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- This topic has 20 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Haimy.
August 8, 2024 8:28 pm at 8:28 pm #2304209HaimyParticipant
It’s now a yearly tradition, Tisha B’av is a day to enjoy viewing “Meaningful” movie shows. For weeks before you can watch a trailer to get yourself excited looking forward to Tisha B’Av.
These are high class productions that do indeed entertain but is this what Tisha B’av is meant to be?
Some Movies have young women included as part of story, is that appropriate for a Frum male viewer?
I don’t think so.
I know that Tisha B’av can be boring, it’s meant to be. It’s not a day for film watching in my humble opinion.August 8, 2024 10:43 pm at 10:43 pm #2304282KuvultParticipant1. Thank you for sharing the “Chumrah of the week”
What difference does it make whether one appreciates Tisha B’Av or learns something by listening to a Shiur or watching a movie? There are a few excellent speakers or story tellers that really know how to affect people &/or get them to think about doing better in deficient areas of their lives. Since these people can’t be everywhere at once what is wrong with using modern technology to share the message with a larger audience?
2. If on Tisha Bav you’re watching a movie about the Churban or the Holocaust or how to rebuild the Bais Hamikdash through Achdus but instead your mind is consumed not by the deep message but by the sight of a “young women” on the screen you need serious psychological help.August 9, 2024 8:43 am at 8:43 am #2304311Alteh-BucherParticipantKvod Reb Haimy ,
I myself don’t plan on watching those presentations and content, but I do plan to learn parts of Maseches Taanis and Moed Kotton and Tanach Iyov and some of the Artscroll on Kinnus.
However , I remember when there was none of this available and people either died of boredom that day, or resorted to watching even less appropriate material for Tisha B’av or any day.
So I’d pick my battles wisely here.
August 9, 2024 8:43 am at 8:43 am #2304312shmirashalash0nParticipant@kuvult Your first point makes sense but your second one is full of ignorance and stupidity
August 9, 2024 8:44 am at 8:44 am #2304313Yserbius123ParticipantYes.
If you can get through Tisha B’av with the right amount of sadness and making your day truly meaningful, then by all means do! However, most children have a hard time getting into the right mindset of Tisha B’av. By the afternoon, most adults are too exhausted to really give that over. Learning Torah is out. So a meaningful movie, for all those children and hot+tired adults, is just fine.
August 9, 2024 8:45 am at 8:45 am #2304320Little FroggieParticipantKuvult: HELP!!! Cool your engines. He happens to be right!!!
Tisha B’av is a day of mourning. Period. Chazal instituted that day for mourning over our bais hamikdash. Our lost sublime status. We are all mourners over it.
No. It’s not a day of reflection, tshuva etc. Just in mourning.Mourners R”L don’t go to shiurim, watch shows, listen to speakers… There’s a time for that.
That fact that we’ve lost sight of the essence of this unique day does not make it any less. Certainly don’t mock anyone who DOES try to retain something of it.
Someone once gave a beautiful analogy.. imagine R”L there’s an accident Lo Aleinu.. people are coming to the Shiva house to be Menachem the Availim. In comes the Department of Transportation heads, the Mayor, the city municipality etc. and start darshening about traffic safety… How to improve safety, crossings.. Where to put up lights… They’re doing something “constructive”… how to better the situation… Right? NO!!! There’s a time and place for everything. Availim are not interested in this stuff now… Their focus is on one this only – their lost loved one. So too us. So to say we are in mourning over our lost Bais Hamikdash, our elevated status, our close connection to the Shechina. That is, and should be our focus. We are not, and should not be interested in anything else. There’s another time and place for reflection, tshuva. How to hold hands with Achdus and rebuild…
oh… about the young women… are you perhaps Jewish? Get to know us. We’re from HaShem’s Am Kadosh. We try to be holy by not gazing at women… Maybe a pasuk about it too. Any Jewish (actually even not) man is affected. And avoiding it is what elevates us to be Kadosh.
August 9, 2024 8:46 am at 8:46 am #2304321Sam KleinParticipantTheir not movies but actually recorded shiurim of chizzuk on topics that klal yisroel faces currently and needs to improve in to help bring Mashiach already bkarov. Rather it’s on the topic of Sinas chinam or on Teshuva or lashon Hara etc …..
