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- This topic has 1,840 replies, 65 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by YW Moderator-25.
December 3, 2018 9:03 am at 9:03 am #16356812scentsParticipant
Dooms ,
I was waiting for you to bring up Judy A. Mikovits, She has only began siding with the anti vaccinators when she was sidelined for not acknowledging that her findings about the XMRV were proven to be incorrect in a blinded study which included her own lab.
She refused to acknowledge that and refused to give up material that did not belong to her, only later when she was sidelined and believed that all her partners are involved in a conspiracy did she join the anti vaccine movement.however, you fail to notice she is a big believer in vaccines, only that there was some contaminant at one point. All of this is unfounded and she has been discredited a long time ago, nonetheless, she does not advocate against vaccinations.
December 3, 2018 9:03 am at 9:03 am #16356822scentsParticipantmargolioth,
You are making a whole bunch of claims.
A. vaccine-related injuries are under-reported because there is no ICD code for it, then it should have been zero. In fact, there are ICD codes for vaccine-related injuries.
B. Andrew Wakfields work has been proven to be fraudulent, seems like you prefer to rewrite the facts, (even Wakefield was not against vaccination at the time, only that his vaccine is safer).
C. Not sure where you take it that there is treatment done against parents consent. The rules of consent are pretty clear.
December 3, 2018 9:04 am at 9:04 am #1635683000646ParticipantTruth is Hidden,
I’m trying to not get involved here because I have spent WAY too much time arguing with people that are ideologically or emotionally opposed to facts but I can’t hold myself back on this one point you keep trying to make for some reason!
An apple has many times more formaldehyde then an infant is exposed to via vaccines. That’s right, if you give a child an apple you are putting more formaldehyde into their body then you are while vaccinating. Again I doubt the Anti Science sites mention this.
December 3, 2018 9:05 am at 9:05 am #16356852scentsParticipant“I am PRO Polio and Measels! You vaxxers never stopped to analyze the benefits of not vaxing.”
Not sure if you have noticed, we just dont like to play along with your nonsensical approach, which means supporting your religion cult-like belief about vaccines.
unfortunately, I and others have analyzed the adverse outcomes of these viruses, either through individuals I know or by treating them in a clinical context.
It is people like you, who go for one-liners that are guilty of spreading lies and nonsense which results in pain and adverse outcomes for others. You should be made aware that the majority WRITTEN daas torah clearly labels people like you in a very bad way, you are guilty of scaring people and will have to give a din vcheshbon for causing them to go through so much pain and suffering.
December 3, 2018 9:17 am at 9:17 am #1635693poilkjParticipantFor those calling on the government to take away the children of antivaxxers: Regardless of where you stand on the vaccination issue, keep in mind that calls of restricting a parent’s right to make medical decisions for their child can lead us all down a slippery slope. Once the precedent is set, what is to keep the government from deciding if metzitza bepeh or Milah in general endangers a child or deciding R”L that the state can pull a plug or force treatments on a child that can render him or her sterile? Freedom is not something to take lightly, once you start chipping away at it, you never know where it will lead.
December 3, 2018 9:47 am at 9:47 am #1635704Some Common SenseParticipantDoomsday and any other Anti-Vaxxer
Now I will ask a question that you most probability will not answer:If the far majority of Rabbiem say you are obligated to vaccinate, would you vaccinate your children and grandchildren? If not, are you serving HaShem or yourself? If yes, ask your Rav whether you should vaccine. If your Rav says you do not have to, except for a specific medical reason, I would like to know the name of that Rav.
December 3, 2018 10:25 am at 10:25 am #1635733doomsdayParticipantVaccinating Children.
My children are grown and were BH born right before the CDC started tripling the vaccine schedule.
