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- This topic has 188 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 11 months ago by d a.
December 14, 2008 8:15 pm at 8:15 pm #588866abcd1234Participant
this is a request for all posters (and for moderators to moderate) and watch the shmiras halashon (lashon hara and ona’as d’varim!) an all threads!
i am asking a specific request not to post a thread about so and so’s new CD since along with the praises there will undoubtedly be much negative feedback (no matter the singer) and the Chofetz Chaim teaches us not to praise someone in front of one of his enemies, i think a public forum such as the CR would classify as that.
2nd request: please think before you start a new thread if it may lead to lashon hara- Hashem knows who the “owner” of every username is and it still goes on your cheshbon
December 14, 2008 10:28 pm at 10:28 pm #683081mw13ParticipantThank you abcd1234 for bringing up this important issue. And I second the petition for the moderators to please crackdown on all the lashon hara/motzei shaim ra that is unfortunately still found throughout YWN. Just keep in mind: for each word of lashon hara said, one can CH”V get up to 32 ISSURAI DIURAYSSA, times the amount of words posted, times the amount of people that read the post, times the amount of people the post is going on (all yeshivish/modern people, all people who live in ________ or think ______ or support _______…). Even if you plug conservative numbers into this formula, you can CH”V end up with THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF ISSURAI DIURAYSSA. By comparison, this is like being michalel every shabbos you’ve ever lived through, or eating a pork sandwich every day for years. And if one CH”V posts several long, well-read posts on large groups of fellow yidden, it can add up to literally MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF ISSURAI DIURAYSSA. Who can afford this on their cheshbin?
December 15, 2008 12:07 am at 12:07 am #683082lmParticipantI agree with both posters above 100%!
December 15, 2008 12:29 am at 12:29 am #683083yashrus20Memberi dont think we need this thread at all. The mods are doing a great job of keeping the bad posts out. And as to threads read their comment by “top yeshivas”, theyve got it under control.
December 15, 2008 12:41 am at 12:41 am #683084xeroxMember“theyve got it under control.”
i totally agree!
December 15, 2008 3:32 am at 3:32 am #683085mw13Participantyashrus20 and xerox, the YWN moderators do indeed do a great job preventing lashon hara/motzei shaim ra from being posted on this site. But if even one post with lashon hara CH”V gets past them, there can be more issurai diuyraysa violated than in almost any other singular act. When millions of issurai diuyraysa are at stake, one cannot stress the need for shmiras halashon too much.
December 15, 2008 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm #683086myshadowMember“The mods are doing a great job of keeping the bad posts out.”
True! People should just be ultra careful before they post something that might be offensive or negative
December 15, 2008 9:10 pm at 9:10 pm #683087CuriousMemberHow about starting a thread (as a sticky) with 1 or 2 halachos of shmiras halashon daily?
I’d like to believe that most people do not want to violate these halachos, however they are simply unaware of what constitutes forbidden speech.
I’ve been learning the halachos of shmiras halashon for quite a while now and it’s amazing how much I was unaware of. In addition, despite learning the English sefer more than 4x, I still can use more and more review…
Perhaps by revewing the halachos, each of us can improve our speech, and YWN posts, and thus minimize the amount of lashon hara being discussed.
December 15, 2008 10:00 pm at 10:00 pm #683088notpashutMemberCurious,
Great idea!!
December 16, 2008 3:46 am at 3:46 am #683089mw13ParticipantYeah curious, great idea! Anyone want to do this incredible mitzvah? And if someone does, do we have the promises of the YWN Moderators/Editor it’ll be made sticky?
December 16, 2008 4:12 am at 4:12 am #683090mw13ParticipantWell, do we?
December 16, 2008 3:28 pm at 3:28 pm #683091CuriousMemberI guess I can do it if I’m allowed to copy/quote from the “Guard Your Tongue” book by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin (which is a very concise and clear guide), however there is a copyright on it.
Think we might be able to get permission to quote this book? If not, any other ideas?
December 17, 2008 1:15 am at 1:15 am #683092CuriousMemberEditor/mods, can you help us with this?
