Tehllim at night?

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    Why do some people refrain from saying Tehillim at night?


    Some people have such a minhag? You learn something new every day.

    The Wolf (who clearly has no problem saying Tehilim at night)

    not I

    Apparently it has chassidish origin. Something about the “Shin- daleds” out then.


    probably because they are tired and dont have the strength to have the correct Kavonos.

    i used to say Perek Shira at night until someone told me it cant be said at night, so i went into Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita and asked him if there is such a rule and he told me i can say it whenever i want. so now i still say it at night.

    good night


    I heard torah shebichsav is done in day

    and ba’al peh at night idealy


    Al pi kabballah there are some people who refrain from saying pesukim at night.


    “i used to say Perek Shira at night until someone told me it cant be said at night, so i went into Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita and asked him if there is such a rule and he told me i can say it whenever i want. so now i still say it at night.”

    PEREK SHIRAH IS NOT ???? ????? ITS A ?????? AND IS LIKE ??????


    Al pi kabballah there are some people who refrain from saying pesukim at night.

    Oh well, I guess that’s another reason I’m going to hell. When I prepare the laining for Shabbos morning, I always do it Friday night.

    The Wolf


    See B’eer Heitev O”Ch 238(2)


    Apparently you’ll be in the company of the mechaber who says to be maavir sedra Friday night. Can I go to hell with you? 😉


    one should only worry about what kabbalah says if there is a gadol who says this we should hold by (and the rest of the gedolim don’t argue), because otherwise you can do alot of strange things that are “al pi Kabbalah”. The Ari Z”L had 12 challahs each shabbos meal – yet i haven’t heard of anyone today who has that minhag. There are many more important things for us to worry about doing right that are far more basic, starting with the bein adam lachaveiro’s which so many of us seem to forget about quite often, or the many halachos that so many people are totally unaware of, before lookinig up kabbalistic kavanos to raise our spiritual level.


    i think i recall hearing a reason for this once. something about the middah of din being stronger than rachamim at night, and therefore, not a prudential time to daven for sick people, unless its a time-critical emergency. i’m not big on kabbalah so i can’t elaborate, only repeat what i heard.


    Wolf, it doesn’t apply to Friday night. I think it doesn’t apply to Thursday night, either. It’s not really Chasidish in origin, but Chasidim usually say more attention to Inyanim.



    Nice try Velvel but I don’t think Hashem will be sending you to Gehenom for that one.

    A) it is only a minhag al pi kabballah that is not practiced by everyone

    B) starting from chatzos on Thursday night it doesn’t apply. Nor do I think Motzei Shabbosim count- although I could be wrong there.


    That’s why we don’t say ????? by maariv in the weekdays.


    ‘Oh well, I guess that’s another reason I’m going to hell. When I prepare the laining for Shabbos morning, I always do it Friday night.”

    wolf FYI even those who dont say psukim at night do so on friday night, sorry to spoil your trip to hell…


    Although this isn’t my minhag, I was told that this minhag doesn’t apply on Thursday and Friday nights and doesn’t apply to Tehillim.



    I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that we probably don’t say “v’shomru bnei Yisroel es HaSHABBOS…” on weekdays because its talking about shabbos. Otherwise, we might need to start saying “vayidaber Moshe es mo’adei…” on weekday maarivs now.





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    Halacha – Mikra at night

    Submitted by anonymous Answered by Rav Peretz Moncharsh

    Question: I was told not to read the actual parsha at night. Exceptions include Friday night and maybe Thursday night. In winter, it is difficult to get shnaim mikra v’echad targum if we do not read parsha at night. Concerning this halacha, what is considered ‘night’? How early in the morning, for example, could I read it? Thank you

    Answer: Thursday night is also fine. The Mishna Berura deduces from the Pri Megadim that it is only a preference to refrain from mikra at night but not an obligation, however the mekuballim are very strict on this issue based on the Arizal. While there are some opinions that permit chumash after chatzos, the predominant and accepted opinion is not until alos hashachar. If you learn Rashi together with the pesukim, it is permitted.


    Halacha – thilim at night

    Submitted by anonymous Answered by Rav Peretz Moncharsh

    Question: we now that ein koirin mikre bleile, e”p Kabbala its forbidden to say thilim at night so my question: I want that my kid to study ivre at night if its different. Tanks.


    The main issue of learning mikra at night is studying Chumash, and many Poskim permit reciting Tehillim because it is supplications. In this case it is not clear since you are studying it might not have the leniency of Tehillim, on the other hand if the intention is only to learn the language it might not be considered learning Torah at all.


