is not posted for purely academic reasons, if you have any information regarding the commission of a crime by you or anyone else, posting it on the internet is extremely ill-advised.
There’s a reason police tell you, “You have the right to remain silent.”
November 12, 2010 7:47 am at 7:47 am #802071WIYMemberThe Rambam says you can do Teshuvah on anything however If a Chillul Hashem is involved it will require Missah to be completely mechaper.
However the Rambam and Shaarei Teshuva as well as other sources (I believe its a Gemara) That if one sins and says Echta Veashuv – I will do Teshuvah afterwards his Teshuvah is not accepted.
Your question wasnt can someone do Teshuvah on murder but “how can someone.” As though it happened…Im trying very hard not to read too much into this…
Either way if you want to know how to do Teshuvah on such an Aveira you should learn through the Rambams Hilchos Teshuvah which isnt too long and the sefer Shaarei Teshuvah by Rabbeinu Yonah.
November 12, 2010 8:47 am at 8:47 am #802072d aMemberHomeowner, did you hear about the guy who got a speeding ticket? He placed a video of himself speeding on the internet. And the police ticketed him! I am not making this up! It was on a news site (I think YW)
November 12, 2010 11:57 am at 11:57 am #802073Mother in IsraelMemberDoes retzicha only include intentional murder? My very frum, extremely nice neighbor accidentally hit someone while driving and killed him. Maybe something similar happened to TheChevra.
November 12, 2010 12:00 pm at 12:00 pm #802074TheChevraMemberGood points Homeowner and d a. I’m not going to post any video on the internet.
Now back to our original question: *How* is the teshuva done?
November 12, 2010 12:17 pm at 12:17 pm #802075yes-its-meParticipantsee sharei teshuva end of hilchos teshuva on teshuva on retzicha [i’m almost sure its there] thre is also a teshuva in noda biyehuda on the issue. details are not fit for this forum or anyother blog
November 12, 2010 1:58 pm at 1:58 pm #802076RSRHMemberPlease distinguish between teshuva and kapara. Kapara is what is required to restore the Torah-governed balance of things that was upset by a wrong act (kapara, from kaf, kipa – to cover over something). To get a kapara for killing someone may be extremely difficult and depending on the circumstances, the kapara may not occur until the killer himself dies.
Teshuva is a different story. The killer can better himself and remedy his own personal misconduct by regretting his wrong act, resolving to abstain from it in the future, and actually mending his ways when a similar situation presents itself in the future.
November 12, 2010 2:58 pm at 2:58 pm #802077theprof1ParticipantRetzicha is not just “any” aveirah. You can’t just read a sefer and say ok i’m doing teshuvah. I suggest to go to not just a local orthodox rabbi but rather to an accepted godol such as a rosh yeshiva, mashgiach, chasidish rebbe. and go to the top in each category. Like Rav Moshe Wolfson or Rav Matisyahu Solomon. However if you’re just interested as an intellectual exercise, then you can see what various seforim say about it.
November 12, 2010 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm #802078TheChevraMemberRSRH: Unless you are saying kapara is not possible, how is kapara achieved? How will the person dying of old age achieve kapara at that point?
November 12, 2010 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm #802079WolfishMusingsParticipantDoes retzicha only include intentional murder?
Retzicha refers strictly to unlawful murder. Putting someone to death is harigah, not retzicha.
If it was purely an accident, then I’d say no — he is a “horeg” but not a “rotzeach.” If he was a shogeg (i.e. at least partially negligent), then I’d say yes (the Torah uses the term for someone who must flee to one of the Arei Miklat).
The Wolf
November 12, 2010 3:32 pm at 3:32 pm #802080chesednameParticipantif done on purpose, there is no mechilla, kapara, or coming out of gehenim
November 12, 2010 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm #802082myfriendMemberchesedname:
The Rambam says you can do Teshuvah on anything.
November 12, 2010 3:50 pm at 3:50 pm #802083popa_bar_abbaParticipantKayin did teshuva.
