Switched from Mac to PC

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    Does such a person exist?

    Thank you ☺


    95% of people use PC’s rather than Macs. So, yes, they certainly exist.


    Once you use a Mac you don’t go back.


    I went from Mac to PC and was happy with the PC, and then back to Mac again, because that was what work gave me. Now I love the Mac and when I look at a PC I can’t even figure out how to get started- the newer versions of Windows are so different from what they used to be! But if I had to buy myself a computer, , I don’t think I could afford the Mac and would have to get used to to the PC again.


    WTP: What field do you work in? (Graphics?)

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    she has already mentioned she is a nuclear scientist in north korea


    WTP: During the Mac to PC to Mac transitions… did you also switch your phone to an Apple phone to an Android and then back to Apple?


    Shh.. syag, that is top secret.
    LB, no- back when I got my first Mac people used these clunky cell phones (also known as car phones) and thought they were very techonologically advanced. I got my first cell phone sometime during the PC phase. It was cool- I could fit it in my pocket and play Mancala and Snake on it and actually call anyone without needing change for a pay phone. Actually, my current phone isn’t all that much advanced,
    To put things in context, my first Mac was a desktop that came with 4 MB RAM, which I upgraded to a whopping 8 MB. It had a floppy drive, but no CD drive or internal modem. Eventually I got an external CD reader and external modem. To get internet, I used a dial-up service and tied up my phone line the whole time. Hmm. come to think of it, my current MacBook doesn’t have a CD Drive or a modem either…


    WTP: Car phones are circa 1980s era. In the ’90s people already had portable cellphones. You aren’t ancient enough to have had a Mac in the car phone era.

    4 MB RAM is circa mid-’90s. Did you ever have a 5.25″ floppy or are you the 3.5″ type?


    Thank you WTP ☺


    Joseph: 3.5″ type on my Mac, but I did use other computers with both. I even remember a teacher in elementary school showing us punch cards (see, I really am ancient Joseph). Does anyone remember ZIP drives and JAZZ drives? The answer to the memory storage problem! ZIPS, if I remember correctly, could be used for both PCs and Macs so it was a good way to transfer data between different users.

    When I got my Mac in the early 90s people were starting to get portable cell phones, but it was not so common. The cell phones were so cumbersome at first that they were really not all that portable. My parents gave me one to use when I traveled alone places in the car, since it was only used for that purpose, I still considered it a car phone. That changed pretty quickly though – the goal became to make them as small as possible, credit card like. Now ironically the trend is reversed, since you actually have to see the screen on an iphone.

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