Speaking between mincha and maariv on yontiff

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    When I first came to the yeshiva, there was an alter bochur who missed shachris, insisted on second dates, and wouldn’t date daughters of gioreses, and once told me you don’t need to worry about slippery slopes, and told ridiculous things in the name of the kotzker.

    So this alta bochur was a bit insulted that he was never asked to speak between mincha and maariv on yontiff, just because he didn’t have a rich father in law. So one year, he told the rav, that he was going to speak on the first day of yontiff after mincha, and that is it. So the rav said ok.

    So the altah bochur got up, and he klerred a chakirah. What is pshat that we say shmone esrei twice on the first day of pesach. Is it because we forgot to skip mashiv haruach, or is it because the minhag is to say it twice. And the nafka minah is if you are holding by mashiv haruach and remember: should you say it or skip it.

    YW Moderator-42

    I thought this thread was going to be about those who speak while the speaker is speaking because they don’t want to publicly take out their phone on Yom tov

    YW Moderator-42

    In some shuls they don’t let bochurim speak because it becomes a shidduch show. So only sons-in-law of choshev people speak.

    YW Moderator-42

    If you accidentally started saying weekday shmoneh esrei at Mincha on 1st day of Pesach, and you get past bareich aleinu, normally you just finish the current bracha then say yom tov mincha. But here, you lechora said v’sein tal umatar so do you have to start over?

    This might make a nafka mina of whether you are allowed to say v’sein bracha 90 times on Yom Tov or is it considered hachana.

    The Frumguy

    What’s a “yontiff”?


    it’s what you say to the pope if you meet him on Pesach: good yontiff Pontiff”


    Yontiff is legitimate Yiddish for Yom Tov


    I say yes, you say no, I say why, I say I don’t know.


    I don’t speak between washing for bread and saying hamotzi, but between minchah and maariv is to long to keep my mouth shut.


    I say it three times. shacharis mussaf and mincha

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