Shabbos clothing

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  • This topic has 15 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Yt.
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    I was wondering if based on the משנה that you have to check your clothes to make sure that you don’t forget. Doesn’t that imply that you are wearing weekday clothes but only put on a טלית to welcome the Shabbos מלכה?

    meir G

    definitly not; there are many refrences to changing clothes for shaabos , in the zemiros before eishes chayil it says ” ki hechlafti simloisy.., it means that lets say shabbos morning you leave check your pockets from fri nt .. napkin… candy.. this is why bekishe pockets are all the way in the back

    Sam Klein


    Ever heard of wearing nice shabbos clothing for
    A)a family Simcha
    B)Yom tov etc….
    where both you’re allowed to carry and might have left and forgotten items in their pockets when you came home and put your clothing away. Now that it’s before shabbos we are all asked and reminded to check our clothing to make sure that were not carrying anything inside them


    Many people wear their Shabbos jacket and pants on Motzei Shabbos or may have carried things on the way to Shul before Shabbos…


    That’s just the point. If it’s a low incidence of carrying in your Shabbos clothes, as you say, then there seems to be no reason to make a חיוב. Your assertions strengthen the question.Thanks for the QR.


    At the time of Mishna, some people would have one set of clothes, including talit


    So AAQ, you concur that the חיוב relates to one set of clothes?


    The next line in Shabbat 12a talks about shaking clothes looking for lice at night on Shabbat. I am not a lice expert, but it seems if you just put on fresh clothes before shabbat, you would not need to take them off immediately.

    In our days, many people wear what we would consider shabbos clothes the whole week. So, they have another problem – when they touch wine of havdala on their clothes, the bracha never gets to their work clothes.


    Sounds like it means u have to check your pockets…

    Reb Eliezer

    Someone put on his shabbos clothing on a week day and wanted to see if he feels the taste of shabbos. I will try to prove it. Shabbos has a taste of olam habo. Vayerach es reach begodov, Yitzchok Avinu felt the taste of Gan Eden from Yaakov’s clothing which came from Nimrod who got it from Adam Harishan.


    Mathematically, changing clothes is just a humra on checking pockets – you change your pockets instead of checking them, and clothes are simply attached to pockets.

    The cheapest and fool-proof method is to simply cut the pockets out. Now, every time you want to put something in your pockets, you will be reminded of Shabbos.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕
    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasam Sofer needs some explanation. If he takes something out unintentionally, he is a misasek as asked by the Magen Avraham. What he answers about muktza is also a problem if one changes clothing for shabbos. The answer is as stated above tbat we wear it for a weekday simcha or wearing it for yom tov and we find something in the pocket when outside, so now he is not a misasek.


    I don’t think it implies one way or the other.

    Pockets are a relatively recent invention. The Gemara is not referring to the $20 bill you left in your pants pocket on Wednesday. Whether or not people changed clothes for Shabbos, presumably people without pockets tucked items into the folds of their clothes or belts during the course of the day and the Gemara is saying one should check his clothes at sunset.


    I once left a large sum in my trouser pocket, had to leave it on a ledge, off it disappeared


    Yt, I presume you did not do it in the South … I once left a purse on a ledge (not on Shabbat) in a building, came back 2 days later, it was still there.


    Nope wasn’t in the south

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