Summer Camps for Yeshiva Bochurim

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  • This topic has 12 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by bpt.
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    Many Yeshiva’s & Mesivta’s nowadays have decided, that there should be eleven Month’s of Yeshiva, as opposed to the regular ten month school year. Some Mesivta’s take their boys to one of the camps, and run their Yeshiva program within the camp, for the “1st half” of the summer. Do you feel that the boy’s should be required to attend the Yeshiva’s 1 month program, or should it be optional?


    If your son is registered to the yeshiva, then he must abide to all the yeshivos rules and takonos. Thus being, if the yeshiva obligates thier bouchrim to attend thier 1st half program, being a talmid of the yeshiva he must go, if the yeshiva says its optional, than I guess its optional. I don’t think its up to the parents to decide the takonos of the yeshiva.

    bein hasedorim

    On the yeshiva’s part, it is so wrong!

    These boys who already spend 10 months a year in yeshiva need a break sometimes. It’s one thing if the yeshiva encourages their talmidim to come for a month in the summer. But to force every kid to go? It’s outrageous. Many boys live the whole year, literally counting down the days till summer. The summer is a time for kids to relax, make new friends, show their talents,and of course have fun, without the pressures they feel in school. Isn’t the summer time called “vacation?”

    Also, all of the “good” batei medrashim now require their talmidim to attend this extra 1 month program. Many of the bochurim from these yeshivos would otherwise be working in camps as counselors and such, but yeshiva requires them to stay for at least a month. If all the good bochurim have to to be in yeshiva during the summer, who are our children’s counselors? Are the camps taking guys from not such great yeshivos as counselors since all the “good guys” are stuck in yeshiva?


    Do they get off Elul and Nisan for bein hazmanim?

    All Yeshivos in E”Y only have the three weeks at the end of Av as far as I know but they have Elul and Nisan off. So if they make up for the lost time with extra Sukos and Pesach, I don’t really see the big deal.


    You have a choice in schools. You shouldn’t criticize your choice school for their policies.


    bein hasdorim – Are you a mechanech? Are you a menahel, or rosh hayeshiva, or a mashgiach? Who are you to decide whats right or wrong on the yeshivas part?


    Please don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to criticize the Yeshivos. I just wan’t to know, what your feelings are on this matter. I also would like to say, that certain Yeshivos where it works out kol Hacavod, but in places where it does not work out (war verse the Menahel) I would venture to say, it’s not worth it(my own humble opinion).


    I heard that Rav Bender made such a comment to R’ Shmuel Berembaum Z’l many years ago and after that comment R’Shmuel “left alone” those bachurim who returned late to the zman because they were counselors in camp.


    Many, if not most, of the Yeshivos that have yeshiva during the first month of the summer give off a full month for both Elul and Pesach bein hazmanim. That’s plenty of vacation.


    MW13: I don’t know of any such Yeshiva.


    geshmokster – You definetly didn’t sound like that in your OP.


    We are still left with the question. If the mesivta bachurim are in yeshiva (or their yeshivas camp) who should camps hire as counselors for the younger boys?

    The way I heard the story I mentioned in previous post: When R’ Shmuel Z’l inquired of R’ Bender Shlita who the camp counselors were, R’ Bender repplied “nar bums”. He saw that R’ Shmuel was taken aback by his response, and that is when he told him, who should we hire, if the yeshiva bachurim are not allowed to be in camp for the entire summer.


    Who to hire? Simple. Hire the boys that are post EY, but not yet ready for BMG. Oh, wait.. I forgot.. “those” boys are not the ones camps want to hire.

    Hmmm… quite a pickle we’ve made for ourselves. Serves us right.

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