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- This topic has 25 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 3 months ago by yolk.
December 14, 2010 11:20 pm at 11:20 pm #593492happym19Member
My sister is trying to apply to seminaries but doesnt know much about them other than a few stereotype guesses. Does anyone know much real information and types about nachlas or michon bnos yehuda
December 15, 2010 12:52 am at 12:52 am #721685potpieMemberJust so other people will know, Machon Bnos Yehuda is BYA Seminary.
December 15, 2010 1:36 am at 1:36 am #721686Yanky123MemberNachlas seems like a great place. Solid frum yet open minded, fun and relaxed. I’m a boy, but that’s the drift I picked up.
December 15, 2010 3:23 am at 3:23 am #721687cutie pieMemberI went to Nachlas last year. It is an AMAZING seminary!!! I loved every single minute of it. First of all, the Hanhallah is really warm. The teachers and staff try hard to make close connections with the girls.
Anything that goes wrong, or needs to be dealt with, is taken care of right away! The dorm is a really nice- American like dorm.
The work is challenging, but very manageable. The teachers are not out to get you, as long as you try your hardest, they don’t care what marks you get.
They do not brain-wash the girls, they just teach the right way in life and trust you will choose the right path.
The trips are out of this world!!!!!
I am really privileged that I was able to go to this wonderful seminary!!
I highly recommend it!! 🙂
December 15, 2010 11:07 pm at 11:07 pm #721688happym19Memberthanks sooo much that was actually a great help. what kinds of girls go to nachlas and are there also many different types :)as something completely different she is also looking at peninim very seriously and has heard many wonderful things and many comments how its perfect for her but on the other hand she heard about many people getting kicked out and that its like a “rehab” seminary. she is having a very hard time and is wondering if anyone really knows.
December 16, 2010 8:41 am at 8:41 am #721690semgradMemberI agree with all cutie pie has to say and more…it’s an awesome place in all areas. There is a huge mix in Nachlas but they are all solid, frum BY girls who want to grow. There are in and out of towners and they focus very strongly on middos
December 16, 2010 1:45 pm at 1:45 pm #721692tzippiMemberPeninim has so much to offer – the best teachers around, vocational training, but it’s NOT for a girl who would also be considering Nachlas.
December 16, 2010 2:25 pm at 2:25 pm #721693pumperMemberMachon Bnos yehuda (BYA) is also a great seminary.
The program is very thought out, the teachers are very warm and approachable, and they are great role models for the girls. The program is set up in a way where it is easy to make a kesher with a teacher. Each girl has a personal mechaneches that is always available to talk, and if nothing pressing is going on, she will still have a chat with the girl every 3-4 weeks. Also, every three weeks there are discussion groups in a teachers house, which is another great way to make a kesher with a teacher.
There are tons of fun trips, and amazing programs every Rosh Chodesh. For some reason, BYA has gotten the name of being all fun and no work. This is very far from the truth! While there are a lot of opportunities to have fun, there is plenty of work as well, and there is definitely no getting away without putting in some hard work.
As for the girls, there are usually a lot of girls from BYA highschool in America, as well as other high schools around Brooklyn. Then there are plenty of out of towners, and also girls from England, Belgium, Switzerland, and Australia.
I think that BYA is a very well rounded seminary for regular run of the mill Bais Yaakov girls, not too yeshivish/greasy, but definitely not toward the other way either.
Hope this information helps with your decision! Good luck!
December 16, 2010 11:02 pm at 11:02 pm #721694happym19Memberthanks for all the suggestions and comments they really helped
December 17, 2010 1:16 am at 1:16 am #721695worldlygrlMemberhappym19, I went to Pninim a couple of years ago, it is the best seminary, I am from the Top Bais Yaakov’s In my city (there are 6 ) and I went Bec. I wasn’t looking for 13th grade I wanted great classes , and a chilled out place , I went totally alone not bec. I don’t have friends but bec. they all went to bjj type.
i would recommend going with ppl. you know or are friends with b”h I made great friends who I keep up with till today.you can’t really judge it from the stories ppl. hear about bad girls you have to take it yr. by year Rabbi Meisels The principal is trying to change it and taking good girls from what I hear . but you should really find out for yourself its worth calling and saying I’m looking into your sem. but I need good girls and find out for yourself as opposed to listening to stories… the place is so like that so don’t be afraid to call and ask . pninim gave me the best year of my life, often I take out my 2 thousand pictures of the year to remember the great time I had . if you have any other q’s just ask…
December 17, 2010 2:05 am at 2:05 am #721696popa_bar_abbaParticipant“Seminary knowledge”
Who ever thought we’d see “seminary” and “knowledge” together?
