Strobin vs. Fidler

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    yeshiva guy

    Why is YWN so blindly supporting him? Are we allowed to vote for pro-toeiva marriage?


    If I had a nickel for every piece of mail I got from these dudes…


    May the best man win!


    Blindly supporting who? I think their last article was paid for by Lew Fidler. I personally know David, and I can testify that he is a mentch. The opposite can be said for Lew Fidler. I think it’s disgusting the way the Fidler campaign started with dirty mud flinging, and I blame them for every piece of junk mail from both sides. There is no reason the campaign had to turn so ugly.


    Politicians are politicians.

    Honest people become used-car salesmen.


    What makes Storobin different is that he’s not a politician. That’s what Fidler is so afraid of.


    The Fidler guys’ smears and hits are absolutely disgusting and nauseating. Carefully calculated lies and misrepresentations.


    Fidler feels he’s entitled to this seat, and I’m relying on the community to prove him wrong.

    iBump 2.0

    If I had a nickel for every piece of mail I got from these dudes…

    I’ll take 6 cents for every fidler piece of junk, and you take 5 for both fidler and strobin, and I’ll still come out ahead of you!

    🙂 Bump 🙂


    If its assur to vote for fidler cuz hes pro-toeiva and the rabbonim dont endorse storbin and he lied. who should we vote for?????


    Boro park girl, I’m with you. I am so confused by this election, that I changed my mind and I am not planning on voting. I’ve never been so disgusted before.

    I got letters telling my vote for Fidler, because he is for helping to get more youth core, I got letters telling me to vote for Strobin, because he is for family values.

    I don’t know who to vote for anymore.


    There is nothing to gain by not voting, and the propaganda on both sides is confusing. Both claim that they’ll get the taxes and funding that the community needs. Just for record -Storobin never lied. The ywn article is very misleading. I’m glad that I’ve met both candidates, and i think anyone who does the same wouldnt have any of these doubts. David Storobin is a pleasant, optimistic, and honest young man. Fidler seems arrogant, self entitled, and gives a negative politician vibe. Ill place my bets with the former.


    The frum people wanted Ed Koch out of office because of his being pro toeiva. And look where that gots us!

    Vote for the canditate you feel will do the best job.


    I think anyone who knows David Storobin knows he will do the better job.


    I don’t trust any of them. Dear is very decent but he had so much mud flung at him by them and unzere. I glad he’s out of the garbage heap so that he can be respected by all.

    Remember, frum values are in the minority and we will never get our agenda approved. Our history has always been to support someone who is electable; not someone who is running for Rosh Yeshiva…and in the back-room deals, our program makes some gains.


    Baruch Hashem I don’t live in Brooklyn…

    Here you know automatically that St. Lawrence (or whoever he endorses) is going to win.

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