Shidduch Crisis – Solution before the problem

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  • #614611
    ED IT OR

    i dunno what all the fuss is, chazal saw this coming and only made the cherem derabeinu gershom on having more than 1 wife for like couple thousand years which has apparently expired…..


    It hasn’t been “like couple thousand years” since the cherem.


    Who’s stopping you from taking another wife? Have a chupa v’kedushin and mazal tov. But if most frum men have multiple wives, like the Yemenite Jews, wouldn’t that just reverse the problem?


    Most women would not allow their husbands to have another wife.


    I guess those that do want it will make sure to marry the first time only to someone who doesn’t object.


    We also thought there would be room for seconds, but it has proved quiet the opposite.

    One at a time is enough.


    Hey, od Joseph choy! When did that happen?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    It hasn’t been “like couple thousand years” since the cherem.

    And it wasn’t Chazal, it was Rabbenu Gershom, from the early Rishonim. (The term Chazal is generally used to refer to Tannaim and Amoraim).


    It has been like a couple thousand years.

    ED IT OR

    i ran out of fingers at 8


    The cherem was anacted in 1008 and was only suppose to last a thousand years


    If it’s halachically acceptable, what’s stopping you (as in those that want it) from getting a second marriage?

    Then again, the charmers who actually think they want two probably aren’t being that great husbands to the first. I’m not sure how exactly a guy is going to court a second wife. I wonder how that conversation would go when this maybe-soon-to-be fiance, calls the wife to ask if he’s good husband material.

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