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- This topic has 118 replies, 32 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by The Best Bubby.
August 22, 2011 12:29 am at 12:29 am #858623Moshiach please comeMember
Amen same 2 u if you are!
August 22, 2011 12:49 am at 12:49 am #858624kapustaParticipantPlease everyone out there daven for each other!!!
Ever hear of Daven For Me? I think they’re online, you might want to look into it.
August 22, 2011 4:46 pm at 4:46 pm #858625bptParticipantKapusta –
Thanks for asking, and thanks for remembering to ask.
B’H, all is back to normal. I will tell you this; it was a doozy, but thankfully, having been prepared (physically, emotionally and spiritually) we weathered the storm with minimal damage.
As one who is usually on the giving end of chizuk, it was heartening to see how people (both real and virtual) were there for me when I was on the ropes.
August 22, 2011 4:52 pm at 4:52 pm #858626bptParticipant“I did this a year and half ago, and my son met his beshert B’H in June and they married”
Best Bubby –
This is a very important point you make. Being mispallel does not guarrantee instant results, but we must NEVER give up. No tefillah goes to waste. Youo may not see the salvation right away, and it may not even come in the form you anticipated, but it surely comes.
August 22, 2011 7:48 pm at 7:48 pm #858627yungerman1ParticipantR’ Yisroel Reisman (who is against most of these segulos) said in a shiur- I forget from whom- that a segula for many things would be to learn the mesechta associated with the request. For example, looking for Parnasa, learn Masechtos Brochos. Looking for a shidduch, learn Masechtos Kiddushin. No jokes about some of the other masechtos please!! 🙂
August 22, 2011 8:57 pm at 8:57 pm #858628bptParticipantNo jokes about some of the other masechtos please!! 🙂
Too bad..I had some funny ones lined up!
August 22, 2011 9:22 pm at 9:22 pm #858629adorableParticipantput them on the general shmooze thread (or the nail polish one. isnt that your favorite)
August 22, 2011 10:38 pm at 10:38 pm #858630ItcheSrulikMemberIf I want a segula for good rates on liability insurance should I learn bava kama?
August 22, 2011 10:40 pm at 10:40 pm #858631bptParticipant“put them on the general shmooze thread”
What, you think the Mods don’t police those threads?
As for the nail polish topic, I’ve been warned once, so I’m not taking any chances 🙁
August 23, 2011 3:15 am at 3:15 am #858632The Best BubbyParticipantBPT: Yes, you are correct. H’KBH always sends the yeshua, when He wants to. I should have mentioned that my son met his Kallah in that SAME June. But, you are correct in saying that we don’t always get instant results. Every tefillah is saved and wanted by Hashem.
May we only share in many simachot with simcha Amen!
August 23, 2011 8:47 am at 8:47 am #858633August 23, 2011 1:19 pm at 1:19 pm #858634Moshiach please comeMemberMazel Tov!! May we hear many more very soon!!!!!!!!! Since your tefilos worked for your don can you daven for all those in our CR family that are still single???
August 23, 2011 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm #858635The Best BubbyParticipantSend me the names and I will add them to my long list I say every day. Sometimes I go to the Shotzer Rebbe Z’TL kever very early on a Friday morning (must daven there before Chatzot, and light two candles for the Rebbe Z’TL neshama, as per his zevuya, and one for every person one is davening for). I also read outloud all the names and then one has to take something upon themselves with a “bli neder”. I also do Machsom Lefi (to be aware and not to speak, hear or write any loshen harah during certain hours)and learn 2 halachos a day of the Chofetz Chaim Z’TL.
There are other great Zadikim buried in the same cemetary and I daven and light candles there for all the singles, refuot and yeshuot for others. May all our tefilot be answered be karov and le tova. Amen!
October 5, 2011 1:21 am at 1:21 am #858636blinkyParticipantJust wanted to add in an older sibling is engaged and yup tehillim was said this past purim (after i bought it to their attention because of this thread) so i guess bpt has some share in it!
p.s. i said it too so who knows???
