Just a quick Halachik Question. While I know that singing by the The chazan is an old question we have a rule ??? ??? ?? ????? the poskim take this seriously that even if you think you hear the one person it doesn’t help. Well that mean any integral part of davening that the tzibor sings with the chazan can’t be heard. So it the tzibor sings with the chazan chazaras hashatz wouldn’t that be a problem (Like sim shalom is popular to sing together)
I saw in the Mishna Berura that with regard to saying along with shliach tzibbur during the year (not Yomim Noraim) is assur and it is yuhara (gaiva) I believe were his words. I assume this din should still apply by Yomim Noraim but I cant pasken.
As far as the singing with the chazan- first of all, if you concentrate, then “trei kolai lo mishtame’ does not apply (see Hilchos shofar). Then, as today we are all “bekiim” we don’t have to be “jotzeh’ with the ball tefillah’s “chazarah”, so we can join and sing!
rabbiofberlin the gemara is clear that only applies to something chaviv and doesnt apply to frequent ?????. You also need at least 10 people listening and that cant happen if people sing according to what im arguing.
WIY i was aware of the mishna berura but i’m just wondering about a real halachik issue