State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win

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    Due to the widescale fraud in balloting, voting, absentee ballots and counting, with Republican poll watchers being illegally prevented from observing the count (being kept 20+ feet away from poll workers conducting the count, so that they cannot observe invalid postmarks, mismatched signatures, etc.), and Democrat state judges illegally changing state election laws in middle of the election (such as extending the deadline set by state law for when ballots need to be received by, preventing matching of signatures, etc.), Republican controlled state legislatures in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia should, before December 8, direct that the state’s electoral college slate be awarded to President Donald Trump.

    The state legislatures have the legal right to now do so, without needing their governors’ signature, directly from the federal Constitution.

    On January 6 Vice President Michael Pence, as President of the US Senate and the presiding officer of the joint session of Congress, will affirm the legislatures’ selection of electors during Congress’ counting of the electoral college vote. If Nancy Pelosi throws a tantrum, V.P. Pence can conduct the session in the chambers of the U.S. Senate.

    Aside from the above being a fully constitutionally legally supported process, and it rectifying the fraud committed, it isn’t subject to any court review as the judiciary cannot order Congress, as a coequal branch of government, how to act given the separation of powers.


    UJM: To you and your chevrah, GET OVER IT. The Republican legislative leadership of three of the states you mention have already rejected the notion of setting aside the electoral outcomes and I suspect the other will do so as well.

    There will be a new President and this country will move on as it always has. There will be a real challenge for the incoming Administration to reach out to the 70 million Americans who voted for Trump but I truly believe they will make the effort. Their success will largely be a function of Biden’s ability to steer a centrist course and not yield to the far left of his party. In the interim, I suspect Biden will go slow and give Trump the time and space they need to accept the reality of the what has happened while at the same time moving forward on areas such as Covid and the economy where the nation desperately needs a new direction. Its a time for healing, not gloating.


    There is no evidence of widespread fraud, other than the USPS not delivering huge numbers of mail in votes in Democratic areas. To make things worse, the USPS defied a court order to find the missing ballots. This failure cost Biden 200,000 votes in Philadelphia alone.

    The election is over. Biden won. He will be the President for all Americans.


    Did you count the Democratic legislatures that will reward trumps electors to Biden before posting this ?
    Trump has ZERO power right now. He is a lame embarrassed duck.

    History Buff

    Bad idea, I can’t believe you’re serious about giving a handful of people the power to select the president. Bad enough the winner of the popular vote doesn’t become president. And that would make fraud much harder.


    jackk: There are exactly zero states that voted for Trump and have a fully (both houses) Democrat-controlled state legislature. As such, there’s absolutely nothing Democrats can do to stop the fully legal and constitutional plan I explained in the OP.

    And, yes, this is Plan B of Team Trump if the fraud is left otherwise unresolved. The state legislatures of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia are as of now all still considering this option.


    Gadolhadorah: Here’s Biden’s attempt at making an effort to reach out to Trump supporters: “Americans chose change over more of the same. They’ve given us a mandate for action on COVID, the economy, on climate change and systemic racism.” Those last two don’t sound very centrist to me. And a mandate? When you barely won 50% of the country?

    Amil Zola

    UJM, “with Republican poll watchers being illegally prevented from observing the count…” This is blatantly untrue. Parties agree to the number of poll watchers prior to the election. Distances are specified due to Covid restrictions and available space. Rebublicans look silly when they walk back their prior agreements simply because their candidate didn’t win You do realize you could have just watched vote counts on the internet like many of us did.

    I wish you peace. It is hard having your home team lose, we’ve all experienced it.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Do you really believe that because biden won it was all done legally? I find it hard to believe that we wouldn’t have had 4 more years of pretending trump stole the election (in addition to the last 4).

    I was prepared to accept a biden win if it happened but i don’t get the infantile smugness in thinking it validates all the things that aren’t okay about his party and things they’ve done. Im less disturbed by his win than by the blind following of him.

    Unfortunately, 60m of us will get what you paid for. Good luck to israel, the jews, and America.


    Amil: The poll watchers were kept 20+ feet away from the counting to prevent them from being able to see and challenge invalid ballots with late postmarks, mismatched signatures, etc.

    Republicans never agreed to that distance, which was too far away to “observe” the count, as the law specifies.


    Gadfly: Yes, i thought Biden’s speech was centrist and he did reach out to a large segment of the 70 million voters who supported Trump but are not the extreme of what was once the Republican party. If you have the technology on your cable setup, go back and listen to the comments of Karl Rove on Fox News right after the speech (about 8:40 PM ET). And yes, immediate action on Covid, global warming and the economic challenges of large segment of the American population who don’t define their economic success on the stock market, ARE the reasons 74 million Americans voted for him and expect him to prioritize (and where I suspect he will get some Republican support as well). The “systemic racism” stuff is probably going to be the subject of some cosmetic executive orders, commissions etc. but even his own party doesn’t share a common action plan so its more rhetoric than substance.
    Yes. Elections will have consequences but I’m hopeful that the changes in direction for our country will be less “in your face” and more thoughtful than what we’ve seen over the past 4 years where the singular motivation was to “undo everything Obama”.


