shaar hatorah

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  • #599561
    always happy27

    what tpe of yeshiva is shaar hatorah? what type of boys does it attract? is it known as a very good yeshiva? do they allow college there?


    is that in monsey?


    It’s in queens. It’s supposed to be a really excellent yeshiva. My nephew is there now. He was deciding between Y. Of Philadelphia or shaar hatorah and chose the latter because it’s closer. I don’t know if they allow college, but I’ll try to ask.

    ☕️coffee addict

    not that far from me actually,

    I know R zelig Epstien was RY before he was niftar and they used to come to camp Ohr Shraga in the summer (thats about all I know) I davened there once and they have a nice sized BM


    ive got friends from there. basicaly its for fuys that are excellent in learning, and although are on the same yeshivish hat-and-jacket dress code, are a bit more chilled ie. chups , stylish clothes/shoes/belts, and i dont think the hashkafa is so right wing. i know R zelig ztl ewas the RY but still.


    great place. i know people that went there…….


    I went there. Great yeshiva. Toi’s description was pretty accurate. The learning there is excellent, most of the boys are very smart, and there is A LOT of pressure. Wouldnt consider it yeshivish, but its definitely not bummy. They just don’t buy into yeshivish shtick (like most of the world). They officially don’t allow college but once in a while they will let a guy go. Really depends on the situation, but you probably cant go there assuming that they’ll let you go to college right away.

    always happy27

    what about the rebbeim? warm or cold?

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