October 10, 2011 11:06 pm at 11:06 pm #858637bptParticipantTruth be told, when I did my tehlilim marathon, I had 6 people in mind;
Four, I know personaly. Two I “know” thru the CR. Like I said, these sort of things run in batches, and once high tide comes in, all boats float.
Keep us posted!
February 21, 2012 9:35 pm at 9:35 pm #858638blinkyParticipantBUMP
im on for this year iyh!
February 21, 2012 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm #858639bptParticipantI can’t promise for this year. 2011 had purim on a Sunday, so I was able to stay up real late Shabbos night, and daven later on Purim day (to finish all 150).
I’ll try, but its a longshot
February 22, 2012 2:33 am at 2:33 am #858640yummy cupcakeMemberhey i really want to try for this year! thanks to whoever bumped back this thread-otherwise i would not have remembered this thread even existed. i have a few friends i want to daven for also.
February 22, 2012 3:48 am at 3:48 am #858641JaneDoe18Participant“I was told to say the whole sefer Tehillim on the night of Purim AFTER CHAZOT (and it does take approximately 3 hours!), with ONLY ONE BAKASHA. I did this a year and half ago, and my son met his beshert B’H in June and they married.”
Best Bubby, when you say “the night of Purim,”
did you mean, at night, after Taanis Esther is over, after the Chatzot HaLaila after the 1st Megilla reading?
Thank you.
February 22, 2012 7:17 am at 7:17 am #858642moreMemberdoes it work just for shidduchim or does it work for other things too?
February 22, 2012 8:52 am at 8:52 am #858643bpt – I only saw your message from last year now. Beautifully written announcement. 🙂 Really nice.
As for this seguloh: didn’t need it myself B”H, however, I assure anyone that indeed, Rav Doniel Frisch ????”? was indeed one of the wisest and most respected Yidden of Yerushalayim. I never met him personally, but do recall hearing and reading some things about him. Anything he said should be taken seriously.
February 22, 2012 11:12 am at 11:12 am #858644The Best BubbyParticipantYes, JaneDoe 18, and for all others, the night of Purim begins after the 1st leining of the Megillah (after Taaniis Esther). Wait until the local time of your Chazot Halaila and then read your sefer Tehillim. One bakasha for each reading of the Tehillim. You can start a whole group of women together to say the whole sefer, each one seperately, this way you will have company and perhaps not fall asleep!
May H’KBH grant all Klall Yisrael, an abundance of HAGEFEN = Hatzlacha rabbah bechol maasay yedaynu, Gut, Gezunt, Gebenched, Gut Parnassa b’Shefa for all, and much Yiddishe Nachat from all our families I’YH, a double portion of Yirat Shamayim ve Chet, menuchat hanefesh ve guf, refuot, nechamot, and yeshuot for all who need them, zivugim hagunim for all who need them b’karov, and zerah shel kaiimah for all who need them b’karov, ahavas chinum, shalom ve shalva le artzanu ve amaynu, may all the chayalim and shevuiim wherever they are be well and healthy and returned safely le shalom b’karov, and may all our tefillot be answered speedily and le tovah b’karov, and may we see very speedily in our days the complete geulah ve yeshuah for Klall Yisrael and the imminent rebuilding of the Bait Hamikdash b’karov!!!! Amen Kein Yehe Razon!!!
I may possibly go to the Shotzer Rebbe Z’TL Kever very early on Friday morning I’YH to daven, so if you want to send names to daven for, please do so by Thursday night.
May everyone have a wonderful and gebenched Chodesh Adar!
February 22, 2012 10:17 pm at 10:17 pm #858645JaneDoe18ParticipantBest Bubby, how do we send you the names to daven for?
Do we post them here,
or do you have an email address that we can send the names to?
Tizkee L’Mitzvos.
Thank you.
February 23, 2012 4:28 am at 4:28 am #858646hudiParticipantPurim is a day where tefillah is extra powerful. It’s one of the “hidden” things about the day. It’s a day of laytzanus, which covers up the potential for tefillah.
