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- This topic has 161 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by Always_Ask_Questions.
September 25, 2012 5:59 pm at 5:59 pm #932445OneOfManyParticipant
besalel: No, I am not insulted that you think gaming is a waste of time. It would be very silly for me to be insulted every time someone voices an opinion different from my own. But you must realize that voicing your opinion like a second grader on a playground can be personally insulting. As wel asl quite unnecessary. Why don’t you voice your opinion like the mature adult you claim to be?
September 25, 2012 6:15 pm at 6:15 pm #932446shmoelMemberHobby or addiction, fellows?
September 25, 2012 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm #932447aurora77ParticipantHello Coffee Room,
I am not a gamer and I never have been. But might we try to be kind to each other, today of all days, and not call each other names directly or indirectly? I wish the best for everyone here!
September 27, 2012 4:19 am at 4:19 am #932448CuriosityParticipantAnybody who says gaming is a bad outlet should do some introspection. Assuming you aren’t making it a habit instead of a hobby, and that you allot your time responsibly for “business” and for pleasure, gaming is no different than watching movies, reading secular books, or playing chess. Anybody with a hobby who calls gaming bad is an outright hypocrite who is too blind to see his/her own faults. I personally play games only when I’m on vacation from school and have plenty of downtime to spare. Boredom is deadly, and gaming is a healthy and often very social outlet for when I just can’t be sitting and learning. Gaming today is not of the anti-social nature that it had in the late 90s. That is simply a stigma that refuses to die among those who know less about modern gaming than they do about quantum mechanics.
September 27, 2012 2:16 pm at 2:16 pm #932449OneOfManyParticipantaurora is right; besalel, I apologize for the nasty tone in my remarks.
Middlepath, Curiosity, Queen Bee: Can we just continue this thread and not address the new elements? It would be such a shame to let this thread get all whatever…
September 27, 2012 3:10 pm at 3:10 pm #932450besalelParticipantoneofmany: i really wasnt trying to tork you off. if you enjoy gaming you should care what everyone else says anyway.
September 27, 2012 3:49 pm at 3:49 pm #932451Queen BeeMemberI agree, OOM! (what was the name I used to call you? Wun Uv Meny or something? lol).
Curiosity, just wanted to advise you not to get too worked up over this. I had a similar situation happen to me a while ago where I was discussing my writing with another member, and a member came in and was totally rude and disrespectful. So the best thing to do is steer clear of the jerks and carry on. We were having soo much fun and they all felt left out so they had to say something negative 😛
Sooooo, back to regular programming. I’m up to the last board in my Caesar game and once I’m done I shall resume my awesome detective, and not-so-awesome driving, skillz in L.A. Noire. What games are you guys in middle of playing?
September 27, 2012 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm #932452MiddlePathParticipantAbsolutely, oom. I wasn’t going to address it anyway. So.. who do you follow on DeviantArt? Are you part of any groups? It’s hard for me to go through all the submissions by all the artists I’m following, there’s so many! I skim them and check out the the ones that stand out most. Photoshop question for you: is there a way to create a reflection of something, by use of a tool, besides by just copying and pasting an altered version of it onto a new layer? Because that would be so helpful. Thanks!
QB, maybe a little Blur can get your driving skillz back up to “awesome” -). I’m in middle of Fable again, actually. Also in the middle of Driver: San Francisco, and I never finished Fallout New Vegas.
September 27, 2012 7:35 pm at 7:35 pm #932453enlightenedjewMemberQB-
In the middle of right now:
Fallout 3
FO: New Vegas
Gran Turismo 5
Assassin Creed II
Dragon Age II
Alice: Madness Returns
September 27, 2012 8:08 pm at 8:08 pm #932454OneOfManyParticipantbesalel: Thanks. 🙂 So no hard feeings?
QB: lol yeah, back when that was my subtitle. ^_^ I’m in middle of Kingdom Hearts 3D. I just finished it a few weeks ago and I’m trying to beat it on critical mode (wish me luck :P).
And talk about driving skills…I can defeat secret bosses without breaking a sweat, but I can’t get past those racing minigames in less than eight tries. I generally just hand the game over to my little brother lol.
MP: Haha I’m not part of any groups – I’m not really active enough. I mostly lurk and grovel in dumbfounded awe in the shadows of artists I hope to emulate someday. ^_^ A couple of my favorites, off the top of my head: alice-chan, Mr–Jack, vinegar, strongstuff (best ector art I’ve ever seen). There are a lot more, but I can’t pull up my favorites righ now…
Yeah, Painter 12 has some sort of feature that reflects as you draw, right? 😛 I don’t think Photoshop has someting dedicated like that. There is a tool that you can you use to reflect selections in the transformations menu (unless you knew about that one already?), but do you have to make a copy first. You don’t have to make a new layer – I wouldn’t unless I had to tweak the selection further.
