Suggestions on How Much Tzedaka to Give on Purim

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    I seem to run into this challenge every Purim. I have a policy to give everyone who comes to my home on Purim collecting tzedaka a few hundred dollars each. The issue that arises is that some mosdos have upwards of a dozen guys (or even teenagers) coming by. I don’t necessarily think they do this as a strategy, but more likely each collector thinks on his own of coming independently of other collectors for the same mosod.

    My gabbai does keep a running tally throughout the day of who was given how much and for which mosdos. But I’ve been reluctant until now to decline to give someone (or to give less than a b’kovodike amount) just because someone else already collected for the same mosod. But I think it’s now getting out of hand with some mosdos receiving a few thousand each, simply because more guys were collecting for them, and other mosdos, no less worthy, are receiving only several hundred each.

    What would you do in such a matzif?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Just do what I do. Give them all $2,500 regardless.


    DY: I wish I could do that but I’m not a gvir like you. Which is why I find this matzav challenging in the first place. If I had unlimited resources I’d do exactly as you suggest and more.


    The guideline I heard is that Matanos l’Evyonim should be greater than the amount spent on the Seudah and Shlach Manos.

    I don’t think that people collecting door to door has a halachic basis, and it certainly isn’t part of the mitsvos of the day.


    Change your policy to give $1 bills and hand them out in fistfuls.


    RY23: I give checks rather than cash. I’ve found over the years that checks helps alleviate the issue of cash getting lost or inadvertently misapplied/going to an unintended recipient.


    AKuperman: The Halacha on Purim is that we don’t ask questions before giving tzedaka; we give to all who ask.

    The little I know

    Supporting yeshivos and many other causes are certainly praiseworthy and great mitzvos. However, these have no greater connection to Purim than any other day of the year. The only form of tzedokoh that is connected to Purim is Matanos Loevyonim. There are causes that fit within the rubric of Matanos Loevyonim, at least the spirit of it.

    ☕️coffee addict

    I would make a game where you have a bunch of envelopes each with a check for a certain amount and the mosad (or the group leader) would have to choose a bachur to pick out the check


    CA: The problem with your suggestion is that the bochorim (from the same mosdos) come at different times during Purim. It’s not like they’re all there at the same time.

    TLIK: Are you suggesting that I treat Purim no different than any other day of the year insofar as supporting mosdos?

    ☕️coffee addict

    “CA: The problem with your suggestion is that the bochorim (from the same mosdos) come at different times during Purim. It’s not like they’re all there at the same time.“


    Then I suggest you move OOT

    Bachurim don’t come separately oot

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