Every year that we sadly remain in golus and need to mourn another Tisha B’av cause we still haven’t woken up and FACED REALITY to WHOLEHEARTEDLY accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva Kinnus and Taanis, different topics are chosen to make shiurim of chizzuk on to help klal yisroel work on fixing these issues so we can be Worthy of Hashem sending Mashiach already bkarov and instead Tisha B’av can become a Yom tov.
May it come to happen very soon.
August 9, 2024 8:46 am at 8:46 am #2304322leah2330ParticipantHaimi, you are so right..but americans have long ago lost the feeling for the Bais Hamikdash and the understanding of our dreadful pathetic matzav in golus. The yetzer hora has trapped most people in a materialistic stupor and anyway its vacation time now.. we dont want to be extremists and mourn. Its bad enough we have to skip on some meat dinners …. It is just the sad reality.. Haimy, try to come to EY… where we dont watch movies on Tisha b’Av… May this Tisha b’Av be a celebration!
August 9, 2024 8:46 am at 8:46 am #2304341commonsaychelParticipant@OP. let me quote your exact words you posted on 6/19.
“Next time you don’t agree with something, keep it to yourself rather than publicly being mevazeh other Yidden while hiding behind your screen name.
You need to now ask mechilah from all the people you put down. So do so right here in this thread & be mekabel not to repeat your foolish behavior.”
August 9, 2024 8:47 am at 8:47 am #2304345Reb EliezerParticipantA movie of the Holocaust which is being forgotten.
August 9, 2024 8:47 am at 8:47 am #2304350Reb EliezerParticipantThere is a 3 1/2 hour movie on the life of the Weiss family from Berlin on the Holocaust.
August 9, 2024 8:48 am at 8:48 am #2304357Reb EliezerParticipantIt is for Hungary an 80 year commemoration.
August 9, 2024 11:55 am at 11:55 am #2304411skripkaParticipantI agree with OP to some extent.
It’s a day of mourning, and not for “Inspiration”, do that Yud AV. Our society has gotten wrapped up a little too much in the AREN’T WE SO AMAZING AND SPECIAL AND WE NEED TO BE HAPPY!!! ATZVUS IS TERRIBLE!!!” That’s all true, but not what TishaB’Av is. Tisha B’Av is for you to feel sad, and broken. And try feeling that all day. Tisha B’Av is meant to suck. Mourning sucks.
Weren’t we taught that a dor in which the Bais Hamikdash is not rebuilt is a dor in which it would’ve been destroyed? i.e., the point is that on Tisha B’Av we need to focus on the fact that we still hate each other. “But that’s depressing?” Yes, it is. It’s meant to be. People are way too afraid of experiencing negative emotions.
I know links aren’t allowed, so I’m going to try posting this as a non link and if you’re interested just fix it. . But this from Dovid Orlofsky is something you should be watching on Tisha B’Av. I know it’s Orlofsky, but there isn’t a joke to be found. Just pure Mussar,
https: //torahanytime.com/lectures/ 20692
I don’t get the Women argument though, that’s not the issue.
August 9, 2024 11:56 am at 11:56 am #2304413AMputtingonHaRITZParticipantThank you Reb Eliezer for the suggestion.
Does anyone else have any other recommendations?
August 9, 2024 11:56 am at 11:56 am #2304414yeshivaguy45ParticipantThis has been debated nearly every year whether here in the CR or in letters submitted to the news sites. What comes out is that one shouldn’t take his mind off of aveilus. Yes, you can learn about the churban in the Gemara, read eicha, etc. Not everyone can do that the whole day (especially women and children). Therefore, there are things that you can do in order to keep your mind on the aveilus-read holocaust books, watch appropriate movie and shiurim that relate to the churban, holocaust or any other tragedy in Klal Yisroel.
In some circles, they feel that it needs to be motivating and organizations invest time and money into doing these videos which motivate and inspire. Therefore they charge for their videos. In order to get people to watch it, they feel they have to put out a trailer so people will want to watch it.
