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  • #2368652

    For some reason, I get this message every time I try to comment on this site.
    I have the comment box open, which indicates I am logged in.
    The only way for me to comment is to 1) Log out 2) Log back in 3) post a comment.
    When I try to comment on the next article, it’s the same thing all over.

    I don’t see any reason for this issue. At first, I thought it might be that I was logged in on multiple devices, but even when I used only one device, the issue persisted.

    I should probably just take the hint and stop wasting time sharing opinions that probably have no real impact, but I’m taking a stab at asking all of you if you’ve experienced similar or have any ideas.


    Yes, this website (WordPress for the main site and bbPress for the CR) is as buggy as they get.

    I’ve had the same experience for the last few months. Duvi’s probably did some “update” around that time.

    ☕️coffee addict

    It has happened to me too, are you on your phone when it happens?

    The Frumguy

    Yes, I’ve also recently encountered this obstacle to commenting.

    Happy new year

    Same issue

    Type your response. No need to copy it. Post.
    If you get the “log in” issue. Log out. Log in. With saved credentials on Chrome.
    Then hit the BROWSER BACK BUTTON a few times, and your response will be there like charm!
    Post it. Ya!

    Uncle Ben

    Yes, I’ve been having this issue as well. Not every single time but often. If I typed my comment already, I copy ot before I log out and then paste it once logged in again.
    Also even though I check the box for “notify me by email of follow-up replies”, I’m not being notified anymore.

    kalte litvak

    Same problem by me


    Just open another window in the same browser. Log in to YWN. Then go back to your original YWN window and post away.


    Yep, it seems to be an issue that began a few months ago


    @UJM: Thank you for confirming both the issue and the cause.

    Addict: This happens both on my phone and desktop.

    new year: this doesn’t seem to help on safari. I’ll try it on chrome and see if it works.

    : I will try this as well.

    To the rest of you who replied, thank you for confirming that this an issue across the board.

    To the mods: please try to get this resolved.


    The mods have nothing to do with this.


    It does not seem to happen as much in chrome.


    The easiest current work-around seems to be to open a new tab in your browser and then logout/login from/to YWN in that tab. Then, in your original YWN tab, it should accept your comment when you hit submit.


    I solve it by pressing “edit profile”, “save” and going back


    Buggy? Yes, but easy to bypass and much preferable to Brand V

    YW Moderator-25

    Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on?


    Same problem. As recently as today.


    Same problem. As recently as today

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