But if I had children today I would not vaccinate. There is at least one godol who advises those who ask
him Not to Vaccinate. The reason anti-vax Gedolim won’t go public is the same reason why anti-vax Doctors
don’t go public – because the government will destroy anyone who comes out against Vaccines, like they
did to Dr. Wakefield, Judy Mikovits, Dr. Jack Wolfson, Dr. Bob Sears. There are also a large number of
Naturapath doctors who have mysteriously died recently who have uncovered dangers of vaccines.
We are living in an increasingly fascist country and speaking the Truth is very dangerous.December 3, 2018 10:44 am at 10:44 am #1635748doomsdayParticipantPoilke: keep in mind that calls of restricting a parent’s right to make medical decisions for their child can lead us all down a slippery slope. Once the precedent is set, what is to keep the government from deciding if metzitza bepeh or Milah in general endangers a child or deciding R”L that the state can pull a plug or force treatments on a child that can render him or her sterile?
Yasher Koach Poilke! I was going to make that point, but you beat me to it!
Provaxxers: If government has the right to decide what is “the best interests of the child” and NOT the Parents, then Government Can and WILL outlaw Bris Milah! That is exactly how the Soviet Union did it and US Socialists are copying the Marxist Handbook on how to Strip away ALL Rights from the Citizens!
The Government can also decide that the Torah is full of “Hate” “Homophobic” “Racist” “Sexist” and it is not in “the best interest of the child” to allow children to learn Torah! That is how the Soviets did it and if you Provaxxers will not stand up for the right of Medical Freedom, You will cause Torah to be outlawed, Ch”V!In the UK, The Socialist Government recently decided it was in the “best interest” of two babies to be starved to death! (Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans) And they would not allow the Parents to to leave the country with their children to get Medical Care elsewhere – even at their own expense. Do you want to bring that Tyranny to USA? Because taking away Medical Freedom is all about establishing that Citizens of the Country have No Rights, Period. It is the Government who knows better then us and can FORCE us to do anything “for our own good”.
The Government will start murdering the sick, the handicapped and the elderly – just like the Nazis who started out with “euthanizing” those who were “suffering” – and we know where that led!Many People object to vaccinations on RELIGIOUS GROUNDS. If They Lose THEIR Religious Rights,
then We Lose OUR Religious Rights!December 3, 2018 11:02 am at 11:02 am #1635813Yserbius123Participant@doomsday I’m still waiting for your response to what I said last week. Namely, that there aren’t 157 reports showing that vaccines cause autism. The following sites prove it:
- “Vaccines and autism: A thorough review of the evidence” from the blog “The Logic of Science”
- “About Those Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link” from the blog “Vaxopedia”
@poilkj I trust the government to make certain decisions to protect us. Immunizing children protects everyone, not just the kids getting the vaccine. There’s no slippery slope, because this is a major issue that involves literally everyone.December 3, 2018 2:04 pm at 2:04 pm #16359852scentsParticipantDooms,
“What exactly does this study prove?”
It appears that Health was referring to this study. JAMA 2275444
“Conclusions and Relevance In this large sample of privately insured children with older siblings, receipt of the MMR vaccine was not associated with increased risk of ASD, regardless of whether older siblings had ASD. These findings indicate no harmful association between MMR vaccine receipt and ASD even among children already at higher risk for ASD.”
Does this answer your question?
December 3, 2018 2:04 pm at 2:04 pm #16359862scentsParticipantDooms,
“So if a doctor believes that vaccines do more harm then good because the Doctor saw with his/her own eyes children dropping dead or regressing into autism after vaccination, the Doctor MUST continue to vaccinate his patients anyway or he/she can be sued for Malpractice! So you are wrong again, Vaccinator. Doctors are NOT allowed to use their own judgment but must “FOLLOW ORDERS” – at least when it comes to Vaccination!”
You are incorrect, Doctors can practice as they see fit. However, if the patient has a negative outcome and the doctor did not follow recommended and prudent evidence-based and accepted treatment they will be at risk for a malpractice lawsuit.