    Day time – night time… Aren’t we supposed to “meditate on [the Torah] by day and by night?

    I’ve heard of this minhag – it seems to be Chasidishe – but if you’re not Chassidish and you really worry about it – go ask your Rav. We shouldn’t be picking up every minhag we hear about. That’s a good way to get confused (and to confuse your kids along with you).


    Thanks for the hope guys, but I’m afraid I’m still going to hell. It’s not just Friday night — if Yom Tov comes out during the week, I prepare the laining for that the night before too. In addition, the majority of my prep for laining Megillas Esther is usually done at night as well.

    The Wolf


    Wolf: At least you, unlike a prusta goy, will have a chelek in Olam Haboa after your short stint where you insist you are headed.


    Wolf: At least you, unlike a prusta goy, will have a chelek in Olam Haboa after your short stint where you insist you are headed.

    Kind of you to say so, but I, in fact, have no chelek in Olam HaBah. We’ve been over this, remember? I own a TV, I call my wife and kids by nicknames, I’ve read “outside books,” I don’t wear a hat/jacket by davening (as per a former Rosh Yeshiva of mine)… Preparing my laining at night is just the tip of my wickedness.

    The Wolf


    em<Aren’t we supposed to “meditate on [the Torah] by day and by night?>

    It is a chiyuv d’oraita for every Jewish male to recite the shema every night. In fact, it is the very first mishnah in the oral torah!


    Wolf- I don’t find your hell stories amusing at all.

    You ever heard of the pasuk “Eilu V’eilu Divrei Elokim Chaim”?

    If some people have minhagim or different ways of living, it doesn’t make what you do ASSUR. (Besides if you do things Mamish Kneged the Torah).

    We each have our own ways of serving Hashem.

    If others perform every Segulah and Chumrah, it doesn’t make them better Jews.

    You don’t have to follow everything you hear from every different Rav. You do what your own Rav tells you to.

    So would you pleeeeaaase stop with this nonsense already?


    So would you pleeeeaaase stop with this nonsense already?

    It’s not nonsense. It is how I honestly, truly feel.

    I’m constantly told that I have no right to disagree with Rabbi Akiva (reading “outside books”), Rabbi Miller (owning a TV), my Rosh Yeshiva (not wearing hat/jacket by davening), the Rambam (using nicknames) or anyone else (all the other things) in the accepted canon of rabbinic leadership. If I have no right to disagree, and they all agree that I have no chelek in Olam HaBah, who am I to disagree? And if I dare to follow a rav who offers a lenient opinion, all I hear is “is your rav greater than Gadol X?”

    Heck, I get shouted down here anytime I even try to respectfully disagree with any of the above. Now that I agree with them I’m catching flack? I can’t win. If I agree, I’m doing wrong. If I disagree (even respectfully), I’m doing wrong.

    So fine. I’m maskim to Rav Miller. I’m maskim to the Rambam. I’m maskim to my former Rosh Yeshiva. And I’m maskim to everyone else — and that’s good for me. Now I don’t have to worry about doing mitzvos for reward — I can do them just for the sake of doing them. I’ve accepted my lot — why can’t you?

    The Wolf


    “I’m constantly told that I have no right to disagree “

    Maybe you don’t. But your rav does!

    ‘And if I dare to follow a rav who offers a lenient opinion, all I hear is “is your rav greater than Gadol X?”‘

    The people who say that need to consider two things:

    (1) Your rav may indeed be greater than Gadol X, just not as well known.

    (2) Gadol X might well be equally lenient in your particular situation.

    If you are following your own rav everyone else must accept that.


    Wolf, I don’t know why my past 2 posts didn’t go through.

    But who are these “posters” to tell you which Gedolim to follow? As long as you feel that you are doing the right thing.

    Heck with all of them.

    Follow YOUR Rav.


    I think the issue here is that because the site is calledYeshivah World News it tends to attract more Yeshivish people.

    If some of us would go to Tzioni World News (no I don”t think there is such a thing) and start talking about how the Chazon Ish etc. was against the creation of a medinah we would likewise be shot down.

    This is similar to that older poster jewishfeminist or something like that. While there may not be anything halachically wrong with being a feminist per se, this site might not be the place to pronounce it out loud.

    Self-deprecation aside, you just need to know your audience.

    Pashuteh Yid

    OMG, Wolf, you are laining at night??? I think they may have to build some new sections in gehenom just for you. They have never had anybody that bad before.

    Pashuteh Yid

    Mods, I think you may have to ban Wolf from this site. He is laining at night, now. I mean how much can we righteous people take?


    OMG, Wolf, you are laining at night??? I think they may have to build some new sections in gehenom just for you. They have never had anybody that bad before.

