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    my teenaged daughter fell in touch with a boy, he isn’t from a bad family. Should I let them be, or should I stop it.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You shouldn’t be hanging out with a boy, or pretending that it’s your daughter who is.


    Boys may never socialize with a girl who is non-immediate family other than for the purposes, or serious potential thereof, of marriage.


    Dara’s yochid. It is my daughter not me. Stop being rude

    Letakein Girl

    My troll detector is going off…


    Lovelyme, this is probably not the best place to get advice about this, unless you are prepared to accept that most people here do not believe in friendships between boys and girls. Not knowing your daughter, and not knowing the boy, it’s not so glatt to say it’s a good idea or a bad idea. Also, how young a teen is she? 2

    If you are yeshivish, then clearly this is not something that is considered acceptable by people in your chevra. If you are a bit more modern frum, it may be routine for boys and girls to meet and mingle in organizations, group activities, etc.

    In my teen years, the latter was very commonly done and no one would have thought negatively about it. But we live in different times now, and what was once very acceptable, no longer is. A lot of that is because our society is so pervaded by shmutz that additional steps are needed to keep our kids grounded.

    I do think you should talk first with your daughter about your concerns, see where she is in all this, and speak to your rov for guidance.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Also, how young a teen is she? 2

    If she’s 2, it’s alright.

    Also, http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/monsey-girls-high-schools#post-556770


    Be happy that Ha-Shem doesn’t expect a payment for making shiduchs.


    The relationship may not be the best idea, but I’ve also seen that when they are forced into it, they go underground and often the results are far worse.

    I suggest you speak candidly with your daughter and agree on set limits. If you can’t prevent it completely, it’s probably the next best thing.

    Shopping613 🌠

    Don;t know your hashkafa, nor your daughter’s age.

    I suggest you try telling your daughter in a round a bout way and showing her how special it is your hashkafa, to be shomer negiah, and such things. Try letting her know that being “just friends” is easily lead in to other things if you aren’t careful.

    If she knows this and is strong, the friendship will probbobly die it’s own death, being that a boy and girl that are frum have practically no way of doing anything with each other and being avaavilible at the same times.


    Tell her to start listening to rabbi wallerstien in a round about way.

    She’ll stop on her own account after hearing ideas from him.

    The best way is for her to grow on her own with you pushing her in right direction


    DY. 2 was a typo that I did not catch.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I know. 🙂

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