December 3, 2018 2:05 pm at 2:05 pm #16359922scentsParticipantDooms,
“and there are DOCTORS who WITNESSED it! And those Doctors Know Vaccines are dangerous but
if they don’t continue vaccinating they will lose their license!”So are you accusing doctors of knowingly harming their patients? do you have a list of these doctors and what is the basis of these accusations??
It feels like a one-sided conversation, it is not like you are appreciating the responses you just continue to spew the nonsense that you have been taught on these anti-medicine radical sites.
December 3, 2018 2:26 pm at 2:26 pm #1636008Some Common SenseParticipant2cents,
you are correct. This is a one sided conversation. I do not hear about following Da’as Torah but rather follow themselves and unnamed “doctors” and “rabbis” (in lower case). Is that Judaism or another religion?December 3, 2018 3:02 pm at 3:02 pm #1636035doomsdayParticipant2Scents: if the patient has a negative outcome and the doctor did not follow recommended and prudent evidence-based and accepted treatment they will be at risk for a malpractice lawsuit.
You just confirmed that Doctor’s CANNOT use their own experience and judgment but must
follow what a centralized government beaurocracy orders (CDC).December 3, 2018 4:12 pm at 4:12 pm #16360982scentsParticipantDoom,
Unfortunately for you, that is not what i stated, if this is a gotcha discussion then I’m out I am to old for that.
If you appreciate facts and evidence, we can have an informative discussion.
For our safety doctors cannot just decide to use their own judgement and expect to get away with it if there is an adverse outcome.
They will be scrutinized and if the treatment or non treatment was inappropriate the doctor can be accused of malpractice, which mean inappropriate practice.
Are you suggesting that we do away with malpractice? Is that because your alternative people do not have this concept and the ‘alternative providers’ cannot be held accountable?
December 3, 2018 4:49 pm at 4:49 pm #1636146Yserbius123ParticipantGoalpost moving again @doomsday.
Guys remember. @doomsday has his/her entire shitta based on the shekker that there are 157 studies showing that vaccines cause autism. Although it’s pretty obvious that the idea is false, I found two websites that discuss it in detail. So far (unsuprising) @doomsday has refused to acknowledge s/he’s wrong. Don’t let up until we get a straight answer!
- “Vaccines and autism: A thorough review of the evidence” from the blog “The Logic of Science”
- “About Those Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link” from the blog “Vaxopedia”
December 3, 2018 7:01 pm at 7:01 pm #16364472scentsParticipantThis is not about learning the facts, unfortunately, these alternative thinking people are against medicine not because the facts indicate that medicine is in the wrong, in fact medicine is based on science. Only because this is their belief and people cling to beliefs even when logic and facts dictate otherwise.
This is the very reason why these posters start out to portray themselves as reasonable, some would say things like I myself vaccinate my children, but you just have to understand these people that have ‘concerns’ about vaccinations, you just have to realize that these people are better educated then you might think, in fact they are better educated than you, this is why they decided not to vaccinate, its about being in the know and educated, this is how they start off to come across as moderates and to validate the ‘alternative’ movement.
Yet once it is shown that the evidence is not on their ‘side’, they get exposed for being fundamentalists, they try to overload the thread with many garbage posts which have its only source in these radical anti-medicine blogs, they accept whatever is typed by these radical people as fact then expect everyone else to answer to them and prove them wrong. When they are proven wrong. they never apologize for the incorrect data they posted, even when it is in public, they just continue with more overload of garbage.
I think that by now it is very clear to most people why the average physician is not able to respond to these claims, it is not because they are not educated, they are. It is because they are not aware of all these MADE UP CLAIMS and Made up data, its not like there are two sides, its a few people that write something and when the doctor is not familiar with the nonsense and lies, they consider themselves ‘educated’.
Knowledge is power, that really depends if you have the right knowledge of the garbage nonsense that was posted on some radical anti-medicine blog, it is like reading novels and expecting everyone else to know about the events you read.
