Simchas Torah Minyan for Bnei Eretz Yisroel in Brooklyn

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    I live in Eretz Yisroel and keep one day yontef, and as such Simchas Torah in America is a normal weekday for me (although obviously I can’t do melacha in public on 2nd day yontef while in chu”l). I will iy”h be in Flatbush over Sukkos and will have to do the hakafos of Simchas Torah on the first day of Shmini Atzeres. Does anyone know of Simchas Torah minyanim for Bnei Eretz Yisroel somewhere in Brooklyn (ideally Flatbush)? I know many chassidishe shuls do hakafos the first day as well, but ideally I would like a shul with a real matzav and not seven somber laps around the bimah like I’ve typically seen on the first day in chassidishe places in chu”l.


    Try Boston (J & 29th) or Landau’s. If not, walk in to Boro Park to Shomer Shabbos or Rachmastrivka. The minyonim might be earlier than the regular minyan.


    Suck it up. Put on Tefillin betzina. Go to Shul and celebrate when they celebrate. Lots of us have done it.


    Ask a Rav if joining such a minyan is allowed in chutz laaretz.

    Leiby Wasser

    “although obviously I can’t do melacha in public on 2nd day yontef while in chu”l”
    You can’t do any melacha in private either!


    There used to be one in Chaim Berlin years.ago for Israeli guys learning there. That being said, there is an issue of being poretz geder in being too open about celebrating Simchas Torah too publicly in Chu”l on the first day.

    As to doing melacha privately on the second day – there are those who are matir, including the Chacham Tzvi.


    @Leiby Wasser, I’m aware that there are many poskim who hold not to do melacha betzina either, but there are also many poskim who hold that you can do melacha betzina. I asked my Rov, and he paskened for me that I can do melacha betzina on the 2nd day.


    Hatzlacha and gmar chasima tova to all


    YG45: Is there a difference between an Israeli celebrating Simchas Torah too openly on Shmini Atzeres in chu’l and a chu’l resident celebrating Simchas Torah too openly on Isru Chag in Israel?


    midwesterner-it’s been many years since I looked into the shaila but from what I remember, there are some poskim who say that there is no difference but there are many poskim that say that there is a difference.

    Happy new year

    A chul resident keeping Simcha Torah in Israel is fine, because, you’re not being mevaze Yom Tov.
    For an Israeli to be mevaze Yom to in chul could be a major issur of mevaze es hamoadim.
    The same issur for bnei chul in chul, applies EQUALLY for Israelis in chul


    So how is celebrating Simchas Torah (a clear Yom Tov act) on Shmini Atzeres being mevazeh Yom Tov?

    Reb Boaz

    The Mishnah berurah paskens that even bytzina melacha is assur


    will you duchen by sachris at this minyan?


    Duchening is not such a big deal, Sephardim do it daily chutz laaretz


    WASNT there a story of a askenzik shul that burnt down cuz they were planning on duchening in chutz laretz?


    “For an Israeli to be mevaze Yom to in chul could be a major issur of mevaze es hamoadim.”

    Except for the Israeli it’s isru chag, even in chu”l. I will be davening a regular shacharit with tefillin while everyone else is circling around the shule and drinking copious amounts of liquor.


    I didn’t know liquor is osur on chol

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