February 23, 2012 8:23 am at 8:23 am #858647The Best BubbyParticipantPlease send names through here, so that other people can also daven if they so wish, or ask moderators for my personal email. I am 5 hours ahead of NY time. I just ask, if you don’t mind to give some money, even a small amount or a few coins for zedakah in a Rabbi Meir Baal Haness pushke in the zechut of whom we need to daven for I’YH on the early Friday morning, when I bli neder will go to the Shotzer Rebbe Z’TL kever.
Besurot tovot b’karov!
February 23, 2012 7:19 pm at 7:19 pm #858648Bored214ParticipantA few years back when i was single and looking for a shidduch – not knowing about this segula i though to myself that i know purim is like yom kippurim and therefore i should spend the day better than i usually do. So purim night, instead of going out driving with friends and watching all the rubbish people get up to i stayed at home and really davened hard, i davened maariv with alot of kavana, i then started on the tehillim. I didnt finish it before the next megilla reading, but the next morning i spent the morning davening with alot of kavanna and carrying on with tehillim. It took me over the whole day to say the whole tehillim as i still had to go out give shlach manos etc but i didnt waste my time like i had done the previous few years, and that year i got engaged.
Secondly, i know someone who had a number of daughters in shidduchim – the oldest being about 24, then 23 then a boy of 22 and another girl of 20…or something along those lines, and things just weren’t moving. She’s a busy mother of many kids, but she took the time throughout the day to try and finish the sefer tehillim, and she finished it just before shkiya on purim day – her 2 oldest daughters got engaged recently a month apart bh – so for all those who want to use this segula – i’m sure it’s a segula to try and finish the tehillim in between the 2 megilla readings, but at the end of the day it’s our tefillos that Hashem wants, and if we show Hashem that we’re trying our best to daven as much as we can even though it’s such a busy day and we make time for Him – i’m sure He’ll listen even if we dont manage within that short time frame.
February 23, 2012 8:14 pm at 8:14 pm #858649The Best BubbyParticipantJaneDoe18: Please send the names as I need to get all the things ready to go I’YH.
When one goes to the Shotzer Rebbe Z’TL Kever beforw chatzot on Friday morning, one has to light 2 candles for his neshama to announce you are there, and then light a candle for every person you are davening for. One must also take something on themselves to do. He wrote in his zevuya (will – and a copy is on the wall next to his kever written in Yiddish and in English, that people have to take something upon themseves to do with yiddishkeit and not be bluffers.) He was nifter in Shevat 1953, and people came from all walks of life to get a bracha from him.
There is a Rav in London who told me the following story, 10 1/2 years ago. In 1950, when he was a young boy in the Yesodei Hatorah school, a levaya took place on Cazenove Rd in Stamford Hill of some great man, he can not remember the person’s name). It was winter and all the children of the school were brought to Cazenove Rd. to pay their respect to the nifter. It was a very big levaya and in Europe the levayas take place in the street. There were hundreds of man and there was a sea of black, the coats, suits and hats etc. A car stopped and waited a bit thinking that the crowd will pass quickly. There was one hesped after the other. The driver was impatient and wanted to ask the people to pass. The passenger was very compassionate after she had realized it was a funeral and said to her driver we must have respect for the deceased and the mourning family. This passenger was none other than the Queen Mother who then was The Queen Elizabeth I, who was in the official car (Rolls Royce) on the way to an official engagement. The Queen did not realize that Jewish funerals have quite a few hespedim and she was considerably delayed. The Shotzer Rebbe Z’TL approached The Queen and made the bracha for the Queen. He then gave his own bracha and benched her that she should have a long and healthy life with all her faculties, to serve her people and kingdom, and thanked her for her compassion in not disrupting the funeral. The bracha materialized, as the Queen Mother lived to be over 101 and was in great health until she passed away in 2002.
There are always many people at the Shotzer Rebbe’s Z’TL kever every single Friday morning davening, beseeching and crying and literally hundreds of candles are lit.
May the Shotzer Rebbe Z’TL be a meilitz yashor for all Klall Yisrael and may all our tefillot be answered le tova. Amen!
February 23, 2012 10:12 pm at 10:12 pm #858650JaneDoe18ParticipantTo the Moderators:
As per The Best Bubby’s permission, above,
would you please email to the email address in my profile,
the email address of The Best Bubby, in her profile.
