Singles: Want inspiration? Rabbi Moshe Tendler spoke beautifully

Home Forums Shidduchim Singles: Want inspiration? Rabbi Moshe Tendler spoke beautifully

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    I saw the letter from the Endthemadness founder in the News section of the Yeshivaworld today and I got curious about the Endthemadness website.

    I looked at the offerings on Audio recordings on the Endthemadness website. The first Audio file listed is “First EndTheMadness symposium” beginning with R. Tendler, February 26, 2003.

    I was able to listen to Rabbi Moshe Tendler for almost an hour and he spoke very beautifully. We all might have heard some of what he said before, but it’s useful to be reminded and every thing the Rav said is valid today. He gets to the point on important issues. IMHO, its not to be missed.

    If singles (or Shadchanim) want beautiful and stirring inspiration, its here for all.

    I thank endthemadness for making this bautiful Shiur available.


    I agree. He does speak VERY WELL and always has a point and brings it across very strongly. get inspired.


    how exactly can one access this lecture for others to listen to and foward to others

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