With few exceptions, a shadchan relies upon her/(his) time to earn a parnassah. They are professionals who should be treated in the same way you would call ahead to reschedule a meeting with your lawyer, doctor, real estate broker, etc. While most will give you a “one-time” dispensation on the theory you forgot the appointment or were unavoidably detained, you should at least apologize for the prior “no-show”. Even if they are doing the shadchanus with no charge, they are still entitled to respect for their time.
It doesn’t sound like a problem to me. If you want, when you call her again, you can start off by saying something like this:
“Hi, it’s Rebshidduch. I spoke to you a few weeks ago about the possibility of arranging a meeting and I sent you my resume, but I didn’t have an opportunity to call back to schedule a meeting until now. But I would like to do so now if you are available.”