Thank you.
February 23, 2012 10:59 pm at 10:59 pm #858651The Best BubbyParticipantI must apologise. Above, I had written that the Queen Mother was Elizabeth I. Queen Elizabeth I died 24th March 1603. The Queen Mother, who was the Consort of King George VI, was the mother of the present Queen Elizabeth II. Big typo error! So sorry!
Also, can someone be so kind to advise me how I can get in to my profile, step by step please, in order to retrieve the info from JaneDoe18? Thanks so much. Tizku le mitzvot! Chodesh Tov!
February 24, 2012 12:20 am at 12:20 am #858652The Best BubbyParticipantJaneDoe18: Have not heard from the moderators or yourself, with the names to daven for. Please advise of the names through this topic.
February 24, 2012 2:20 am at 2:20 am #858653JaneDoe18ParticipantTo The Best Bubby: I asked the moderators to email your email address to my email address. I have not heard back from them.
So I asked them to send the names to your email address, associated with The Best Bubby.
Please post back in about an hour, if you didn’t receive them.
Tizkee L’Mitzvos.
Thank you again for what you are doing.
February 24, 2012 3:47 am at 3:47 am #858654JaneDoe18ParticipantBest Bubby: Did you receive the names, via email, from YWN?
February 24, 2012 4:21 am at 4:21 am #858655ironpenguinMemberThe best segula for shidduchim is to drive for a bais yaakov’s chesed program. My list of drivers is getting shorter and shorter as everyone gets married.
Contact your nearest BY school and volunteer! You’ll make their day!
February 24, 2012 8:40 am at 8:40 am #858656The Best BubbyParticipantJaneDoe18: I have NOT received any private emails or phone call from the moderators. I have even sent a message directly to them last night to no avail. PLEASE SEND ME THE NAMES.
I promise you I’YH, as I promised oomis, on another thread (gefilta fish), that I will go another Friday, very early morning to the Shotzer Rebbe Z’TL kever to daven for all the names you will give me I’YH.
Have a gut, gezunt, gebenched, mazeldik chodesh and we should all be zocher to make many simachot with simcha be karov, with much siyata dishmaya and ahavat chinum for all! Amen!
February 27, 2012 6:32 pm at 6:32 pm #858657The Best BubbyParticipantTo JaneDoe18 and oomis1105: Please advise me of the names to daven for through this column. I have asked the mederators to pass on my personal email to you or vice versa and have NOT heard till now.
I will go very early I’YH to the Shotzer Rebbe Z’TL kever on friday morning, Shushan Purim. PLEASE, PLEASE SEND ME ALL THE NAMES YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO DAVEN FOR.
February 27, 2012 10:36 pm at 10:36 pm #858658blinkyParticipantThe Best Bubby- Thanx for your thoughtful idea! I would very much like to give you some names if there is any way the moderators can contact me through email i would gladly give them over.
February 28, 2012 5:25 am at 5:25 am #858659The Best BubbyParticipantBlinky, JaneDoe18 and oomis 1105: Please send all names to daven for. I have sent a request to the moderators, yet again earlier tonight,to give my email address but TO NO AVAIL! Please send a fax to +44 208 808 9789 with all the names to daven for. I will receive all the faxes.
Please moderators let this pass. You are being so unhelpful. There are so many people that are ill, and need refuos, nechamos and yeshuuos for various reasons and it is the month of ADAR and we should practice AHAVAS CHINUM each every single day, in everything we do, so that we can ensure that we have the geulah shelamah be karov! Amen!
February 28, 2012 2:22 pm at 2:22 pm #858660JaneDoe18ParticipantBest Bubby:
Thank you for your kindness and your thoughtfulness in having the welfare of other Jews in mind.
May Hashem give you a great reward for your Chesed.
IY”H B”N I will fax the names to you ASAP.
Tizkee L’Mitzvos.
Thank you so much.
February 28, 2012 3:47 pm at 3:47 pm #858661The Best BubbyParticipantJane Doe18: Looking forward to have the zechut to daven for all the people I’YH. Please fax the names with all the info, i.e. zivuggim, refuos, yeshuos, parnasa, zerah shel kaaimah etc.