    Syag: First of all, your guy received 70,804,968 votes (as of 10 pm) not 60 million.
    More importantly, I can’t speak for any of the others here in the CR who supported Biden but I suspect most would agree he is far from a perfect candidate and that there are legitimate concerns regarding his policies on EY and a bunch of other issues. I don’t think any of us are suffering from ” infantile smugness” regarding Biden or the Democratic party but we think he is a far better option for our country than another 4 years of the incumbent.



    You are correct. I mean how many republican legislatures from states that believe in US democracy will change their electors to Biden.
    The truth is. Your whole plan will never happen. Mark Levin should apologize and retire for this stupidity.


    Gadolhadorah: Yes indeed, more thoughtful than just “undo everything Obama”. See below from the Washington Post. This sure looks to me like “undo everything Trump”. I don’t see anything about reaching out to the other side. But hey, we got rid of the mean orange man and that’s all that counts.

    President-elect Joe Biden is planning to quickly sign a series of executive orders after being sworn into office on Jan. 20, immediately forecasting that the country’s politics have shifted and that his presidency will be guided by radically different priorities. He will rejoin the Paris climate accords, according to those close to his campaign and commitments he has made in recent months, and he will reverse President Trump’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization. He will repeal the ban on almost all travel from some Muslim-majority countries, and he will reinstate the program allowing “dreamers,” who were brought to the United States illegally as children, to remain in the country, according to people familiar with his plans.

    Although transitions of power can always include abrupt changes, the shift from Trump to Biden — from one president who sought to undermine established norms and institutions to another who has vowed to restore the established order — will be among the most startling in American history.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    “and more thoughtful than what we’ve seen over the past 4 years where the singular motivation was to “undo everything Obama”.”

    Hmmm, sounds pretty much like bidens platform promise.


    Oh Charlie, -“The election is over. Biden won. He will be the President for all Americans.”
    What will you & all you Libs do when SCOTUS gives the Presidentcy to Trump?!?


    The “Day One” executive orders contemplated by Biden are targeted policy changes focused on areas which were at the core of his campaign; reversing the most extreme immigration policy changes (e.g. maintaining the DACA program, rejoining the WHO, etc). I suspect there will be moderate Republican support for these efforts even though they can be undone w/o legislation, just as Trump did in implementing them). He is not going to immediately change the status quo on Iran or North Korea, tear down Trump’s wall, order the ATF to start confiscating weapons, releasing violent felons from federal prisons or shut down shuls and churches (all of which Trump has predicted in the past several weeks) No one is suggesting there won’t be immediate changes on some policies…there will be since as noted above, elections do have consequences.
    A gutten voch and good night.

    Amil Zola

    Ya know, this nation wide conspiracy to have votes fraudulently cast to elect a democratic president has a few holes in it. Why oh why didn’t they get rid of Mitch and stuff the ballot boxes with democratic house and senate candidates? Seems they’ve only done part of the job. With the senate remaining in the Republican party’s hands it will be the same story, a pile of bills on Mitch’s desk going nowhere.


    The focus of the fraud was in the swing states where it mattered.

    The Democrats have a long sorid history of voting fraud. They famously stole the 1960 election, with LBJ manipulating ballots. They tried to steal 2000, with Broward County in Florida miraculously turning to new ballots with every recount, against all statistical probabilities. Chicago and the Daley political machine was always famous for bringing out the dead to vote.

    No wonder Democrats fight against purging voter rolls of the dead and those that moved. And fight against requiring photo ID to vote. (You can’t even get into a government building or on a plane or purchase alcohol without photo ID.)

    And mail-in ballots make fraudulent voting so much easier. Especially when you automatically send out live ballots to all registered voters, dead or alive, without request.



    You have no proof for any of this.
    Accusing the other party of what you are guilty of was always Trump’s modus operandi.
    The 75,000,000 Americans who voted for Biden will not let the Trump’s steal the election.
    The more you show your true anti-america colors, the worse history will record 45ths time in office.
    Maybe you can call for another civil war.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Oh jackk, stop acting like he’s accusing your brother. Biden won and now the world will be perfect because trump was single handedly responsible for everything that isn’t working.

    Take a chill


    Republican legislatures are not going to reverse the election, in part because they did pretty well. For example, in New Hampshire the Republicans actually re-elected their Governor, and flipped the Executive Council (which really runs the state government), the Senate, and the House of Representatives. This despite the fact that the Democratic US Senator was re-elected in a landslide and Democrats won both the state’s US House of Representatives races by smaller margins. In Pennsylvania the Republicans kept control of both houses of the General Assembly, elected the State Treasurer and State Auditor, and re-elected all their incumbent US Representatives. I could go on, but the fact is that the Republicans have no interest in questioning the validity of the election results. They will not support Trump’s frivolous lawsuits. They are abandoning Trump like rats on a sinking ship. Trump’s ship has sunk.