It definitely used to be more simple-no charge for videos and many of them didn’t have trailers.August 9, 2024 2:00 pm at 2:00 pm #2304452nishtdayngesheftParticipantI think the OP is likely differentiating between a video of drashos about Tisha BAv and the churn and the made for Tisha BAv movies. And he has a point. In my opinion.
August 11, 2024 8:34 am at 8:34 am #2304470Sam KleinParticipantLeah
You are so right and this is one of the biggest reasons why we’re still in golus today, cause we’re missing the TZIPISA LEYESHUA.
Hashem says I see no reason why i should give the בית המקדש back to my loving children klal yisroel. Hashem goes to one person sitting in this corner, he has beautiful children he already bought his house he has a car, he’s so happy he’s not grieving over my בית המקדש that’s 1 less person for my בית המקדש. The next person sitting at this corner has beautiful children he loves to learn & has a rich Father-in-law supporting him he’s so happy hes not grieving over my בית המקדש thats 1 less person for my בית המקדש. what is Hashem saying to his Malachim? just look at my children down there look how happy they are i gave them everything cars, planes, computers, Electricity & phones Etc… forget if they are Makir Tov (Grateful) for everything i give them that is not today’s lesson, Let me leave my בית המקדש up in heaven with me when my children cry for it i will give it back to them, but right now look how happy they are. A perfect Mashal would be if a Principal in a Cheder took away a ball from a boy, because he was hitting people with it. If he went to the Principal & said i’m sorry i just want to have fun i won’t hit anyone with it. I give you my word he will give him his ball back. Do you think the Principal needs it? He already has a whole basket of balls sitting in his office. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to wake up & do תשובה, the gates of תשובה are never closed, the worst kings of Klal Yisroel did תשובה at the end of their life yes, Achav & Menashe look at them, after 30 years of avoda zora Menashe cried & wept out all the way from his heart for teshuva from Hashem & Hashem accepted it WHY? Because he really meant it. Hashem is waiting for Klal Yisroel to do תשובה. Hashem is waiting for the day to put his presence back in this world & bring us back the Bais Hamikdosh but we just don’t seem to be ready.
August 11, 2024 8:34 am at 8:34 am #2304472HaimyParticipantcommonsaychel:
Is bringing up what I perceive to be a widespread modern phenomenon loshon Horah? I don’t think so.
Should I contact the creators of a film & voice my objection to certain problems? I certainly did with my signed name & got no reply.
Let’s acknowledge that these films are being made for business reasons, kosher media is no different than kosher food products.
There is no rabbinic oversight to the content being shown & I decided to stop watching them after seeing inappropriate imagery one year.
Tisha B’av is a day of mourning the Churbon & lengthy golus. A film on Jewish themes with background music playing is inappropriate for an Avel in my humble opinion.August 11, 2024 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm #2304785RockyParticipantRealize that there is BIG money to be had from some of these productions. The longest standing video is done by the CCHF. Look at the number of donors and advertisers that they have. Do the math and you will see that they are raking it in with this video (which they still charge for). I don’t don’t know what the costs to produce it are but the profit margin on it must be HUGE!
Are you saying that Jews should not make a buck where they can.?
August 11, 2024 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm #2304802commonsaychelParticipantHaimy, The quote that I quoted you was when you called out someone who thought was inappropriate for a large scale musical production to happen at a fundraiser during a time Israel was at war and this how you responded,
“Next time you don’t agree with something, keep it to yourself rather than publicly being mevazeh other Yidden while hiding behind your screen name”I all said is the same thing, I personally think both of you are correct, the music and large scale pump as not appropriate when Israel was at war and some of the movies are not appropriate for Tsha bav, that’s my opinion but I don’t tell others what to do.
August 11, 2024 9:30 pm at 9:30 pm #2304881HaimyParticipantI don’t see any comparison, Common Seichel.
That was an event graced by Gedolei Yisroel with their full participation & support for the sake of hachzokas Hatorah. It’s a tremendous Azus to criticize the Adirei Torah event as being inappropriate because of the war in EY, when the Torah leadership endorsed it.
The current movie phenomenon in regards to tisha bav has no Rabbinic endorsement, & has elements that are not appropriate for Bnei Torah at least.
If you see an equivocation between the two, I respectfully disagree. -
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