I would very much appreciate if you send the names typed for easier reading. I don’t want you to have to send the list again. Please also leave a phone # in order to contact you please.
May H’KBH answer all bnei yisrael’s tefillot le tova be karov Amen!
February 28, 2012 9:06 pm at 9:06 pm #858662oomisParticipant44 208 808 9789
Thank you for the information. Can I fax this from my home fax machine? I assume this is an international number — are there any special considerations for sending auch a fax (never did this before, so pardon my ignorance)? May you have much nachas from your family, and eb zochah to do many many more mitzvos.
February 28, 2012 9:10 pm at 9:10 pm #858663blinkyParticipanthow do you enter in the fax number? i tried sending it to 442088089789 but it didn’t work
February 28, 2012 10:10 pm at 10:10 pm #858664JaneDoe18ParticipantInternational Direct Dialing from North America is:
011 44 208 808 9789
This will directly dial to the fax machine.
011 is the International Direct Dial Code.
44 is the country code for the United Kingdom.
208 is one of the London city codes.
808 9789 is the local phone number.
Dial the entire number as 011442088089789
HOWEVER, before dialing the number,
check with your long distance company
as to what your international dialing rates are,
so you’ll know what the call will cost you.
You can fax this from your home fax machine.
February 28, 2012 11:35 pm at 11:35 pm #858665The Best BubbyParticipantI have written to the moderators twice to give my # or email to whoever needs it or vice versa but to no avail so, I had to give a direct fax #. If you type out or use the word processor and then print it off and fax, it will take less space and be more legible to read. The fax is open day and night. The reason I wrote +44 … is that I don’t know where everyone is living, hence I left out the international direct code on purpose! Please give me your personal email / phone # so that I may contact you direct to tell you when I have davened. Please be in contact when there is I’YH good news be karov!
I promise I’YH (and of course, bli neder), that I shall go to the Shotzer Rebbe Z’TL kever very early Shushan Purim, Friday, 9th March, to be mispallel for all who need anything. The cemetary opens at 7:30 a.m. There are many other great Zadikim buried there and will daven there also I’YH.
I will light 2 candles for the Rebbe’s Z’TL neshama, as per his will, and one candle for each person I am davening for. I use tealights. I then I will take something on myself B’EH, in the zechut that the Rebbe Z’TL will intercede on our behalf, before kiseh rachamim. May all our tefillot always be answered swiftly and affirmatively for the good I’YH.
February 28, 2012 11:39 pm at 11:39 pm #858666The Best BubbyParticipantPlease send the names as soon as possible, as I would like to start davening as soon as I get the names. Thank you!
February 29, 2012 1:54 am at 1:54 am #858667oomisParticipantThanks for all the information. Yasher koach.
February 29, 2012 2:12 am at 2:12 am #858668oomisParticipantI just sent the fax, and it seems to have gone through. Many thanks again, for your chessed.
February 29, 2012 2:30 am at 2:30 am #858669JaneDoe18ParticipantI believe that 011 is the International Direct Dial Code for
phone calls originating in the United States and Canada.
If you are faxing to The Best Bubby’s fax machine
from any other country,
please check as to which is the correct
International Direct Dial Code for your specific country.
February 29, 2012 3:58 am at 3:58 am #858670JaneDoe18ParticipantBest Bubby,
I just sent the fax.
Would you please send an email to the email address
written on the Cover Sheet
that you received the fax, safely.
Thank you very much, again, for your Chesed.
February 29, 2012 12:09 pm at 12:09 pm #858671JaneDoe18ParticipantBest Bubby,
I received an email that my fax to +44 208 808 9789,
the fax number you quoted above,
was sent to
Snowcrest Kosher Foods, London, UK;
and that the recipient is NOT “The Best Bubby.”
I double-checked the fax number.
What happened?
February 29, 2012 3:50 pm at 3:50 pm #858672Bored214Participanti can think of many things that cud have happened – bestbubby wasnt about to give her home fax, so she’s either given u her work fax number, her husbands work fax number….etc etc..
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