Space Travel

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    Putting aside the theatrics of recent billionaire orbital/sub-orbital flights, do any of you contemplate space travel in your lifetime. Except perhaps for a few bal-tshuvah ex-trekkies (excluding the episodes where the Klingonw were not dressed in tziniusdik uniforms) is space travel legitimately on the bucket list for any poishete yidden once the cost is within some notion of “reasonable” and the safety of commercial space flight aligned with the risks of other things we do? Aside from benching gomel, are there other obligatory brachos to consider? There are one or two “frum” business ventures in EY proposing to organize such ventures within the next few years so its not entirely conjectural.


    If the goyim get annoying enough, that may be the way to go. There will be some interesting shailohs on calculating zmanim once you emigrate from this planet, and arranging “Mayim Hayim” (for mikvos) will be challenging, but I’m sure we’ll come up with a way. If moving to Israel is Plan B for Yidden in America, perhaps “the next frontier” might figure as Plan C.

    ☕️coffee addict

    השמים שמים לה׳ והארץ נתן לבני אדם

    Let’s stay grounded over here

    Reb Eliezer

    The Tiferes Yonasan on the dor haflaga says that they built a tower were air is low to launch a spaceship escaping to the moon.


    It would be a hafka’ah of mitzvos. We wouldn’t be able to keeo literally any mitzvah asei.


    Other than having to work out how we measure time (there already have been some tseuvahs on the subject), and the problem getting water for a mikva (if you had an artificial site big enough to have rain form, would that count?), what are the halachic issues that would prevent Yiden from moving off-world?


    Joey Biden lives as if he’s in space.

    anonymous Jew

    Reb Eliezer,
    With all due respect, do you really believe these fantasy tshuvas?


    Akuperma; no posek has said that lechatchila a jew can put himself in a place where it’s at least not clear what time it is.

    Shabbos, tefilin, tzitzis, yomim tovin, davening, shma, everything we do requires time.

    There’s also no eretz yisroel, so no mitzvos hatluyos baaretz, no birkas levana… the list goes on


    Gadolhatorah please see the movies thread, I’m afraid your brain has been infiltrated by narishkiet….


    Avira, what about lechatchila staying over Shabbos in a place (Japan, Hawaii, etc) that it is a shaila which day is Shabbos?


    Ujm, most rabbonim are against that for the exact reason you mentioned; if someone needs to be by the international date line, there are psakim, but it’s not something you do for vacation

    Reb Eliezer

    Anonymous, with all due respect, stay anonymous as you don’t know what you are talking about. Tiferes Yonasan is from Rav Yonasan Eibshutz, a commentary on the Torah and not a teshuva, which is well respected. He is pointing out that, beyeduah, it was known that the moon is a makom yishuv, inhabitable.

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