sugarfree grapejuice for pesach

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    I’m a diabetic and need to be really careful. Anyone know of the lowest sugar grape juice for the seder?. Can’t tolerate wine otherwise I would use white. Any ideas out there?


    I think dry wines have lower sugar content.

    Also, get a small cup that only holds a ??????, and only drink ??? ??????.

    It will only add up to about 8oz for the night.


    kedem makes a “light grape juice” its basically watered down with 1/3 the amount of sugar..u can buy it in any grocery


    Kedem light jc.

    (Or water it down by yourself!)

    You can make your own grp jc by squeezing good grapes and filtering the seeds and other dirt.

    Many people do this for Pesach.


    kedem makes a “light grape juice” its basically watered down with 1/3 the amount of sugar..u can buy it in any grocery

    The reduced sugar and calorie content of the Kedem “Light” grape juice is achieved simply by a combination of adding water, using less grape-juice-concentrate (which is used to sweeten the regular grape juice) and then adding the artificial sweetener Acesulfame Potassium to compensate.

    No magic or “groisa chochmos” there.

    And since both water as well as artificial sweetener cost far less than grapes, the price for the “Light” grape juice should be considerably lower than that of the regular.

    How about people contacting Kedem and asking them about this?

    And if they don’t respond by lowering the price of the “Light” grape juice, how about people simply stop buying it?


    “Independent” – Why are you picking on the Jew company? Tropicana makes a light (watered down) Orange Juice and charges the same price as the regular Orange Juice. Many other companies do the same with other drinks. But they aren’t Jew companies, so don’t bother them.



    If you look carefully, you might notice that my post was a direct and specific reply to an earlier post that specifically mentioned Kedem Light grape juice.

    It is entirely unreasonable to infer from my post that I approve or even am not bothered by any same or similar practices from any other firms.

    I am not personally familiar with the examples you describe but assuming they are accurate, I absolutely urge people to protest and boycott no less.

    (Nonetheless, as a Jew, whenever a less-than-honest or honorable practice is committed by fellow Jews, it is obviously of greater concern to me personally.)

    Finally, your particular choice of words in “Jew company” is offensive (it should be “a Jewish company”) and I have to wonder whether it wasn’t deliberate.


    My choice of words was indeed deliberate as was your choice of beating up on the Jew.


    You can make Kiddush on bread on Shabbos and not worry about the sugar in grape juice


    You can make Kiddush on bread on Shabbos

    Only the Friday night kiddush, though.

    To the original poster,

    Please do not put yourself in danger and always ask a shaila (to a competent poseik) where necessary.

    Remember, neither the mitzvah of kiddush nor the mitzvah of the arba kosos are docheh pikuach nefesh!

    “V’nishmartem m’od b’nafshoseichem” comes first.


    You can make Kiddush on bread on Shabbos and not worry about the sugar in grape juice

    But the OP was asking about the seder when you cannot make kiddush on bread. (I don’t think you can use matzah either but I haven’t asked my LOR.)


    Dry wine, white or red, has much less sugar than even “light” grape juice as the sugars have been mostly converted to alcohol. Check with your doctor, but occasional alcohol consumption, such as kiddush on Shabbos, is usually not a problem for non-insulin dependant diabetics.


    alchahol is metabolized into sugar, but ironically can cause a sudden drop in glucose. Definitily consult your doctor. 4 cups at the seder could definitely be a problem.


    You can use a low alchohol wine, 3% – 5%, and water it down. The acceptable ratio is 1/3 water to 2/3 wine. Use a small cup. You will get very little alcholol that way. If your problem is sulfites, I think Kedem came out with a no sulfite wine.

    minyan gal

    Stamper, I just cringe when I see the word Jew used as you used it. Surely you could have found another way to make your point.

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