December 3, 2018 7:03 pm at 7:03 pm #1636458MilhouseParticipantThere are thousands of children who died within hours of getting vaccinated.
No, there are not.There are Hundreds of Thousands of children who regressed into autism after being vaccinated.
No, there are not.And there are DOCTORS who WITNESSED it!
No, there are not.Lo dubim velo ya`ar.
December 4, 2018 1:02 am at 1:02 am #1636619truthishiddenParticipant2scents,
The fact remains, and all know it, vaccines are not without serious negative effects. (“Unavoidably Unsafe”)
Also, there is no proof that such negative effects are safer/better than the negative effects of the diseases the vaccines are meant to prevent.
If it is unethical to do such study, it is definitely unethical to force the masses to take said risk.There are many other modalities to strengthening the immune system, we do not have to resort to injecting toxins into our healthy young ones.
December 4, 2018 1:33 am at 1:33 am #16366332scentsParticipantTruth,
These are your own facts, facts are not statements.
I think you should rephrase your post with , it is my belief that…
December 4, 2018 7:18 am at 7:18 am #1636635doomsdayParticipantTruth is Hidden is Correct. It is a FACT that vaccines have risks.
The debate is over how great are the risks of vaccines – which the CDC falsely puts at very low.
And how great are the risks of diseases like measles or chickenpox which the CDC wildly exagerates
CDC lies that 1:1,000 die of Measles when elsewhere on a CDC website the information given indicates about a 1:10,000 die from measles – 10 times LESS then what CDC is fear-mongering.December 4, 2018 7:18 am at 7:18 am #1636642truthishiddenParticipant2scents,
It is my understanding that you believe there is are no serious negative effects to vaccines.
Can you explain how you came to such conclusion?
(Lack of evidence is not proof)December 4, 2018 7:49 am at 7:49 am #16366942scentsParticipantTruth,
So your saying the burden of proof is to prove something thats made up does not exist?
Your making up facts and asking others to prove theybdo not exist?
The safety of vaccines has been extensively researched. Yes there has been some provider related injuries, rare allergic reactions.
December 4, 2018 7:49 am at 7:49 am #16366952scentsParticipantDooms,
You have a comprehension problem, your statements are just that, just because you state something that does not turn in to a fact.
December 4, 2018 8:29 am at 8:29 am #1636700000646ParticipantTruth Is Hidden,
This is really not complicated. EVERY major medical association and reputable medical journal has published study after study showing that the risks posed by vaccines are well below the threshold where they are something to be concerned about. Especially considering that they are responsible for the elimination and reduction of deadly diseases that have for thousands of years caused severe injury and death.
Your “risk” argument would be stronger in the case of allowing your child to be driven to school or anywhere in a car or bus, which carries considerably more risk then vaccinating and that doesn’t even protect your child from deadly diseases.You are alleging that the CDC the WHO and every other major medical organization and medical journal in every developed country on earth are involved in a giant conspiracy with giant evil corporations to poison the public in order to make money with a product that is less profitable then the treatment for the diseases they claim to preventing.
Furthermore you keep saying silly things about “toxins” like formaldehyde seemingly without realizing that a single apple contains more of that substance then is given to a child via vaccines. It is clear that you and whomever it is you are hearing this stuff from don’t have a basic clue about the biological makeup of life on this planet let alone what should or should not be considered toxic. Yet you still wonder why most people laugh at you when you claim that every major institution of Medical Science are engaged in a giant evil conspiracy and use things like this as the “proof”.
December 4, 2018 9:14 am at 9:14 am #1636704Some Common SenseParticipant000646,
well said. All medicines have risk and are only allow to the general public after many years of testing, including human trials, with a maximum acceptable risk level. If doomsday is unwilling to accept that risk, her daily behavior has much much higher risks like driving a car, walking down stairs, taking a shower, walking on a city street etc.
