- This topic has 74 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 10 months ago by shavua.
April 7, 2009 11:48 pm at 11:48 pm #58966822OldGoldParticipant
Sfiras HaOmer is coming up. Does anyone have any tips for how to remember to count. I always want to but mess up somehow.
April 8, 2009 1:28 am at 1:28 am #646039JaxMember22OldGold; last year there was a place to subscribe to get nightly textes from as a reminder! if i hear about it this year i’ll post the number of it!
April 8, 2009 1:35 am at 1:35 am #646040whatshaichesMemberset reminders on your cellphone through your calender and/or I think my zmanim has a text message service for this. Another idea is the ou sefirah reminder (do a google search on it).
April 8, 2009 1:57 am at 1:57 am #646041yankdownunderMemberRefer to a luach (calender) that has each day of the Sifirat written on each day during the 49 days.
April 8, 2009 2:15 am at 2:15 am #646042therabbisdaughtersMemberThere is a number to text to(i dont know offhand I’ll try finding it), and every night they will text you at the same time a reminder to count.
April 8, 2009 4:22 am at 4:22 am #646043kapustaParticipantyou can sign up on the OU’s web site for nightly reminders, and try putting an alarm on your phone. Good Luck and let us know by shavuos time that you completed it this year.
April 8, 2009 4:29 am at 4:29 am #646044mamashtakahMember1. Download and install Sefira Counter (Google it). It even allows you to set up the minutes after sunset you wait in the evening, as well as an exact location.
2. If you can, daven with a minyan every night.
April 12, 2009 5:21 am at 5:21 am #646046qawsMemberTo get the nightly text reminders, text the word “sefira” to 41411
April 12, 2009 5:41 am at 5:41 am #646047aussieboyParticipantI forgot on the first night.
April 12, 2009 6:39 am at 6:39 am #646048JaxMemberaussie: that happened to me one year too! oh well!
April 12, 2009 6:45 am at 6:45 am #646049moish01Memberyou gotta be kidding, aussie. didn’t everyone say it at the same time before you started the seder? you’re so bad – even i didn’t forget 😉
April 12, 2009 7:02 am at 7:02 am #646050anonymisssParticipantaussie, you sound like me;( I did that last year and felt like the biggest loser.
April 12, 2009 9:13 am at 9:13 am #646051aussieboyParticipantmoish: We say it after the seder, but I was tired so I finished up quick before everyone else.
April 12, 2009 9:21 am at 9:21 am #646052moish01Memberwhat does that mean, you finished up quick?
you’re so bad, because you can stick around till 5 AM on here, but you can’t stay with your family till 1 or 2. you know you did that on purpose… 😉
April 12, 2009 9:24 am at 9:24 am #646053aussieboyParticipantmoihs: I mean i just said it by myself faster than everyone else and I didnt go to sleep.
April 12, 2009 9:25 am at 9:25 am #646054moish01Memberso why didn’t you count? i’m lost.
April 12, 2009 9:27 am at 9:27 am #646055aussieboyParticipantmoish: Because no one reminded me and i wasnt around when everyone else said it at the end of the seder.
April 12, 2009 9:31 am at 9:31 am #646056moish01Memberoh well whatever. either way you missed it. let’s see if i make it this year – i don’t think i’ve ever messed up yet.
April 12, 2009 9:33 am at 9:33 am #646057aussieboyParticipantmoish: Good luck.
April 12, 2009 9:49 am at 9:49 am #646058moish01Memberthanks. this year’s gonna be a little different but i think my father is the type to remind me.
April 12, 2009 9:54 am at 9:54 am #646059JaxMembermoish & everyone: hatzlacha with sayin sefira every night!
April 12, 2009 9:59 am at 9:59 am #646060moish01Memberthanks you too
April 12, 2009 10:01 am at 10:01 am #646061JaxMembermoish: your welcome buddy!
April 12, 2009 10:11 am at 10:11 am #646062aussieboyParticipantAnyone want to wish me luck? You can wish it for next year. 😉
April 12, 2009 7:33 pm at 7:33 pm #646064d aMemberSo this is what we got so far:
Text “SEFIRA” to 41411
Or from the OU: click on this link https://secure2.convio.net/ou/site/SSurvey?ACTION_REQUIRED=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS&SURVEY_ID=1141 and fill out the form (check the “Sefirah Reminder” box)
And MyZmanim: http://www.myzmanim.com/ and follow the instructions.
If you know any more, let us know.
Hatzlacha Rabbah! May we all be zoche to reach the 50th level of Kedusha. Remember, counting is supposed to be a reminder to come closer to Hashem. Even if you messed up, Hashem will still take you back without the counting.
If you missed a day, you can be yoyzeh with someone else’s Brocha. When davening for the amud, the Chazzan is supposed to have in mind anyone who can not make the Brocha.
April 12, 2009 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm #646065anonymisssParticipantbest of luck to you, moish and jax! Hope you both and everyone else make it til the end.
aussie, an early good luck to you for next year!
April 12, 2009 8:25 pm at 8:25 pm #646066CrashOverrideMemberJust counted here – have set reminders on both my phone and email for each evening
April 13, 2009 9:23 am at 9:23 am #646068aussieboyParticipantanonymisss: Thanks 🙂
April 14, 2009 1:42 am at 1:42 am #646069JaxMemberaussie: hatzlacha…………for next year buddy!
