Something we all keep

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  • #592794
    Pashuteh Yid

    It occurred to me that there are mitzvos that we all keep, even the worse sinner here, Squeak.

    There is a mitzva d’oraisa not to plow with an ox and a donkey together. I can’t imagine any Jew ever doing this, especially considering that plows are now universally powered by tractors. Similarly, there is a mitzva d’oraisa not to muzzle one’s ox while he plows.

    While it is hard to imagine that certain mitzvos could have fallen by the wayside, never to be relevant again; at least the entire klal can stand before the RBSH and say in these areas we are perfect, and in that zchus you should give us all the brachos.

    Feel free to add more to the list.


    What about Mitzvohs that only apply to Kohanim or Leviim?


    Does the lack of opportunity to perform an aveira make one virtuous? Does a person locked away in a prison deserve praise for not breaking and entering into someone’s house?

    By the same token, if the lack of opportunity to perform an aveira DOES make one virtuous, wouldn’t it also hold true that the lack of opportunity to perform a mitzvah makes one less virtuous? By that theory, I’m to be held accountable for not keeping the mitzvah of yibum even though I do not have a brother.

    The Wolf


    even the worse sinner here, Squeak.

    I’m not sure what to make of this clause. Did you mean to refer to me as the worst sinner? In that case you made two typos (miscapitalizing my name, and in spelling “worst”). Or were you calling specifically for my attention to your sentence, as if in response to me? In which case, there are still two typos, plus the fact that I do not get the reference.


    While it is hard to imagine that certain mitzvos could have fallen by the wayside, never to be relevant again;

    Why is that so hard to imagine? Consider that there are opinions that the mitzvos of Ben Sorer U’Moreh and Ir HaNidachas are impossible to carry out (Lo Haya *V’Lo Yihiyeh*).

    The Wolf


    Does the lack of opportunity to perform an aveira make one virtuous?

    In the CR it does. See the thread about the girl who lived in a coma for 70 odd years, and was credited with righteousness for not being jealous the entire time.


    even the worse sinner here, Squeak.

    I’m not sure what to make of this clause. Did you mean to refer to me as the worst sinner?

    I totally missed that! I thought *I* was the worst sinner. 🙂

    The Wolf


    In the CR it does. See the thread about the girl who lived in a coma for 70 odd years

    You’ll recall that I doubted that story at the time. And still do.

    But that aside, then please address my latter point. If I’m to be praised for avoiding aveiros even involuntarily, then I should also be punished for failing to keep mitzvos involuntarily.

    The Wolf


    My point wasn’t the veracity of the story per se, but the fact that in the story she was credited.


    this totally doesnt make any sense..Did you take it from a source?

    People get schar v’oinesh according to how difficult the mitzvah or the nisoyan is…2 ppl. may be doing the same mitzvah and one might be getting more schar for it…


    My point wasn’t the veracity of the story per se, but the fact that in the story she was credited.

    But if the story is false, then what difference does it make?

    The Wolf


    The point is that in the CR world the story is Torah mi’Sinai, as are the lessons learned from it.


    “It occurred to me that there are mitzvos that we all keep, even the worse sinner here”

    it is a maamar chazal. hint: pomegranite seeds.


    The point is that in the CR world the story is Torah mi’Sinai, as are the lessons learned from it.

    I don’t understand. Please elaborate. What do you mean “… in the CR…?”

    The Wolf


    A thousand pardons I am begging, good sir. What I meant to say is “to a certain segment of society….”

    Pashuteh Yid

    Yes, it was a typo, and should have said “worst”.


    There’s also a “certain segment of society” that believes the Earth is flat. I fail to see why I should grant any more credence (with respect to the subject at hand) to those who follow this story as to those who are Flat Earthers.

    The Wolf


    Well, I’m not entirely sure the Flat Earthers are wrong. But that’s another story for a different day.

    To clear up your confusion, let me back up. You asked if the lack of opportunity to perform an aveira makes one righteous, and I answered that- at least from the point of view of a certain segment of our society, the answer is yes. I did not say that it is universally so, or that you should believe what they believe. Perhaps those who feel that way are also those who feel I am the greatest sinner, and thus, I have not removed the crown from upon your own head from your own perspective.

    I find it a bit perplexing that you do not piece together other people’s statements, despite your proficiency in taking them apart.

    minyan gal

    “not to plow with an ox and a donkey together”

    PY: I was not aware of this fact and I am so happy that you brought it up. I almost blew it – my second donkey is under the weather and I almost put donkey number one together with the ox as my crop is ready to harvest. I guess that would have made me donkey number three…or….the other name for donkey.


    I find it a bit perplexing that you do not piece together other people’s statements, despite your proficiency in taking them apart.

    It is always easier to deconstruct rather than construct. 🙂

    The (deconstructing) Wolf


    By the way, it should be pointed out that just because most modern farms in the US are farmed by tractor and advanced equipment, that does not mean that it is universal.

    There are still many areas of the world where farming is done primarily through animal power.

    The Wolf

    Pashuteh Yid

    Minyan gal, why can’t you keep your donkeys healthy? I will get the ASPCA after you.


    The American Society of Pension and Consulting Actuaries? What do they care about how you treat donkeys?

    Oh, I get it now.


    In the spirit of the OP, there are very few, if any, people on earth who give their children to Molech.

    The Wolf

    d a

    (i didnt read all the posts)

    I heard that people with special needs (like deaf, mute, paralyzed etc.) sometimes have that disability because in there past they did something wrong with that body part (ex: mute – spoke a lot of Lashon Hora) and Hashem allowed them to come back with that disability so that they wont be able to do that sin when they come back and this way they will have a ‘kappara’.


    There is a concept of Yoshav Velo Avar Aveira, but that’s only when the situation comes up and you refrained because of the Mitzva. It could be that even if you can’t do it, but you have in mind that you will not do it now because of the Mitzva, it also has merit. I think I once heard of something like this.

    The idea of Lefum Tzara Agra doesn’t negate S’char from a Mitzva that was easily come by – it only adds to it.

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