Clearly this is not a matter of science and risk management, it is a matter a believe to them, which not Judaism.December 4, 2018 11:25 am at 11:25 am #1636843Yserbius123ParticipantDo you still contend that there are 157 studies showing a link between vaccines and autism or do you agree with my comment?
December 4, 2018 11:29 am at 11:29 am #1636841doomsdayParticipantSomeCommonSense:All medicines have risk and are only allow to the general public after many years of testing, including human trials, with a maximum acceptable risk level.
1. Exactly! Because all Medicine has risk the Government may not FORCE/MANDATE that you take that risk!
Therefore, it is wrong for States to FORCE vaccines against the will of the person or parent!2. It is even MORE HEINOUS to force the risk on vaccines because the child is HEALTHY. People take the
risks of Medicine because they are SICK.3. Vaccines are NOT safety tested the same way Medicine is. There are NO PLACEBO Tests comparing Vaxxed to Unvaxxed like MUST be done for all other new medicine by LAW!
I know you will claim that it is Unethical to leave children unvaccinated but without a Placebo Test comparing Vaxxed to Unvaxxed you cannot unequivocably state that vaccines are SAFE!4. Some vaccines are Fast Tracked – meaning they get special permission NOT to do extensive safety testing!
This is especially heinous because vaccines are given to HEALTHY people who aren’t in any imminent danger!Are you going to admit you are wrong, Some Common Sense?
December 4, 2018 11:30 am at 11:30 am #1636849doomsdayParticipantVaccinator: [Doomsday] knows that nothing she is saying has any data or science behind it.
Folks, see how CDC and ProVaxxers LIE? They keep repeating the Lie that there is No Science behind
the claim that Vaccines are dangers, when there are over 150 Scientific Research Papers showing link
between autism and vaccines!
Also there are 150 Medical doctors who are PUBLICLY state that Vaccines are Dangerous and Harmful.
There are many more doctors, but they are afraid to say so publicly. 13% of doctors in a survey said they
would NOT follow the CDC schedule for THEIR children. 13% = about 143,000 Doctors. Yet these same doctors will vaccinate YOUR children by the CDC schedule they consider unsafe or else they risk being sued!There are also research scientists who say that Vaccines are dangerous and harmful.
Yet CDC and ProVaxxers LIE that there is NO SCIENCE, there are NO studies showing harm of Vaccines –
except for Wakefield. How can you trust CDC when they say such blatant LIES?December 4, 2018 11:55 am at 11:55 am #1636857doomsdayParticipantYserbius: Do you still contend that there are 157 studies showing a link between vaccines and autism or do you agree with my comment?
Folks, Yserbius LIES that there Are NOT 157 research studies showing a link between vaccines and autism.
Google it and you will find the website on the 157 research studies showing a link between vaccines and autism in one minute!December 4, 2018 12:09 pm at 12:09 pm #1636877doomsdayParticipantMillhouse LIES that there are NOT thousands of children who DIED within hours of taking vaccine!
Millhouse, Are you calling VAERS and Dept of Health a Liars?! Per Vaers there are 168 deaths per year REPORTED.
per DOH only 1-13% of all SERIOUS adverse events are reported, so there are THOUSANDS of deaths
within hours of vaccines every year!December 4, 2018 12:10 pm at 12:10 pm #16368792scentsParticipantDooms,
“Vaccines are NOT safety tested the same way Medicine is. There are NO PLACEBO Tests comparing Vaxxed to Unvaxxed like MUST be done for all other new medicine by LAW!;”
Really? from where are you taking your facts, you cannot just make up facts then use it as an argument.
If this is your tactic, we will never end as you can just manufacture facts as you see fit.
December 4, 2018 12:10 pm at 12:10 pm #16368812scentsParticipantDooms,
You just keep on repeating yourself, its become a boring conversation.
Without telling people to google, and without just stating assumptions and label them as fact, do you have anything of substance?
