the snow is a siman tov; Purim-Yom Kipurim there is tremendous rachamim and kapara on Purim; says the navi- lechu na v’nivachacha im yihiyu chataaichem kashani KASHELEG yalbinu
Me! I had to throw together a seudah on no notice in 1 1/2 hours.
And I know the reason for the snow. The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale had selected as the theme for its Purim Carnival “Purim on Ice”! So you can blame Open Orthodoxy for the snow.
And I know the reason for the snow. The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale Rav Avi Weiss shlita is a Tzadik Gomur, and we can only be envious of all the numerous Zechuyos he has accumulated from so many Ma’assim Tovim he has performed.