September 27, 2012 9:51 pm at 9:51 pm #932455Queen BeeMemberMP, lol -). Actually, it’s because of Blur that I’m a crazy driver in L.A. Noire. Whenever my guy gets into the car, I want to race, race, race, knock into things and destroy my car! Hehe -). Oooh, Fable. I’ve always wanted to play that game -(. And I didn’t started Fallout: New Vegas yet! Is it good?
enlightenedjew, nice list! So jealous about Skyrim lol. Is Gran Turismo 5 a racing game? MP, for you! Is Dragon Age good? I saw a deal the other day for Dragon Age and Dragon Age 2 plus the expansion for really cheap, but I wasn’t sure if it was any good.
Wun Uv Meny, good luck! =)
September 28, 2012 2:23 am at 2:23 am #932456CuriosityParticipantI ran over so many innocent people in Noire… The driving responsiveness is horrendous!
September 28, 2012 3:47 am at 3:47 am #932457enlightenedjewMemberQB, thanks. Yes, GT5 is a racing sim, only on PS3 tho.
Dragon Age is an excellent game, getting thru it on regular difficulty takes a lot of thought and strategizing. DA2 so far is ok, good story but the developers recycled a lot of the environments throughout the game and combat is a little simpler.
September 28, 2012 4:00 am at 4:00 am #932458CuriosityParticipantIt was actually kind of funny now that I think of it.. I would drive around trying to solve murders, while committing them at the same time.
September 28, 2012 12:45 pm at 12:45 pm #932459enlightenedjewMemberFor those here who are artists, BTW, Alice:Madness Returns is chock full of great art, especially atmospheric art. A bit dark in nature, but it’s clear that art style took a front seat to gameplay and plot…
October 7, 2012 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm #932460CuriosityParticipantDid anyone have the pleasure of checking out “Forward Unto Dawn” yet? I heard it can be viewed online for free on the Halo website, but haven’t had time to look at it yet. How was it?
October 7, 2012 7:15 pm at 7:15 pm #932461OneOfManyParticipantej: Thanks, I just checked it out. 🙂
October 10, 2012 8:47 pm at 8:47 pm #932462MiddlePathParticipantOOM, those artists you mentioned on DeviantArt are very impressive! Hadn’t seen their work till now. There are so many great artists there. I recently discovered this guy named Christian Gerth on there, and his work is really amazing. His fantasy settings are mind blowing.
Yea, the Painter 12 has a tool like that, but I actually have Painter 11, which doesn’t, unfortunately. I’m unclear about which tool you are referring to in the transform menu. You mean in the bar where you can choose Warp, Perspective, etc.? Because I didn’t see a reflect option there. You’re right about the new layer, but I have an addiction to creating new layers for just about everything :P. And the worst part is, I don’t name them, so I always get confused. Oh well.
QB, good to hear that Blur is helping you drive properly in other games too -P. About Fallout New Vegas, it definitely has its moments, but I just found it, so far, to be a bit dull and drawn out. Perhaps it gets better, though.
ej, thanks, I just saw some gameplay screenshots of it and it really does look great. I’ll check it out further.
Curiosity, haven’t checked out Forward Unto Dawn yet, though I’ve never been such a Halo fan. I know it’s a great game, but it just never really did it for me.
I saw a gameplay demo of the new Fable game for Kinect, it looks really awesome. But I don’t have a Kinect. Oh well.
October 10, 2012 10:34 pm at 10:34 pm #932463OneOfManyParticipantJust looked him up…oooh, I like that “Living at Lake Quaig.” Very Burtonesque. ^_^
Also, I don’t know if you’ve already heard of it, but you should check out ConceptArt.org. I’ve only started being active there recently, but I’ve found it an amazing resource to help develop my skills.
I just checked and I realized that Photoshop calls it “Flip” instead of “Reflect”…you should see it there right at the bottom of the Transform menu. 🙂
October 14, 2012 7:40 pm at 7:40 pm #932465OneOfManyParticipantBy the way, I finally decided to activate my Painter trial and play around with it last night…now I’m hooked! lol I spent the entire morning painting! It’s super cool! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
October 15, 2012 12:08 am at 12:08 am #932466MiddlePathParticipantYa, “Living as Lake Quaig” is really cool. I love “The Sundial”. It’s such a great concept, and I love how he gives the surrounding village a magical feel.