December 17, 2008 2:41 am at 2:41 am #683093mw13Participantcurious, you could just give us a summary in your own words.
December 17, 2008 3:19 am at 3:19 am #683094abcd1234Participanthow about if someone would contact the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation (i dont know how) I’m sure they would be only to happy to supply the YWN CR with the daily lesson, does anyone know of a way to contact them that is able to?
P.S. special thanks to curious for initiating this superb idea!!!!
December 17, 2008 4:16 am at 4:16 am #683095mw13Participantyeah, anybody want to call/email them?
December 17, 2008 4:25 am at 4:25 am #683096CuriousMembermw13, that’s what I was thinking, but I would be scared of the responsibility if I quoted something wrong.
I guess to start, I’ll post this (adapted from Guard Your Tongue)
*Any derogatory information that is related to others, which is true, is termed lashon hara.
*Any derogatory information that is related to others, which is false or partially false, is termed motzi shaim ra = defamation of character. The aveirah of motzi shem ra is much more severe than lashon hara.
My challenge to all you posters – can you think of a few common examples, where people tend to defend their lashon hara by saying “but it’s true.”
December 17, 2008 4:52 am at 4:52 am #683097CuriousMemberModerator – can you possibly change the title of this thread, as I think the words “shmiras halashon” tend to scare people away (like the tznius titles).
Maybe to something like “Who wants life?” to quote from tehillim “Mi haish hachafetz chaim… Netzor lishoncha merah…”
And then you can delete this post 😉
December 17, 2008 5:00 am at 5:00 am #683098CuriousMemberDo these posts get approved without being read? I was addressing YOU, moderator. LOL.
December 17, 2008 3:38 pm at 3:38 pm #683099noitallmrParticipantRe: Curious
Why would it scare people away?
December 18, 2008 1:23 am at 1:23 am #683100CuriousMemberHere’s round two (GTT, pg 44).
Mods – can you read my previous posts here. Should we start a separate thread for this?
*It is forbidden to speak lashon hara (derogatory information) in the presence of the subject, even if your sole intention in mentioning his faults is to criticize him constructively. Besides transgressing the aveirah of lashon hara, you may also be guilty of causing him humiliation and mortification.
So, how does ths play out when we respond to other people’s posts. Do we speak in a derogatory manner about the speaker or about the content of the post?
December 18, 2008 1:50 am at 1:50 am #683101Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantmw13: im pretty sure it’s 31 issurim but 32 for teachers…
i learn the halachos every night, maybe ill post them when i do!! problem is im not on every night and it would be MUCH easier if we could get the CCHF to somehow give YWN daily halachos….i have the number, anyone willing to call?
December 18, 2008 3:28 am at 3:28 am #683102mw13ParticipantCurious, you could just start a new topic under the heading “Who wants life?”. And BYM, the more the better!
December 19, 2008 12:27 am at 12:27 am #683103JosephParticipantThis should be sticky.
December 19, 2008 1:23 am at 1:23 am #683104CuriousMemberJoseph, apparently you’re on better terms with the moderators than I (or at least they read your posts and respond). How about you try to make this thread get of the ground, i.e. either get them to make this a sticky or perhaps they could post the halachos in BOLD font.
December 19, 2008 2:33 am at 2:33 am #683105asdfghjklParticipanti really like i the idea about putting up the the stuff from the chofetz chaim heritage foundation!!!
here’s the contact info for cchf-361 spook rock road
suffern ny 10901
December 19, 2008 3:04 am at 3:04 am #683106abcd1234Participantmods-
i just contacted [email protected] and requested that the daily halacha be sent to YWN. anyway for you to contact them and actually set something up? Thanks!
December 19, 2008 5:04 am at 5:04 am #683108CuriousMember#3:
Quoted verbatim from GTT, pg 123
“It is a grave sin to say anything derogatory about Klal Yisroel (the Jewish People) as a whole.”
Very often words are pushed around, i.e. cheap, stingy, loud, etc..
Even if the comment is true, it is not allowed, as lashon hara refers to derogatory information that is true. If it’s false = motzei sheim ra.