April 14, 2009 3:22 am at 3:22 am #64607022OldGoldParticipantaussie – hatzlocah. I also almost forgot. Luckily someone at the Seder remembered and said it so I just said it then to0.
I know someone who put a sign on their bed to say sefira, but don’t know if it worked.
April 17, 2009 6:40 pm at 6:40 pm #646071ichbinayidMemberText sefira to 41411 and reply Y… Awesome!
April 17, 2009 6:48 pm at 6:48 pm #646072April 19, 2009 7:19 pm at 7:19 pm #64607422OldGoldParticipantI did that. It’s really great. It tells you what to say for the day.
April 19, 2009 9:28 pm at 9:28 pm #646075YW Moderator-72Participantthanks 42, I just signed up.
May 4, 2009 3:03 am at 3:03 am #646076chofetzchaimMemberHere is an interesting email that was forwarded to me:
This is Gedalia Max from Brooklyn NY, Dean of Yeshivas Hamatmonin, a home schooling yeshiva elementary and high school for boys and girls separate who can’t succeed in a regular yeshiva
I want to mention that B”H I discovered an easy way how to remember the Sefiras HaOmer day by having a special number. For instance, the first day of sefira this year was April 9th and by subtracting 9 minus 1 the answer is 8 and therefore if we subtract the number 8 from the April date we will know the sefira for that day. For example, today is April 29th and if we subtract the number 8 we will have tonight’s sefira number.
If a person forgets to count sefira at night time and remembers the next day if he subtracts the number 9 from the April date he will know the day’s sefira. For instance, by subtracting 9 from tomorrow’s date of April 30th he will know the sefira number of the day.
On May 1st he will have to add the number 22 to the may date to know the Friday night sefira and the number 22 to all the May dates and for the daytime sefira if he forgot to count at night he adds the number 21 to the May day’s date. So, on Shabbos during the day of May 2nd he adds the number 21 to know the daytime sefiras haomer number
Therefore, if someone is sitting next to a gentile on the subway he can’t ask him what sefira it is but he can ask him what’s the English date and with the special number he can know what the sifera is. On the other hand if he’s sitting next to a chasidisha person on the subway he can’t ask him what the English date is but he can ask him what the sefira is and then he can use the special number to know what the English date is.
Also, I don’t just count sefira after mariv but also after shachres and mincha also (without a bracha of course) and other times also so then I don’t have to remember if I counted sefira the night before since I counted yesterdays sefira during the day.
Also since the chinuch says that one of the reasons that we count the
omer is because the Jewish people are to compared to a chossen who counts the days when he will be getting married and the Jewish people are also very excited and count the days when they will receive the Torah and be connected to the rebono shel olom and we know that the chossen doesn’t think just once a day about when he’s going to get married but many times during the day. So too, by our counting many times during the day we are fulfilling the mitzva with the proper devotion.
Thank you very much. Gedalia Max, Brooklyn NY, Yeshvas Hamatmonim
May 4, 2009 3:07 am at 3:07 am #646077anonymisssParticipantI get the sefira text. Guess what? I forgot on shabbos.
May 4, 2009 3:11 am at 3:11 am #646078May 4, 2009 3:17 am at 3:17 am #646079anonymisssParticipantkapusta, thanx, except it wasn’t this shabbos it was last.
May 4, 2009 3:20 am at 3:20 am #646080aussieboyParticipantanonymisss: If its any comfort I forgot the first night lol
May 4, 2009 3:28 am at 3:28 am #646081kapustaParticipantanonymisss, doesnt make a difference, you got XX (cant sit and figure it out now) extra. Its still good.
May 6, 2009 4:46 am at 4:46 am #646082anonymisssParticipantaussie, i did that one year;)
kapusta, thanx.
so, who’s still counting?
May 6, 2009 4:47 am at 4:47 am #646083moish01Memberbelieve it or not- i am.
ok, i cheat- my father comes in to my room every night to remind me.
May 6, 2009 4:49 am at 4:49 am #646084May 6, 2009 4:50 am at 4:50 am #646085JaxMemberme
May 6, 2009 4:51 am at 4:51 am #646086moish01Memberwell i don’t need one because then i wouldn’t need my father and i’d rather have him than an alarm or a text message…
so i didn’t tell him about the message and if he knows it exists he didn’t tell me.
May 6, 2009 4:51 am at 4:51 am #646087YW Moderator-72Participantyou wouldn’t expect a mod to forget to count… I’m still in.
May 6, 2009 4:51 am at 4:51 am #646088anonymisssParticipantmoish, good for you;)
kapusta, good for you;)
jax, good for you;)
I’m jealous.
May 6, 2009 4:53 am at 4:53 am #646089anonymisssParticipantwell i don’t need one because then i wouldn’t need my father and i’d rather have him than an alarm or a text message…
so i didn’t tell him about the message and if he knows it exists he didn’t tell me.
moish, that’s so nice. either you have a good dad or you’re a good son;)
May 6, 2009 4:58 am at 4:58 am #646090JaxMemberanonymisss: i vote for both on that one! 😉
May 6, 2009 5:01 am at 5:01 am #646091moish01Memberhm which one… i don’t think i would be able to call myself a good son (he probably wants to kill me) but yeah he’s pretty good.
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