I’ve heard of ConceptArt.org, though I’ve never really checked it out till your suggestion. It’s a pretty cool place, and I can see how it can help with developing your skills. Thanks for the info!
Ah, thanks for the photoshop tip. It’s funny, I’ve never used “Flip” before.. there are some tools I never use there and some that I use all the time. I guess everyone has different preferences.
Yep, Painter is definitely super cool! Which edition do you have, 12? Isn’t it amazing how many brush types there are? Check out this brush: Distortion/ Hurricane, and try it on a drawing or pic.. it’s so awesome! Feels like you’re high lol. Enjoy it!
October 15, 2012 2:40 am at 2:40 am #932467OneOfManyParticipantlol, Photoshop also has a brush like that – the Impressionist brush. Only Elements has it though…not sure why. I used to love playing with it, but I never really put it to practical use…apparently its purpose is to give photographs a more “painterly” feel.
October 17, 2012 2:18 am at 2:18 am #932469MiddlePathParticipantSo I was using the Flip tool in photoshop, and apparently you can only flip horizontally and vertically.. which is limiting, to say the least. I suppose I can always rotate the selection to get the angle I want.
I love those effects in photoshop and illustrator that make your picture look like a painting, though I never put it to practical use, either.
Have you ever used the displacement mapping tool in photoshop? I think it’s under Filter/ Distort. I only recently discovered it (by browsing through photoshop tutorials) and am not completely proficient in it yet, though it’s a really cool tool. It wraps an image over a selection and acts as a skin, using the contours of the object underneath. Sorry if I’m sounding like a book, I’m really tired.
October 17, 2012 3:39 am at 3:39 am #932470OneOfManyParticipantYeah…Ilustrator is the program for reflecting. Their reflecting tool is really good. Their manipulation tools are very comprehensive. My favorite is the Shear Tool – it’s great for creating shadows in perspective and stuff.
I’ve never used that tool – I don’t use very much more than the basic artistic filters. Will go and try it out.
October 22, 2012 2:59 am at 2:59 am #932471MiddlePathParticipantYa, the Shear tool is very useful, although I rarely use it, since I do basically all of my editing in Photoshop. I really only use Illustrator for text and vector based graphics, like monograms.
Have you tried the Displace tool yet? It’s really cool once you get the hang of it. It’s probably the most complicated tool to use because you have to first do all these adjustments and save your file separately before you even begin the displacement process.
How’s Painter? I’ve noticed that some people love it and some people just don’t really have a use for it.
Also, in case you haven’t seen it yet, check out this guy “Hamsterfly” on DeviantArt. Amazing work.
October 24, 2012 5:40 am at 5:40 am #932472OneOfManyParticipantStill trying to figure out the displace tool…
Actually haven’t opened Photoshop in a while. I’ve started using Painter and Illustrator (which I am using for class). AND AUGH ILLUSTRATOR CS6 IS THE CRASHIEST PROGRAM EVER. T_T All I am using is pen tool and fill, and the thing’s crashed MORE TIMES THAN I CAN COUNT. I’ve begun saving my work just about every ten seconds…do you have this problem? D:
And yes, I really really like Painter. It’s much more specialized than Photoshop for digital painting. Although Photoshop is better with pen pressure sensitivity…but other than that, I am a convert. 8D
Checked out Hamsterfly – nice! Exellent speedpainting (I always judge an artist by their speedpaintings :P). Here are two for you: pyrotensive and Aseo (I am a little into vector right now :D).
October 25, 2012 12:51 am at 12:51 am #932473MiddlePathParticipantYou can find lots of tutorials on the displace tool on Youtube. The best one I found was the one where the guy creates a British flag map over his fist. He explains everything really well.
Hmm, so about the crashing issue in Illustrator, maybe it’s due to a graphics card problem? Sometimes you need to adjust your graphics settings in the program to match it up with the card you have. I think re-installing it might give you those options. I had a similar issue with Photoshop CS6, and it was caused by my graphics card.
Ooh, pyrotensive’s stuff is really cool! “Mo Fresh” really stands out to me, as well as “New Moon”. And Aseo’s work is amazing, too! The one called “Gaby Dela Merced” is insanely cool. The way the helmet was done… wow. (Not to mention the awesome pink hair ^_^)
I never got the hang of speedpainting.. I like to take my time.
October 25, 2012 2:29 am at 2:29 am #932474🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantActually haven’t opened Photoshop in a while. I’ve started using Painter and Illustrator (which I am using for class). AND AUGH ILLUSTRATOR CS6 IS THE CRASHIEST PROGRAM EVER. T_T All I am using is pen tool and fill, and the thing’s crashed MORE TIMES THAN I CAN COUNT.
