There is a lot going on right now. This Elul, we have a tremendous opportunity to make a difference for Am Yisrael and the world. Of course, we should always try to do the best we can. But this month, the King is in the field, as it’s said. And so we should take this opportunity.
-Improve on guarding our speech and judging others favorably. Learn what to say and what not.
-Be a good example for others, whether for our kids or for our neighbors. We should be a good example with both bein adam L’Makom and bein adam L’chaveiro so we can do a kiddush Hashem and have more achdus
– Turn rote practice into kavanah and joy. As Tehillim says we should serve Hashem with Joy. When we internalize it, our practice has more soul, more meaning.
And trust in Hashem, while these times difficult, Hashem is with us and will help us through