I am sorry that I have to say this, but it seems that many of us have very short attention spans.
What do I mean?
Just a few days after the tremendous Achdus that Klal Yisroel had in looking for Leiby A”H and joining in his parents tzaar, it seems like we are back to the same old same old. If one would read the comments on the various Jewish news sites it looks like people are busy pointing fingers, blaming and bickering with each other. CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!
Open your eyes brothers and sisters. Hashem wants Achdus, especially now in the Zman of the Churban Hashem wants us to remember that it is Sinas Chinam that destroyed the Bais Hamikdosh and it hasn’t been rebuilt since we haven’t gotten past that aveira. The only way Moshiach can come is through Ahavas Chinam. The Chofetz Chaim says in plain words in the Sefer Ahavas Yisroel that as long as the Aveira of Sinas Chinam is amongst us, Moshiach CAN’T COME!
Please, let’s STOP fighting and arguing with each other and just grow up and be adults. The only way to overcome this childish behavior is by developing Ahava for each other. If you truly love someone you let things slide…you don’t jump to attack and argue…
Have a sweet and holy Shabbos!