tefillin donation

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  • #606155

    I am running a kiruv program in the former soviet union over channukah. I am trying to get at least one pair of tefillin in many of the small towns, so at least the residents will have a chance to put on tefiillin daily. Would anybody like to donate used but good condition tefillin for this great cause, or does anyone know where where i can get used but good condition tefillin at very low prices.

    Thank you for your help,

    signing on behalf of our brothers in the former soviet union


    Get my email address from the mods. I have a pair and can probably access a few more.



    Tizku lemitzvos.

    It’s encouraging to see this site used for such chessed.


    @ ItcheSrulik,

    WOW! that would be amazing. yaasher koach. sorry i am fairly new here, how do i email the mods to get ur email address?

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