    The Supreme Court cannot give the Presidency to Trump. The Congress decides which electoral votes to count. The only time that it ever reversed a Presidential election was 1876. It isn’t going to happen now.

    Your guy lost.


    It is always amusing when Trump supporters complain about Obama or Biden issuing executive orders but not when Trump does. Trump issued more executive orders per year than any President in 40 years.


    Trump issued orders that fixed America more than Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama combined.


    You are living in a state of denial.
    Four years ago, I was disgusted that Trump became President Elect by winning the Electoral College, while losing the popular vote.
    BUT, that is the way the American system works,
    Now, he has lost and will have to fund his own golf outings

    He will not concede now, or go quietly.

    Because he can continue to drive millions in donations from suckers and losers to either file frivolous litigation or a Trump 2024 campaign. This is just an attempt to supply an income for himself, family and his son’s girlfriend, Guiliani’s worthless son, etc. the gullible sheep will empty their pockets to enrich this charlatan.

    BTW> our little Republican town, known for splitting ballots, went Democrat for President for the first time in 56 years, while going Republican for all 4 members of the state legislature on the ticket.


    It ain’t over till it’s over.


    Oh Charlie, -“The Supreme Court cannot give the Presidency to Trump”

    What I mean – there are Multiple Law Suits on the counting of the ballots.
    It seems that they counted False Ballots. That’s why they didn’t let the Republicans observe.
    I think those ballots will be thrown out!
    It’s a Very Good Chance that Trump Won the Election!
    From Above: -“What will you & all you Libs do when SCOTUS gives the Presidentcy to Trump?!?”


    charliehall: If the state legislatures now directly appoint the presidential electors, it has no bearing or legal effect on the local and state down ballot elections.

    The beauty of this upcoming plan for the state legislatures that is now being formulated when it comes into fruition as likely, IY”H, before December 8, is that the Republican legislators in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia are from red local districts that voted for Trump and whose voters will appreciate and reward their representative for having reelected President Trump, and rectified the fraud perpetuated against him.


    I can’t believe people on here actually believe the nonsense that Biden somehow cheated in the election.

    It’s been to court twice thus far, and both cases were thrown out for lack of evidence. One of which, the ruling was a one liner. Guiliani’s cases this week will prove to be about as watertight.

    And the Trump campaign know this too. The only reason they’re spreading these rumors is to have people to donate to their Election “Defense” Fund.

    The reason for that can be found within the small print on the Trump campaigns website. Within the small print it states that 50% of these donations go towards paying down the election campaign’s debt.

    This only “fraud” is the Trump campaign’s last ditched grift for money.

    And unlike most of the debunked rumors many of you lot are parroting, what I’ve said can be verified easily enough on Trump campaign website.


    It’s always a good idea for state legislatures to overturn the results of lawful elections.

    To charlieha the Second: Why do so many people call you charliehall?


    Quay -“It’s been to court twice thus far, and both cases were thrown out for lack of evidence.”

    Why do you keep lying?
    Is it because that your scared that your Idol Biden didn’t win the Election?
    IDK about the 2nd case, but the one in Philly was Overturned by the Lib 3rd Circuit in favor of the Republicans.
    They are very Liberal (Some Jews on it).
    But they Follow our US Laws.
    It’s Just a Matter of Time – that Commy Joe will be in the Proverbial Dust Bin!

    Amil Zola

    Point of information. The Phila decision was a win merely because the remedy requested by the Republicans was enforced prior to the suit ever being filed, it was adopted as an SOP with the agreement of both parties.

    In the mean time our President is golfing at our expense, while another 1000+ people died of Covid by COB Saturday. Why isn’t the Covid task force crafting solutions. (Waiting for a vaccine isn’t a solution and certainly cold comfort to the grieving families. What happened to the task force? Is the president planning on golfing for the duration of his term of office?

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    The whining is getting to be somewhat irritating. Don’t you want to switch gears now that the future holds only wealth and longevity for all Americans?


    Clark County, Nevada, Judge James Gordon ruled there wasn’t evidence of an alleged 3000 ballots cast on behalf of ineligible individuals.

    Chatham County, Georgia, Judge James Bass dismissed a petition that certain ballots were recieved after the deadline.

    The only case the GOP has some related to better access for election observers.

    But sure. I’m lying.


    Amil: The President isn’t a doctor. Meanwhile, the United States is doing as well or better in the fight against covid as other countries in Europe and the western world.