December 17, 2010 8:59 pm at 8:59 pm #721697sof davar hakol nishmaMemberI know everyone’s gonna say “BJJ” again?! But seriously, a relative of mine went in the last 3 years and she LOVED it! It’s very well run, with great teachers and great girls. It’s huge-I think it’s getting slightly bigger each year B”H but really it’s an amazing seminary. I have my hopes on getting in when it’s time-not just for the name but because it’s a really great seminary. You don’t have to be smart, or studious-you’ll just be in the low classes. There are many very academic students who go, and I’d probably say most of the seminary is like that, but there are those who go for the name, experience, fun or whatever, although I think it’s a waste to go “just for the name.”
December 19, 2010 1:47 am at 1:47 am #721698an ideaParticipantCan someone please give specifics about nachlas and peninim they both are not as well known as bnos chava, sora bjj etc.
December 19, 2010 2:00 am at 2:00 am #721699popa_bar_abbaParticipant“Seminary knowledge”
Who ever thought we’d see “seminary” and “knowledge” together?
My perfectly obnoxious post is feeling neglected.
December 19, 2010 2:11 am at 2:11 am #721700cshapiroMemberpopa….u gotta get out more!!!
December 19, 2010 2:22 am at 2:22 am #721701an ideaParticipantMaybe its because this is a serious thread
December 19, 2010 2:31 am at 2:31 am #721702popa_bar_abbaParticipantI don’t recognize serious threads.
If I got out any more, I’d never be in.
December 19, 2010 2:59 am at 2:59 am #721703cshapiroMemberi think its time to google new jokes popa, ur humors pretty dry lately….even i dont get it…
December 19, 2010 3:40 am at 3:40 am #721704Midwest2ParticipantMaalot in Baltimore – great limudei kodesh and you learn a parnassah without hassles.
Yavneh in Cleveland – top of the line limudei kodesh.
Believe it or not, there are good seminaries in North America. You can even get “out of town” without paying a fortune and running the risks of being alone in EY. (And believe me, there are risks even at the best seminaries. If the girl isn’t ready to be on her own, it can get very sticky, and the teachers can’t take the place of your parents.)
December 19, 2010 3:45 am at 3:45 am #721705tzippiMemberTo An idea: Does your school have a sem night? Do you know anyone currently in the schools you can talk to?
December 19, 2010 5:30 am at 5:30 am #721706popa_bar_abbaParticipantHey! Be nice.
December 19, 2010 6:43 am at 6:43 am #721707semgradMemberwhat do u wanna know about nachlas and peninim?
December 19, 2010 6:44 am at 6:44 am #721708cshapiroMemberthat was meant as constructive criticism popa :)))
December 19, 2010 6:52 am at 6:52 am #721709sof davar hakol nishmaMemberFor those of you wondering how I can be working, and going to sem in a few yrs… the previous post was by my little sis. I had left my screen name open.
December 19, 2010 9:00 am at 9:00 am #721710TryingMyBestMemberBnos Chana is a fantastic seminary. It is small, super warm and caring. The girls are all very sweet and there is a great feeling of caring about each other. It is for girls who want a real Beis Yaakov experience. While every girl deals with her personal stuff, these are all pretty good girls, “boys” is not really an issue, the girls are all frum so tznius is accepted (a mix of girls some in the “hadar” mode and some in the “bnos chava” mode.
The learning is fantastic. The Rebbeim and teachers are very dynamic and shiurim are always interesting, and speak to our lives. They also understand that the girls are not in Israel only to study so THERE IS NO HOMEWORK!!!! They have a lot of tests but most of them are open books and notes so if you pay attention in class you can do well. We all feel like we are learning for our own lives and to be close to HaShem, not just to take tests!
In the afternoons, there is an hour and a half of practical learning, stuff like Graphic Arts and Interior Design and Yofi / Sheitels and Culinary Arts. There is a strong Shana Bet where girls can get a Teudah in their area and be able to start working after graduation if that is what they want to do.
There are tons of great trips and shabbatonim, chessed and chugim. All in all it is a super great place. It is in Ramat Beit Shemesh so we don’t have to deal with all the craziness of Yerushalayim but there is a whole group of girls that go to the Kotel every Friday morning, so we are pretty close.
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Cohn are fantastic and they really go out of their way to help every girl feel comfortable. They listen to us and we feel we have a say in things that happen in the seminary.
You should check it out and see if it is for you. You can see a lot at http://www.bnoschana.org
December 27, 2010 3:40 am at 3:40 am #721711yolkMembersof davar hakol nishma’s little sis- just want to let you know that even though bjj is a great sem not everyone is fortunate to go bbecause they base the girls who get accepted on the marks- and for those who do not excell but still want to learn and do wome work there are many other seminaries that are just as good as bjj
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