Shaving/haircut this Friday

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    The Frumguy

    I’m pretty sure I remember seeing that when Rosh Chodesh Iyar falls out on Shabbos (and Friday) those of us who hold the first part of Sefirah are permitted to shave/take a haircut. Anyone else know?


    Yes. See MB Taf Tzaddi Gimmel Sif Koton Hey


    You are correct, assuming that you normally do not refrain from shaving on Rosh Chodesh.
    Mishna Berurah 493: 5


    nomesorah: I don t remember in which of his sefarim it is written but R’ Chaim Kanievsky states that the tzaava of R Yehuda Hachasid about haircuts on rosh chodesh only applies on the first day of the chodesh (e.g. alef Iyar), not on the 30th day of the previous chodesh. (e.g. 30 Nissan, this friday)


    The M.B. does not add in the caveat, “assuming that you normally do not refrain from shaving on Rosh Chodesh.”

    Reb Eliezer

    It is kabalistic not to shave on Rosh Chodesh but this may be an exception for kavod shabbos.


    It is mutar to shave on other days????

    The Frumguy

    Thank you and Yasher Koachem.

    Doreish HaEmes

    Excerpt from email from R Eitan Feiner “Even one who typically follows Rav Yehuda HaChassid’s instruction to avoid shaving/haircuts on Rosh Chodesh, according to several Poskim (Rav Moshe Feinstein; Rav Y. S. Elyashiv), he may indeed shave when Rosh Chodesh I’yar coincides with Erev Shabbos.”

    Additionally my own 2 sense. I did a quick check on calendar it seems whenever rosh chodesh Iyar is on Shabbos, Friday Is also rosh chodesh (at least in our set calendar) and the M”B is talking about rosh chodesh Iyar when he says it’s muttar to shave/haircut. So it seems we have the M”B also that’s allowing shave/haircut on Rosh Chodesh (at least when its Lkovod Shabbos and Rosh chodesh) (maybe he’s even allowing shave/haircut on Rosh Chodesh lekovod shabbos throughout the year even when shabbos is not Rosh Chodesh).


    Maybe it doesn’t matter, because there are 100 different “minhagim” that “go each way till Sunday.” Maybe you can make an individual decision because it affects no one else, and isn’t really anyone else’s business. Just be respectful of the premise. And if someone looks at you funny in shul and measures your beard length perhaps it says more about them (and their “lo nahgu kavod zeh bzeh”) than it says anything about you.


    Doreish Haemes: Lamed nissan can never be on shabbos based on the dictum of LO ADU ROSH. For Lamed Nissan to be on shabbos, alef nissan would have to be on Friday which means Alef Tishrei would fall on a Sunday, which cannot happen on our calendar. See Orech Chayim Taf Chaf Ches Siifim Alef and Beis for the days Rosh Chodesh can fall out along with MB Sif Koton gimmel.


    Hasn’t the government banned haircuts (at least they banned barbershops as non-essential).

    Reb Eliezer

    lower, If aleph tishri falls on Sunday then Succos will fall also on Sunday, so will Shmeini Atzeres and Hoshana Rabba will fall on Shabbos which would eliminate the knocking down of Hoshanos and that cannot happen.

    Reb Eliezer

    lower, if the 30th of Nissan is on Shabbos than 29th of Nissan will be Friday so aleph Niissan will be also on Friday and so will Pesach and אדו לא ראש and בדו לא פסח. This itself negates it as the first day of Pesach cannor fall on Friday. According to your calculation גר the third day of Pesach is the first day of Rosh Hashanah which would be Sunday.

    Reb Eliezer

    akuperma, shaving you can do for yourself. This reminds me of a Bertrand Russel paradox, the barber shaves those and only those who don’t shave themselves. Who shaves the barber? If he shaves himself, he should not.
    If he does not, he should.

    Reb Eliezer

    BTW, the other two rules eliminate the possibility that Yom Kippur falls either on Friday or Sunday. The chazal did not want two consecutive days where no work can be done, when Rosh Hashanah falls on Wednesday or Friday.

    Doreish HaEmes

    I’m not sure what all this off topic gibberish is… basically my point was more correct than I thought! 😋 we definitely have the Mishnah berurah saying you can shave on Friday when Roah Chodesh Iyar is Shabbos even though Friday is also Rosh Chodesh!

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