December 4, 2018 12:10 pm at 12:10 pm #1636882MenoParticipantI’m going to preface my comment with the following: I am not a scientist, and as such, I don’t really know how to properly interpret scientific studies.
That being said, I just skimmed through abstracts of the infamous “157 studies” and found that an overwhelming majority of them discuss the use of mercury (thimerosal) in vaccines. Based on what I’ve read elsewhere, virtually all vaccines (aside from certain flu vaccines) are currently available without thimerosal. Therefore, most, if not all, of those 157 studies are completely irrelevant to this discussion. Am I wrong?
December 4, 2018 12:43 pm at 12:43 pm #16369022scentsParticipantDooms,
This has been rehashed so many times, yet you just repeat it time after time as if no one has explained this to you.
Since you do not acknowledge the response, I would assume that your intention is not the facts, rather to overload the discussion with repetitive nonsense.
If you would appreciate a comprehensive review of the VAERS reporting system and the data, read below.
“This comprehensive review of death reports to VAERS for the period 1 July 1997 through 31 December 2013 indicates that the most common causes of death in VAERS were consistent with the leading causes of death in the US population (Table 6) [13]. The 2149 deaths described in this study were reported to VAERS during a period of time when approximately 2 billion doses of vaccine were distributed for use in the United States. This translates to roughly 1 reported death per 1 million doses of vaccine distributed. Because the majority of death reports were in children, the most common causes of death were in this age group. SIDS was the leading cause of death (28.1%) among all reports and accounted for 51.7% of death reports in infants, which is consistent with infant mortality data that place SIDS as the third leading cause of death in the United States among infants, after congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities; and disorders related to short gestation and low birthweight [13, 16]. The male predominance of death reports in our study is driven by SIDS reports in which males accounted for 62%. This is consistent with studies that found males to be at higher risk of SIDS [17]. SIDS occurs rarely during the first month of life and peaks between 2–3 months of age [17]. Because SIDS peaks at a time when children are receiving many recommended vaccinations, it would not be unexpected to observe a coincidental close temporal relationship between vaccination and SIDS [18]. SIDS deaths in the United States have been declining since the early 1990s for a variety of factors that include recommended changes in sleeping position and environment, clarification of the case definition, and diagnostic coding shifts [19–22]. This downward trend in SIDS reports has also been observed in SIDS reports submitted to VAERS since the early 1990s [7] and has continued during the years of this review from 1997 through 2013. There is considerable evidence that vaccination is not causally associated with SIDS [18, 22, 23], including an Institute of Medicine (IOM) review in 2003 that rejected a causal association between the whole cell pertussis–containing vaccine (which is no longer in use in the United States) and SIDS and between exposure to multiple simultaneous vaccines and SIDS [21].”
I realize that the post is getting a bit long, but this is from the CDC:
Anyone who gives or receives a licensed vaccine in the U.S. is encouraged to report any significant health problem that occurs after vaccination. An adverse event can be reported even if it is uncertain or unlikely that the vaccine caused it. Reporting to VAERS helps scientists at CDC and FDA better understand the safety of vaccines
ANYONE CAN REPORT TO VAERS, its encouraged and easy to do so, the report does not need to even include evidence that the illness is linked to vaccine.
December 4, 2018 12:51 pm at 12:51 pm #16369552scentsParticipantDooms,
“Folks, Yserbius LIES that there Are NOT 157 research studies showing a link between vaccines and autism.
Google it and you will find the website on the 157 research studies showing a link between vaccines and autism in one minute!”You are really funny, while I have not googled it, many have and posted here that these studies do not imply what you say they do, yes they have the words autism and vaccines in them, yet they do not imply what you say they do.
Why are you not responding to these people, is it because you have not reviewed these studies?
December 4, 2018 1:12 pm at 1:12 pm #1637070000646ParticipantDoomsday,
New vaccines ARE tested in Placebo tests. You are simply making up facts here. The only time Placebos (as in totally fake vaccines filled with saline for example) aren’t used is when there is an existing vaccine that has been proven effective and they are testing an IMPROVED vaccine for the same illness. In that situation due to the ethical issues involved with leaving someone unprotected when a safe vaccine already exists they will often use the old safe (but possibly not as effective) vaccine as a placebo.