It wasn’t developed by the firefox people was it -_-
October 25, 2012 3:55 am at 3:55 am #932475OneOfManyParticipantMP: Illustrator doesn’t really let you customize all that…I know Photoshop does (by the way, you don’t have to reinstall: it’s in Preferences->Performance). And my Photoshop is optimized (luckily I have plenty of RAM and a decent graphics card), and works like a dream. It’s just Illustrator. And it crashes on the computers at school, too. >(
Syag: XP
October 31, 2012 8:53 pm at 8:53 pm #932476MiddlePathParticipantOh, didn’t realize Illustrator doesn’t let you do all that. Did you find out why it crashes?
I recently discovered a cool color adjustment tool in Photoshop, it’s under Image/ Adjustments/ Color Lookup, and try out all the options under each bar. I’ve found “FuturisticBleak” to be great for sci-fi drawings.
Anyone getting Assassin’s Creed III?
February 25, 2013 6:10 pm at 6:10 pm #932477OneOfManyParticipantBrave and not Wreck-It Ralph?
February 25, 2013 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm #932478OneOfManyParticipantAnd Paperman when La Luna didn’t? They really have it all backwards…
June 9, 2021 5:36 pm at 5:36 pm #1981543ADHDParticipantIt depends why you play some for some people it helps them get they’re mind off depression but someone with ADHD it helps keep your mind focused just have to make sure it doesn’t take over your life but to use it healthy as brake or as a motivation to do things that you must do which are very hard it could be a great tool
June 10, 2021 6:56 am at 6:56 am #1981676Sam KleinParticipantThere’s more important things in life to do then sit around playing games. Even if it is only after a long hard day at work or learning. There are better things to do for relaxing then sitting around playing games. In life there’s no time to play games. Life is no joking matter or game, “U’vacharta Bachaim” you should choose life, i.e. don’t take life for granted. Hashem doesn’t say on each person this person will live until 98 and this one until 107 but actually in truth Every day and hour is a decree that you should live another day. Don’t just take it for granted and instead appreciate every moment of life. Maybe use your time of relaxing to make a learning Seder daily.
June 10, 2021 7:58 am at 7:58 am #1981715ADHDParticipantIm taking about after 10hr+ of learning to take a break and relax just like some people play sports act. I like to play games it helps my ADHD brain and the pluse side you can listen to torah tapes will your playing
Your attitude is the ideal but one has to be holding there i have seen to many people who went overboard and lost it all hatzlachaJune 10, 2021 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm #1981934Yserbius123ParticipantPeople who are sniffing down their noses at those plebians playing silly video games probably wouldn’t think twice about spending half an hour writing comments on CR, or reading ESPN dotcom.
June 11, 2021 6:20 pm at 6:20 pm #1982195DBSParticipantWooooooow, people are quite satisfied with themselves aren’t they?
So may people who clearly are learning 24/7 with breaks only to eat, sleep, and daven.June 11, 2021 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm #1982197ADHDParticipantJust wondering why would you play games like L.A. Noire which is rated M not just for violence when there are so many appropriate games out there?
June 11, 2021 7:28 pm at 7:28 pm #1982202🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantDBS – no, not at all.
Yserbius- thanks for the attack…
In 10 years it has never taken me as much as a half hour to write a post on the CR, and in 40 years I have never seen gaming go for as little as a half hour.
Just calling it like it is.
But presented your way it does make it seem like we’re just randomly disapproving. That’s what putting a spin on something means.June 12, 2021 11:15 pm at 11:15 pm #1982283Yserbius123ParticipantI’m not saying you, specifically. But there’s a double standard when it comes to bitul zman. People like to call out video games, television, goyishe novels, and movies as bitul zman, but things like following sports or cell phone plans (which is an honest to Hashem hobby for many) are seen as “acceptable” time wasters.
June 13, 2021 11:03 am at 11:03 am #1982463philosopherParticipantVideo games, television, goyishe novels, and goyishe movies are not about bitul zman as much as terrible influences. We can see the results of the influence these kinds entertainment have on our society; I do not believe the US will last much longer due to the terribly immoral influence these kinds of entertainment are having.
And while I’m not one to kasher the internet even with a filter, how can you compare leaving comments on YWN to killing, or killing with, 3-d lifelike characters, many of them portrayed extremely untzniusdig, and enjoying killing “lives”? Do you think it doesn’t have an effect on a Yid?