November 12, 2010 3:54 pm at 3:54 pm #802084WolfishMusingsParticipantThe Rambam says you can do Teshuvah on anything.
Does the Rambam address Acher?
The Wolf
November 12, 2010 3:55 pm at 3:55 pm #802085WolfishMusingsParticipantif done on purpose, there is no mechilla, kapara, or coming out of gehenim
I’d like to know your source on that.
The Wolf
November 12, 2010 4:01 pm at 4:01 pm #802086YW Moderator-80Memberi dont know about the Rambam but Rabbi Miller, tz’l, said acher absolutely could do Tshuva, only he would not be aided in this. the bas kol was a test just like the Nevuah to Yecheschiel that he would shortly die and Tshuvah wouldnt help
November 12, 2010 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm #802087HomeownerMemberd a (I see why you use lower case letters as they surely do not stand for “district attorney.”)
No, I didn’t hear that story nor would I care. A ticket in New York requires the officer to personally observe the commission of the offense charged.
Personally, I think this thread is a big put-on.
November 12, 2010 5:19 pm at 5:19 pm #802088squeakParticipantHomeowner, good point!
d a – you are hereby charged with changing your screen name to something that does not imply you are a district attorney! This is a very serious offense. Take this friendly advice or you get in trouble.
November 12, 2010 5:27 pm at 5:27 pm #802089WolfishMusingsParticipantbut Rabbi Miller, tz’l, said acher absolutely could do Tshuva, only he would not be aided in this. the bas kol was a test
Did Acher know it was a test? If HKBH told you something, would you not take Him at face value? Avraham Avinu did — to the point where he was ready to slaughter his son.
The Wolf
November 12, 2010 5:27 pm at 5:27 pm #802090apushatayidParticipantA better question is, how to do teshuva for all the lashon hara, read and written on YWN.
November 12, 2010 5:28 pm at 5:28 pm #802091d aMemberd a:
the d stands for EDITED and the a stands for EDITED
November 12, 2010 5:31 pm at 5:31 pm #802092YW Moderator-80Memberi dont know wolf
why dont you study the sugya wolf and learn what the meforshim say or ask a Talmid Chchom to explain to answer your speculations. i am not a Talmid Chochom.
if Rabbi Miller, tz’l said it was a test it was a test. he didnt make things up out of thin air. why dont you think about it and see if you can come up with a possible explanation
November 12, 2010 5:35 pm at 5:35 pm #802093apushatayidParticipantR’ Meir obviously disagreed with Acher because he never gave up trying to be (for lack of a better word) mekarev him.
November 12, 2010 5:46 pm at 5:46 pm #802095R ShmuelMemberchesedname
FALSE! FALSE! FALSE! – There is absolutely NO aveirah in the world that one cannot do teshuva on! Ask any competant Rov, (or any Breslover chosid as they are all well versed in this topic.)
November 12, 2010 5:51 pm at 5:51 pm #802096WolfishMusingsParticipanthe didnt make things up out of thin air.
I never said he did. Please don’t imply that that is what I meant.
The Wolf
November 12, 2010 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm #802097WolfishMusingsParticipantThere is absolutely NO aveirah in the world that one cannot do teshuva on!
Well, there is the sin of my being alive. 🙁
The Wolf
November 12, 2010 5:54 pm at 5:54 pm #802098WIYMemberWolf
Rabbi Shafier from the Shmuz discusses it in his Hilchoos Teshuvah boot camp 3 shiur series. Worth a listen!
November 12, 2010 5:57 pm at 5:57 pm #802099chesednameParticipantR Shmuel
not true murder, aishesh ish, etc
there are a small amount where u stay in gehenim
November 12, 2010 6:10 pm at 6:10 pm #802100TheChevraMemberMother in Israel: C’V. I don’t know anyone this situation would be applicable to. It is a halachic discussion.
November 12, 2010 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm #802102myfriendMemberchesedname,
What is your source for your assertion?