I’m honestly not sure from your comments that you even know what a “Placebo” is.
As far as risk: again, there has been study after study done by every major institution of medical science on earth and they all agree that the risk of vaccinating is far below that about which it is necessary to be concerned about. Having your child transported to school or anywhere else for that matter in a motorized vehicle is many times more dangerous then having them vaccinated. Every study done by every major institution of medical science also have come to the conclusion that vaccination eliminates or severely reduces the risk of contracting many dangerous infections that were once common place and extremely dangerous.
December 4, 2018 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm #1637145doomsdayParticipant2scents: SIDS was the leading cause of death
1. Is SIDS a disease?
2. What causes SIDS?December 4, 2018 2:12 pm at 2:12 pm #1637135doomsdayParticipant000646: New vaccines ARE tested in Placebo tests
In vaccine safety tests the “Placebo” IS a Vaccine. So they are just testing one vaccine against another
and saying the results are equal – which means that vaccines are EQUALLY HARMFUL – not that Vaccines are safe. In Medicine the Placebo is not another Medicine but a sugar pill. So vaccines do NOT undergo the
same safety tests as Medicine does!From website: Vaccine Safety – VaccineDecision.info Information of testing is from Vaccine INSERTS:
Hepatitis B vaccine
ENGERIX-B (Recombinant Vaccine) – GlaxoSmithKline – Product Insert“Ten double-blind studies involving 2,252 subjects showed no significant difference in the frequency or severity of adverse experiences between ENGERIX-B and plasma-derived vaccines.”
They simply found that there were no significant differences in adverse reactions between different vaccines, and therefore is considered “safe.” Also, subjects were only monitored for 4 days.Infanrix (DTaP) – GlaxoSmithKline – Product Insert
Clinical Studies compared INFANRIX with Whole-Cell DTP Vaccine (See Tables 1, 2, 6, 7). Studies showed that local adverse reactions increased with successive doses of INFANRIX (See Tables 3 & 4).
In one study of 29,000 kids there were 14 DEATHS, 9 of which were SIDS. They compare rates of SIDS in two studies with the rate of SIDS in the U.S., attempting to show that by chance alone the kids in the study could have died of SIDS. However, kids in the U.S. are highly vaccinated, so this comparison tells us nothing. It is simply like every other vaccine safety study, comparing vaccinated kids with vaccinated kids.Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus) vaccine
Prevnar – Pneumococcal 7-valent Conjugate Vaccine – Wyeth – Product InsertIn one study (Kaiser Efficacy study) there were 11 DEATHS (4 SIDS) that occurred among subjects receiving Prevnar. In comparison, in the control group there were 21 DEATHS (8 SIDS).
However, the control group received an investigational meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine, so all this tells us that the latter vaccine was twice as deadly as Prevnar.
It was noted that the number of SIDS deaths in kids from California during the same time period (1995-1997) was similar as seen in the efficacy study, which again tells us nothing as those children would have been vaccinated with the routine childhood vaccines. (See page 21)December 4, 2018 2:24 pm at 2:24 pm #1637165000646ParticipantDoomsday,
Re Placebo’s again: When a NEW vaccine is debuted it is tested with a Placebo not another vaccine.
The only time Placebos (as in totally fake vaccines filled with saline for example) aren’t used is when there is an existing vaccine that has been proven effective and they are testing an IMPROVED vaccine for the same illness. In that situation due to the ethical issues involved with leaving someone unprotected when a safe vaccine already exists they will often use the old safe (but possibly not as effective) vaccine as a placebo.
Vaccines literally DO undergo the same testing as other medicine. You need to stop making up facts and ignoring those facts that don’t fit with your anti science/anti medicine ideology.
