Due to all of my medical issues I do not sleep well at night as I am in constant pain or uncomfortable whenever I turn. I currently not working due to this and I find in nearly impossible to wake up earlier than 9:30-10:00 though I set my alarm to go off at 8:00.
I need two cups of coffee just to wake up. I have tied davening b’zmano and usually fall asleep or zone out and don’t even remember davening. Lately, I have been getting up, having coffee but do not get to davening until 10:30-11:00 but at least I have kavana.
Here is my question: Do I say S”E after zman tefilah or am I making brachos livatalos? Should I just daven morning brachos and then say two Amidas during Mincha?
Waking up earlier is not possible. Trust me. When I wake up I feel like I’ve been hit by a train. It takes time just to get out of bed and feel normal.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.