BTW, I’m curious (I guess that’s why my user name is what it is) to know how many people are reading these halachos. Should we continue this? If so, suggestions to improve…
December 19, 2008 5:10 am at 5:10 am #683109YW Moderator-99Memberabcd1234 –
You’ll have to contact the YW Editor for that one – the best place for that is
YW Moderator-99
December 19, 2008 5:19 am at 5:19 am #683110abcd1234Participantthanks i just did! hope it works!!!!
P.S. could we sticky this thread?
December 19, 2008 5:25 am at 5:25 am #683111xeroxMemberthe whole idea sound really nice- hope this works out!!-
(as in turns into a sticky!)
December 19, 2008 5:37 am at 5:37 am #683112asdfghjklParticipantabcd1234: i never got what a sticky thread is??? is it cause it always stays on top of the list even w/o activity for a while???
December 19, 2008 5:45 am at 5:45 am #683113CuriousMemberI gave up on asking the moderators (I feel ignored).
I emailed the YW editor, who might be the same guy as the mod…
December 19, 2008 5:58 am at 5:58 am #683114YW Moderator-99MemberOK, you win.
December 19, 2008 5:59 am at 5:59 am #683116asdfghjklParticipantahhhhhhhhhhhh yipeeeee!!!! thanx mods & editor!!!
December 19, 2008 6:01 am at 6:01 am #683117brooklyn19Participantfor some reason i tend to skip over the sticky threads. dunno why but i don’t even notice them…
December 19, 2008 6:07 am at 6:07 am #683118YW Moderator-99MemberCurious –
Not the same guy – he emailed me and gave me the green light to sticky!
I didn’t mean to ignore you, I feel bad you felt that way. Sometimes a straight out formal request to the powers at be is better then subtle hints.
December 19, 2008 6:54 am at 6:54 am #683119abcd1234Participantasdf- yes it stays on top
mod-thank you thank you thank you
brooklyn-likely because learning mishnayos doesnt apply to you but on the other hand the tehillim…
December 19, 2008 5:35 pm at 5:35 pm #683120abcd1234Participantmods to you know if anythings happening with this? thanks
A call has been made, we will keep you posted. YW Moderator-72
December 19, 2008 6:47 pm at 6:47 pm #683121CuriousMemberGood job 72.
99, you’re forgiven 😉
I figured if I threw in the emotional bit you’d pay attention. LOL
December 21, 2008 7:12 pm at 7:12 pm #683122asdfghjklParticipanthow about someone update us on today’s shmiras halashon lesson!!!! who’s in charge of this thread????
December 22, 2008 4:03 am at 4:03 am #683123CuriousMemberasdf – can we make you in charge?
December 23, 2008 5:30 pm at 5:30 pm #683124bestdriverParticipanti can take care of it 4 days a wk
December 24, 2008 2:03 am at 2:03 am #683125asdfghjklParticipantCurious: not a chance, i hate ”being in charge!!!!”
bestdriver:great please do!!!! mostly appriciatd!!! could you do it asap!!! thanx
December 24, 2008 2:14 am at 2:14 am #683126YW Moderator-72Participanta little patience please. the CCHF seemes receptive to the idea. I am waiting for a call back to discuss how we are going to implement it.
December 24, 2008 2:19 am at 2:19 am #683127asdfghjklParticipantok sure mod72!!!
December 24, 2008 4:12 am at 4:12 am #683128CuriousMemberHere’s today’s halacha: (GTT, pg109)
You may not praise someone excessively in front of a group of people, even though these people have nothing against the subject being praised. Reasong being, a) you may add in something negative, or b) excessive praise encourages the listeners to try and refute you by mentioning his fualts.
Ex: “X is a great teacher, excellent lessons, understands his students, etc…”
This is an invitation for someone to add in “Yeh, but he has a hard time controlling the class sometimes.”
December 24, 2008 4:26 am at 4:26 am #683129asdfghjklParticipantCurious
thanx for doing it!!!!
December 24, 2008 4:28 am at 4:28 am #683130brooklyn19Participantthanks, man!
December 24, 2008 4:48 am at 4:48 am #683131abcdParticipantHey, nice idea! Thanx Curious for taking care of it;-]
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