For the past 3 weeks, in the face of terrible circumstances, Am Yisrael came together with achdus. It didn’t matter what background the boys came from. Nobody asked, were they Yeshivish, chassidish, litvish, sefardic, Modern Orthodox, or any other form of Judaism. They were Jews, and that’s what mattered.
Why must it take a tragedy such as this to unite us? Why do we bicker and fight endlessly, saying “I am right and you are wrong!” when things are going well? Maybe, when that happens, Hashem decides to remind us of how we should be acting.
Let us take a lesson from these 3 boys. Let us take the achdus that they brought about, and not let it fade away. Let’s continue the spirit of achdus and ahavas Yisrael even when things seem to be going well. In the zchus of this, may the Beis HaMikdash be rebuilt, and may we know no more sorrow.
Baruch dayan emes. Hashem Yinakem damam.