    Amil Zola

    UJM no he’s not. It’s likely he couldn’t get an MCAT score high enough to gain entrance to med school. But he is the president, and the Covid Task Force he established is doing zero. The VP and that task force answer to him. What have they been doing?

    To add to some of the republican lawsuits, Federal Court of Appeals rules that the drive by votes in Harris county are legal and valid and will be counted.

    yaakov doe

    We need a 2 state solution. Let the majority Trump states leave the union. Let Kentucky try to manage without depending on the Federal taxes New Yorkers pay in. Fox News could even be the official network of the Trumpian States of America.


    Quay -“But sure. I’m lying.”

    At least you admit it!
    You wrote Nevada & Georgia.
    I wrote -“the one in Philly”.


    Um, I don’t think you’re following.

    The fact is, 2 cases alleging specifically to voter fraud were brought to court, both thrown out for lack of evidence.

    And much like Trump you can close your eyes and block your ears in the face of fact, but that doesn’t change the reality.


    How will the Democrats react once the constitutional process is completed and the legislatures give Trump the electoral college votes he needs for reelection?


    The leader of the State Senate in Pennsylvania and the Speaker of the State Assembly have held a news conference announcing their intention to “audit” the vote-counting process.

    The process has begun. Buckle your seatbelts, friends.


    Republicans are more upset over the uneven playing field than over ballot fraud. Democrats had been waiting for mail-in voting for years, since that tends to work in their favor (think: inner city residents who normally don’t make the effort to vote.) They passed these laws unilaterally, in most cases bypassing the legislative route, which netted them thousands of new voters on a silver platter. Yet if Republicans ask for a few checks and balances like Voter ID laws or election monitoring, they are denounced as promoting “voter suppression” and the media says, sorry you’re not allowed to question this. So an uneven playing field.

    For those of you who enjoying Biden’s win, consider the following. The next thing high on the Biden administration’s list is to grant citizenship to illegals and loosen border enforcement, with the goal of flipping the last remaining red state stalwarts like Texas to Blue. Once Texas is flipped and mail-in balloting enshrined in law elsewhere, no Republican will ever again have a path to victory (unless the Dems manage to put up their own version of Trump) and we will have one party rule. After 8, 12, 16 years of one party rule (or less; I’m being generous here), wave goodbye to your Shechita, Milah, several pesukim in Acharei Mos and Kedoshim, or anything else of our religion the Dems deem objectionable, and say hello to a Palestinian State (restricted to the West Bank if we’re lucky).



    Trump lost fair and square. It was a landslide. With all these statements and lawsuits he is sealing his legacy as the worst president.
    I already have my inauguration day planned for the absolutely largest crowd ever, with masks and social distancing of course, in Washington.


    jackk, let’s talk on December 8th.


    JackK: There apparently were a lot of cancellations for the inauguration over the weekend at the Trump Hotel at 11th and Pennsylvania Avenue (don’t miss the irony of the street name). Some really good grandstand viewing areas for the parade are right in front of the lobby exit but the best location is a few blocks north on 15th Street (near Old Ebbitt Grill) where by tradition, Biden will get our of his Limo and walk the last 3 blocks to the reviewing stand in front of the WH. Sadly, there will be no Inaugural Balls this year because of Covid concerns. If you are coming down to D.C. for the Shabbos before the events, you can walk from the Trump Hotel up to the Chabad shul near Dupont Circle and daven with the Kushners (for their last Shabbos in D.C.)

    Amil Zola

    Sigh, I wish some folks had an understanding of how the election process begins and ends. Please visit the National Council of State Legislatures for an explanation of the different types of audits and individual state regulations.

    As to the MI election machines. Elections in MI noted that the algorithm was not functioning. The ballots were pulled in real time and hand counted and correct votes were input, incorrect data deleted. This all happened under the eyes of legitimate election officials of the state and according to public records rather early in the vote count. You can fact check this yourself, just as I did by going to the Michigan Secretary of States web site.


    The state legislatures directly awarding the state’s electoral votes to Trump is the Democrats nightmare scenario because they know it is fully in line with the constitution and the Republicans control the levers of power to effect this maneuver, with the Democrats being helpless to stop it.

    Which explains the leftist media’s burying discussion of this constitutional process, so that they can pretend when it happens that it was such a big shock as they hysterically will throw a tantrum with their Democrat politicians providing the convulsed quotes fit to print.

    Amil Zola

    Sigh, I should be paid for attempting to educate UJM about US elections. Here goes my last try for the evening. Nebraska and Maine (as of 2008) are the only two states that can split their electoral votes due to the fact that they are the only two states that allocate EC votes based on the District method. I doubt that this would provide the Republican party with a meaningful advantage.


    It was funny when Trumpers in Michigan were yelling “Stop the Count” and at the same exact time, Trump supporters in Arizona were screaming “Count every vote”. lol

    You’re all so silly.

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