Shabbos Hagadol, The Great Shabbos

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  • #2076922
    Reb Eliezer

    To differentiate normally (not this year, as Yom Tov falls on Shabbos) between Shabbos mimochras hashabbos, the day after Yom Tov for sefira and a regular Shabbos which is called Shabbos Hagadol, the great Shabbos being a complete rest. The Tur O’CH 430 says that it is called so to commemorate the miracle that happened on Shabbos where the Jews took the Pesach sacrifice and tied it to the bed post telling the Mitzryim that it will be a sacrifice which was their god and they could not do anything to them. As this happened on a Shabbos, it strengthened the holiness of shabbos which protected them thereby realizing the greatness of Shabbos.


    So please tell me RE why is it only a possibility of Rosh Chodesh or Bayoum Hahu? There is a day in between that is a possible chiyuv of explaining and that is the great Shabbos Hagadol ?

    Reb Eliezer

    In the gemora in Pesachim everyone agrees that at least 14 days before one should learn Hilchas Pesach and Shabbos Hagadol would be less than that. Bayum Hahu encourages zerizim, mivod yom, in the day time but that only apples bizman chiyuv, at the time being responsible which when matzah and maror is in front of us to be able to talk about it. The Massei Hashem explains that the question of doing it earler only applies on the one not questioning as it does not make a difference when we speak about yetzias mitzraim but for others it is obvious that we need something to question about.

    Reb Eliezer


    Reb Eliezer

    As yom tpv is also called shabbos, mimocharas hashabbos when counting sefira, we differentiate between it by calling shabbos before yom tov, shabbos hagadol, complete rest.

    Reb Eliezer

    Please bump.

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