Perhaps there are innocent games where one can release stress, however, generally these games are very addictive. “ADHD” here mentioned here releasing stress with games, however these games are extremely addicting for individuals with ADHD due to its brain stimulating nature.
Even if adults would play only innocent games to relax for a while, it is very immature for adults to have an entire discussion involving such a juvenile topic. When I first learned how much people are paying for video gear and how serious many 50 year olds are about playing videogames, I thought ok, what can we expect from people who have no concept that we are here for a purpose, but when I see how frum adults are talking about a fake, CGI created reality, I say “we need Moshiach now!”
June 13, 2021 11:27 am at 11:27 am #1982475🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantOk, that was a bit much.
Yserbius- “People like to call out video games, television, goyishe novels, and movies as bitul zman, but things like following sports or cell phone plans (which is an honest to Hashem hobby for many) are seen as “acceptable” time wasters”Those things you mention are not bitul zman issues (in regards to the complaints against them). I stopped participating in all those things in my late teens because of shmiras einayim issues and pritzus. The exposure visually to very inappropriate behavior, immodest pics, nivul peh and even a lot of the violence (i used to love murder novels).
Refraining changed me so much, but it took a long time to get the visions and concepts out of my brain. And it really did resensitize me.
On the other hand, I was still a master at bitul zman. Those habits didn’t take as drastic a change until 9/11.
It’s very important to have down time. Nobody should question that. But i always took the approach that if i wanted to do something mind numbing, it shoulx be something with the option to stop in 25 minutes, 45 minutes etc. Sitting down at a gaming console or video that you know (if you’re honest with yourself) “commits” you to 90 plus minutes is volunteering a too big minimum.
June 13, 2021 12:17 pm at 12:17 pm #1982481Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantR Feinstein played chess, but at a wises age of 9, realized that it takes too much time from his learning and quit. Yehuda Halevi and Bin Ezra played it
I think, Samuel Reshevsky of Monsey came from Gerrer Rebbe’s familyJune 13, 2021 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm #1982480ADHDParticipantTo philosopher
You’re right about the nature of certain video games but to call them immature and juvenile is just being uninformed for most gamers are not children but adults it’s like saying sports are juvenile you personally may not like it or enjoy them but a lot of them have a great deep chucmah and it helps exercise your brain especially with someone with ADHD if done right could be a great tool in service of Hashem
When discussing this with my rov he told me that Hashem made video games so that we can enjoy them just like anything else you made it in this world for us to enjoy if done right and not abused it’s a great way of relaxingJune 14, 2021 12:34 pm at 12:34 pm #1982990Reb EliezerParticipantWhat about Chess?
June 15, 2021 1:52 am at 1:52 am #1983191philosopherParticipantChess is not addictive nor filled with immoral imagery.
June 15, 2021 8:19 am at 8:19 am #1983255ADHDParticipantChess can be addictive and depending on your chess set can have avodah zerah or themes that are unappropriate so it’s really your choice to pick and the whole concept of chess is war there were kings who playd with real people so as with anything you can abuse it or use it to help yourself serve Hasem better
Computer games when done right is a great tool to bound with your kids or relax no different then chess or any boardgame give it a try you’ll be surprisedJune 15, 2021 10:58 am at 10:58 am #1983268philosopherParticipantGreat Rabbis played chess and they had no problem with the chess pieces but I promise you they would never look at video games and they’d be extremely angry that there are frum Jews looking at improper images that most computer games have today.
As for chess being addictive, it is far, far less addictive, if addictive at all, than computer games. One can walk away from a board game much more easily than from a video game.
I’m not saying you can’t ever play with computer games, if the game doesn’t have immodest characters then 45 minutes of unwinding by playing a computer game is ok, but more often than not the games today are completely immoral in character, not with a person knocking down a boardpeice, but with the killing of 3-d lifelike characters and lifelike immodest characters as part of the game, and a player most often does not stop after 45 minutes
of playing immersive games.June 15, 2021 11:37 am at 11:37 am #1983308🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantADHD- video games are not “relaxing”. Maybe you use that word because it allows you to sit in one place, but it is just doing the stimulating passively instead of you needing to seek it out. It makes your adrenaline kick in, it stimulates, not relaxes. It arouses, not depresses.
June 15, 2021 1:45 pm at 1:45 pm #1983321ADHDParticipantDear uninformed listen to the lecture by rabbi weinberger on ADHD on Torah anytime and you will see that ADHD brain needs extra stimulation in order to relax that is what the medicine does and that’s what computer games do by overstimulating the brain you create a sense of calm that’s why fidget tools work so well with someone who has ADHD
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