    I’m sorry if I was not clear. I *prepare* for laining at night.

    The only times I actually lain at night are on Simchas Torah and Purim — and in both of those cases, it is the halacha to do so.

    The Wolf



    I think the Rambam holds that sheidim never existed and were just a moshul for something or other.


    I’m not sure why you guys decided to descend upon this Hanhaga that the Chida and others bring?

    Avram in MD


    Do you say Ashrei three times a day?

    I think I understand the point you are trying to make, but I don’t understand your strategy.


    Do you say Ashrei three times a day?

    Yes I do. So do you believe that a complete kofer can simply “hedge his bets” by saying Ashrei three times a day? Or might there be a deeper meaning to that Gemara?

    The Wolf

    Avram in MD

    Hi Wolf,

    Perhaps there is a deeper meaning, similarly, perhaps there is a deeper meaning to the Rambam’s statement about nicknames, etc. Why take one at face value, and not the other?


    Wolf, when are you going to realize that your satire is just going over people’s heads? You’ve been reading too much Mark Twain. (For that matter, so have I.)



    Horatian satire: “directs wit, exaggeration, and self-deprecating humour toward what it identifies as folly…(Wikipedia)”

    I think that is the issue that people are addressing.


    Wolf, when are you going to realize that your satire is just going over people’s heads?

    Why do you assume I’m engaged in satire?

    The Wolf


    Perhaps there is a deeper meaning, similarly, perhaps there is a deeper meaning to the Rambam’s statement about nicknames, etc. Why take one at face value, and not the other?

    Because, IMHO, it more sense to say that the Rambam is talking straight than to say that the absolute worst person in the world (a mass murderering kofer) could somehow get into Olam HaBah because he recited a Psalm three times a day.

    That’s my opinion. You’re free to disagree, of course… but if so, then I think we just need to agree to disagree.

    The Wolf

    Avram in MD

    Why do you assume I’m engaged in satire?

    The Wolf


    Some of the things you write are either satire or absurd in the context of your other posts, and are so consistent that they can be predicted reliably:

    Random opening post: Have you heard of A? Some people think it’s assur, what does the coffee room think?

    Random responder: I don’t see anything wrong with A.

    Joseph incarnation CXVIII: A is not something a yid should do.

    Wolf: I do A because it’s an essential component of performing mitzvah B. Yet another reason I’m going to hell.

    This is a change of tactics from what you were doing several months ago, by following up strong or moral arguments with over the top self-insulting. My guess is that you really don’t like it when someone makes blanket statements about another’s eternity (which is essentially trampling on Hashem’s domain), and are using a very deadpan satire to bring it to the forefront. It seems, however, that the great majority of blanket statements regarding others’ eternities in this forum have come from a single poster under multiple screennames, so why do you act like it is epidemic here?

    Avram in MD

    Because, IMHO, it more sense to say that the Rambam is talking straight

    Do you really, in your heart believe that, if the Rambam were alive today and you went to him with a shaila about calling your children darlings, that he would say you were condemned to gehenim for it? When so many other actual sins don’t have that statement attached to it?

    Or do you think that something was qualitatively lost in the translation of nicknames, and that the Rambam is talking about a case where the nickname can be destructive to a person’s life?

    How much credit do you give to the Rambam?

    PS – What makes names like Eeees a “nickname” vs. a special additional given name?


    My guess is that you really don’t like it when someone makes blanket statements about another’s eternity (which is essentially trampling on Hashem’s domain), and are using a very deadpan satire to bring it to the forefront.

    clearly this is the case, as i have said a few times before, but you said it better

    wolf will not admit this however

    Avram in MD


    To be honest, I’m not sure why I’ve responded to him so strongly. I have never condemned anyone, and the Wolf condemns no one save himself, so whether his words are satire or not, they are not directed towards me personally at all. Initially I responded out of curiosity, but I think some of it resonates with my background. I apologize for helping to pull this thread off topic.


    I apologize for coming off so strongly.

    -Fellow pack member


    I apologize for coming off so strongly.

    No need to apologize to me. If you feel I’m wrong about something, never apologize for civil disagreement, however strong. While you may disagree with me, you have always been civil and respectful — and so, I have no complaints against you. I never have a problem with people who disagree with me, as long as they do so in a civil and respectful manner.

    wolf will not admit this however

    I certainly have my faults. Lying, however, is not among them. If I say that I am serious about something, then I am serious about it.

    The Wolf


    Who is the person who is posting under several screen names? Could someone tell me which sceen names so I need only post one reply if I disagree with him/her?

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