Starving kids in Africa theme shalach manos

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    And we’re putting in brussel sprouts and cottage cheese.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You still have almost two months to think of something better.


    Leftovers. But why not just send those directly to Africa?



    1. Making fun of this isnt funny. I urge you to watch some google clips about how they live there.

    2. They need bottled water more than cottage cheese.


    Africa produced plenty of food. The only problems they have are when the local government does something stupid such as having a civil war. With modern technology reaching worldwide, no one starves any more (unless someone is starving them by design).

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    WIY, popa wasn’t making fun of people in Africa, he was making fun of mothers who try to convince their kids to eat foods they don’t like.

    I never heard a mother say, “drink your Poland Spring water, there are thirsty children in Africa”.


    Popa , your sense of humor is one of the best things about the CR.

    But this is not funny.

    Akuperma is right. The starvation in Africa is often due to ugly violent politics, not lack of food.

    DY is also right. You’re making a point about mothers trying to get their kids to eat. (I might add that neither I, nor any of the many mothers I know, some older and younger than me, ever do that.)

    But starving children are a sad serious matter. And as we believe that “hakol bishvil Yisrael…” we should take it to heart and not make leitzanus of it.

    And in this case, I know I’m right too.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    golfer – I agree with everything you said except that popas sense of humor is one of the best things about the CR. I also don’t think he cares that it isn’t funny, that’s why he did it.

    I’m pretty sure I’m right, too.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I agree with everything you said except that popas sense of humor is one of the best things about the CR.

    I guess you think it’s THE best thing about the CR.


    I haven’t been following this thread. Did anything happen?


    So insensitive!


    Chevra – your ignorance about Africa is sad

    As an “African” I can tell you that there are indeed many children in Africa who are indeed starving. There are unfortunately many children who die not only of hunger, but of thirst too. Fresh water, believe it or not to many of you Americans, in some parts of rural Africa, simply doesn’t exist.

    As one poster noted – the main causes in the majority of the cases of hunger and starvation is as correctly noted – due to war.

    However not all of Africa is like this, so many of you can come down from your “Ivory Towers” and experience Africa for yourselves. Not such a crazy thing

    And when you do, let me know – ill be happy to give you a ride on my elephant and will be more than happy to share my Shabbos pigeon chullent with you

    Shopping613 🌠

    It’s true, but I hate it when parents tell their kids not to waste cuz there are starving kids in africa. What do you WANT me to do? Send MY food to them????????? My leftovers????

    Ya, they’ll eat the moldy food and then we’ll all talk about the poor sick kids in africa……If they want to help they can send them money…..I know it’s bad there secondhand….

    Tell you’re kids that HaShem says not to waste the food he gave us since it’s a present…..what’s wrong with that?

    Shopping613 🌠

    And PBA jokes about everything…..


    touche. while politics may indeed (hurt) food production in fact it has retarded the food growth in 99% of African countries. As a former “African” and now American, traditionally as African countries obtained their independence from their former rulers economically things became substantially worse. While there is an excellent potential to grow food, tachlis, this is not happening. Sometimes it is a good thing to learn about a subject prior to giving expert testimony.


    it WAS me, whatever


    Forget Africa. There are little kids, in Williamsburg and Boro Park (and other frum enclaves too) who would go to bed hungry every night if not for the many tzedakas that are around.


    It’s not about them, it’s about Mom. Complain about that.


    while politics may indeed (hurt) food production in fact it has retarded the food growth in 99% of African countries.

    That isn’t a nice word.

    YW Moderator-42

    How it came to be that I got fat…


    Hail to thee fat person!


    Hail to thee person whose weight is unspecified!

    always here

    ha! how’d I know who started this thread without looking?! jus’ sayin’ …

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