November 12, 2010 6:29 pm at 6:29 pm #802103WolfishMusingsParticipantnot true murder, aishesh ish, etc
there are a small amount where u stay in gehenim
Still waiting to see a source (and, since you’re stating there’s more than one) a list of which sins are covered.
The Wolf
November 12, 2010 7:03 pm at 7:03 pm #802104R ShmuelMemberchesedname
What you are saying is WRONG. Even on the most chomer aveiros including murder, eishes ish, etc. one can do complete teshuva.
Many people somehow have a wrong hashkafa on this matter.
November 12, 2010 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm #802105R ShmuelMemberWolf
I am not sure what you mean – please explain
November 13, 2010 11:41 pm at 11:41 pm #802106chesednameParticipanti’m aware of teh rambam, this wouldn’t be the first time i saw a machlakos.
gemarah rosh hashanah 17a
sanhedrin 99a
bava metzia 58b
shaarei teshuvah, whole chapter, title is , the sins that ppl won’t come out of gehenim
chofetz chaim chovat hashemirah on ribis where he says they won’t have techias hamesim.
November 13, 2010 11:49 pm at 11:49 pm #802107WIYMemberWhat you are saying is WRONG. Even on the most chomer aveiros including murder, eishes ish, etc. one can do complete teshuva.
Many people somehow have a wrong hashkafa on this matter.
Incorrect. Once you brought a Mamzer into the world thres no undoing that. Although there may be some way to do Teshuvah Im not sure theres a 100% Teshuvah for making a Mamzer.
November 14, 2010 12:04 am at 12:04 am #802108WolfishMusingsParticipantI am not sure what you mean – please explain
I mean that if chesedname is going to make such an assertion, I would like to know the source and the complete list of sins for which there is no teshuva.
The Wolf
November 14, 2010 1:06 am at 1:06 am #802109HomeownerMemberR Shmuel, how does one do teshuva for Chilul Hashem? I ask because although one could theoretically ask the Almighty for mechila, many hold that this is also a sin against the entire B’nai Yisroel since all are harmed. How could one ask mechila from the entire B’nai Yisroel?
November 14, 2010 1:30 am at 1:30 am #802110myfriendMemberchesedname: Those sources are talking if the person didn’t do teshuva; not if they did.
November 14, 2010 1:38 am at 1:38 am #802111apushatayidParticipantThe same way one would go about asking for mechila from “modern orthodox jews” or “everyone in lakewood” or other large groups of people frequently disparaged on YWN.
November 14, 2010 3:37 am at 3:37 am #802112oomisParticipantTeshuva for murder is completed only with the death of the posheya. Murder and killing someone are not necessarily the same thing.
November 14, 2010 10:58 am at 10:58 am #802113apushatayidParticipantThere is teshuva and there is a kappara. A person does teshuva, hashem provides the kappara.
November 28, 2010 10:04 pm at 10:04 pm #802116eclipseMemberkol hamalbin es pnei chaveiro b’rabim ki’eeloo horgo. i was once so humiliated i actually felt the color draining from my face.
August 25, 2011 2:51 pm at 2:51 pm #802118ObaminatorMemberAnyone can do teshuva for any aveira. Even Levi Aron can do teshuva. There is no such thing as an aveira you can’t do teshuva for.
August 25, 2011 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm #802120HachamMemberHow do you know if someone did teshuva for a public aveira?
August 25, 2011 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm #802121HealthParticipant“Even Levi Aron can do teshuva.”
If he’s insane (Shoita), he doesn’t have to.
August 25, 2011 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm #802122Sam2ParticipantHealth” If someone is insane they cannot be held responsible in Beis Din. Only Hakadosh Baruch Hu knows how in control they were of their mental faculties and how much, if any, Teshuvah needs to eb done.
August 25, 2011 6:58 pm at 6:58 pm #802123mikehall12382MemberI would imagine that in oreer for Teshuva to be reached, they must get forgiveness from those the murder affected like parents, spouce, kids etc…not sure if that is possible
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