December 4, 2018 4:49 pm at 4:49 pm #1637282MilhouseParticipantBecause all Medicine has risk the Government may not FORCE/MANDATE that you take that risk!
It certainly may. It is well-established law that the government does indeed have such powers. It may forcibly seize not only your children but also you and forcibly vaccinate you against whichever diseases it considers to be threat to public health. In this instance it has not yet chosen to exercise them; perhaps it should.
December 4, 2018 5:35 pm at 5:35 pm #1637300MilhouseParticipantVaccines are NOT safety tested the same way Medicine is. There are NO PLACEBO Tests comparing Vaxxed to Unvaxxed like MUST be done for all other new medicine by LAW!
Another lie. Where no known efficacious vaccine exists for a disease, any newly developed vaccine is tested against a placebo. Where a vaccine already exists and is known to work, of course it would be unethical to test a new and improved vaccine against a control group that is completely unvaccinated. The control group in such a test is of course given the already-proven vaccine, to see whether the new one is better and/or safer.
December 4, 2018 5:36 pm at 5:36 pm #1637305MilhouseParticipantMillhouse LIES that there are NOT thousands of children who DIED within hours of taking vaccine!
On the contrary, this is the plain truth, these thousands of children do not exist and never did, and you have invented them from your lying imagination.
Millhouse, Are you calling VAERS and Dept of Health a Liars?!
VAERS certainly contains many false reports, including some that are deliberate lies. Anybody can file a report, and there is no verification. But it does not contain these imaginary children you invented.
Per Vaers there are 168 deaths per year REPORTED.
Almost NONE of whom are alleged to have died within hours of being vaccinated.
per DOH only 1-13% of all SERIOUS adverse events are reported,
Liar. Not only has the DOH never said any such thing, neither did the report you refer to (which (1) is not by the DOH, (2) refers only to what the two authors observed in one chain of clinics over a period of 41 months, and (3) says nothing whatsoever about the percentage of serious adverse events after vaccines)
so there are THOUSANDS of deaths within hours of vaccines every year!
No, there are not. You are lying through your teeth.
December 4, 2018 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm #1637313☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantIt certainly may. It is well-established law that the government does indeed have such powers.
Jacobson v. Massachusetts?
December 4, 2018 6:00 pm at 6:00 pm #1637325doomsdayParticipantPediarix Vaccine kills 1:4,000 Babies – Per Pediarix Vaccine Insert!
Quote from Pediarix Insert:
The rate of sids among all recipients of pediarix across the 14 trials was 0.25/1,0001:4,000 is NOT 1:Million as CDC LIES! And that is just from ONE vaccine – but babies get MULTIPLE vaccines
at one time so the rate is likely higher. Pediarix Vaccine is more dangerous then MEASLES which only
kills 1:10,000!December 4, 2018 6:06 pm at 6:06 pm #1637337☕ DaasYochid ☕ParticipantAfter having seen Doomsday get caught with so many lies, I no longer think it’s even worth anyone’s time to refute any further ones.
December 4, 2018 6:40 pm at 6:40 pm #16373562scentsParticipantDooms,
You lied (or just reposted from some radical site) about the MMR insert, I posted the actual insert which clearly indicates the opposite of what you implied.
Do you have an agenda, because truth and facts are not your thing.
December 4, 2018 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm #16373542scentsParticipantDooms,
Is your moving on to a new argument that the other arguments have been exhausted and actually prove the opposite of what you claimed?
Can you have the decency to state that despite all the evidence you will still cling to your belief that vaccines are to blame for anything that happens to anyone?
December 4, 2018 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm #1637362doomsdayParticipantVaccinator, I have skin in the game. I have relatives with little children whom I worry about.
My nephew regressed into Autism following 7 vaccinations in one day. I will have grandchildren
who may be subject to Mandatory Vaccination – NO EXEMPTIONS. This is a matter of grave concern to me. -
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