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- This topic has 38 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 2 months ago by zeena.kasta.
December 15, 2010 3:36 am at 3:36 am #593496bygirl123Member
My interview is coming up soon and i need some advice and maybe you could tell me what sort of questions they ask.
December 15, 2010 4:04 am at 4:04 am #846384JamParticipantStart memorizing Ramban’s and Or Hachayims. Some Kli Yakars would benefit you too.
Just relax. Deep breaths. You’ll do just fine. There isn’t much you can do to prepare yourself for these interviews. Just be yourself, daven well before, and remember: everything is basheret, so what ever the results of the interview may be…. its for your best!
December 15, 2010 4:17 am at 4:17 am #846385Ma ChovasoMemberWhen asked for your biggest fault, (and yes, they may ask this!)try to say something that also can seem positive. For example, say “I like to be in control of every situation.” While you admitted a fault by saying you are somewhat of a control freak, you now also portrayed yourself as diligent and responsible, a real go-getter…. HATZLACHA!
December 15, 2010 4:21 am at 4:21 am #846386Ma ChovasoMemberAlso be prepared to give a whole family history…right down to where your father and uncles went for yeshiva and Beis Medrash, camp and etc.
Also, sadly, be prepared to defend any relatives on your application that are doing something that is not in line with the Hashkafa of the interviewer(like school or work for older boy siblings, and secular college for older girl siblings)
December 15, 2010 6:35 am at 6:35 am #846387ChanieEParticipantDoes your school have a sem advisor who can help you prepare?
They’ll ask all sorts of questions but they are really just variants on one question: “Why should we accept you?” So to some extent, Ma Chovaso is right – they want to know why you’ll be a good fit and if there’s anything in your background that makes that questionable, it’s up to you to explain how you really are a good fit.
December 15, 2010 11:12 am at 11:12 am #846388shlomozalmanMemberIf you have relatives who live outside the green line and who are not chareidi, deny they exist and certainly deny you will ever visit them. That is, of course, if getting into a particular seminary is more important than telling the truth. Like a shidduch, some think that the truth can wait until it’s too late to change the situation.
December 15, 2010 11:55 pm at 11:55 pm #846389Ma ChovasoMemberShlomozalman,that sounded pretty bitter, need to discuss that?
And: “So to some extent, Ma Chovaso is right”
Some extent? I resent that
December 20, 2010 3:03 am at 3:03 am #846390bygirl123Memberthx but does neone no ne intervieew questions of bnos chava?
December 20, 2010 11:36 am at 11:36 am #846391eclipseMemberCorrect, bygirl,you should find out what that specific sem usually wants to know.But the advice to be yourslf is 100% on target.
December 21, 2010 1:17 am at 1:17 am #846392bygirl123Memberwell im applying to bnos chava and machon raya-duz someone no anything abt those sem interviews?
December 21, 2010 3:58 am at 3:58 am #846394Sister BearMemberWhat is your favorite mitzva?
Why do you want to come to this seminary?
A Dvar Torah on the weeks Parsha.
Those types of questions.
Good luck, hope you get into the seminary of your choice!!!!
December 21, 2010 6:12 am at 6:12 am #846395Ma ChovasoMemberEclipse
Not always is bein 100% yoursel the best bet. Depends on who you are and what the sem wants and where you want to go. Bad advice, eclipse, bad advice.
December 21, 2010 11:20 am at 11:20 am #846396eclipseMemberYou’re right,ma chovaso.(esp.if you’re a guy!)
December 22, 2010 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm #846397candy613Memberi know bnos chava is a pretty intense interview so be a bit prepared i hear you should know the upcoming parsha inside and out and have a davar torah ready to. Also know what you are learning and up to in the main subjects… Good Luck!!!
January 2, 2011 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm #846398bygirl123Memberdoes anyone else no anything
January 5, 2011 3:28 am at 3:28 am #846399qt101Memberim also applying there so hey bygirl123 we might end up in sem 2gthr! lol k so i heard that they ask a ramban on that weeks parsha and a looooot of questions about all the yeshivos your fam went to oh and that his interviews are the most intense!! so good luck to both of us!!!
January 6, 2011 5:14 am at 5:14 am #846400bjjkidParticipantif a/o is applying to bjj, be careful with whatever u say and make sure u have a REASON for saying/doing it. do not say thank u if it would b a shayla of ribbus, do not kiss the mezuza if u r just doing it out of habit and dont even know what u r doing. it may b scary, but all my frnds who got in came home saying they had a horrible interview, just b honest and answer the reb’s questions with thought out clarity, if you need her to repeat or explain s/t just ask. do not b ashamed if ur mother is a stay at home mom – she will love that….just “chilax”, kol tuv and lihisrois 🙂
January 6, 2011 5:28 am at 5:28 am #846401bygirl123Memberhey qt101-tht’d be so cute if we did! where else u applying? wens ur interview? im from la so minez on the 25th
January 6, 2011 11:45 pm at 11:45 pm #846402qt101Memberbygirl123 for bnos chava? mines the 24th! im from chicago so i guess hes gonna travel 2 u the next day!
btw i know some girls from LA from camp their probably in your class lol
January 7, 2011 3:15 am at 3:15 am #846403bygirl123Memberhaha thts funny who do u u no?- no wat other sem u applying to 😉
January 11, 2011 3:20 am at 3:20 am #846405bymeidelMemberthat doesnt make sense cuz i also applied to bnos chava and my interview is also the 24 in new york
January 12, 2011 1:33 am at 1:33 am #846406qt101Memberthats so weird!! i was told by my principle that its the 24th cud u chk it out by u?
January 23, 2011 10:41 pm at 10:41 pm #846407bymeidelMembermine is also. maybe they have 2 people interviewing?
January 24, 2011 1:38 am at 1:38 am #846408Smile E. FaceMemberbjjkid-there’s a reason i stuck with the test! (besides the fact that i live out of town and i wasn’t interested in flying in…) 🙂
for anyone applying to machon raaya-how was your interview? i already had mine, but i’m just wondering how e/o else’s was…
February 25, 2011 1:21 am at 1:21 am #846409bygirl123Membermy interview was bh amazing just got my acceptance letter and im imyh going- im from la- where u from? ru going in the end?
February 25, 2011 2:06 am at 2:06 am #846410guy-ochoMemberbygirl123: u just better hope they dont see you on CR. they’ll rescind their acceptance before you know it.
January 24, 2012 1:10 am at 1:10 am #846411resa123Memberok im unterviewing for mesores rochel soon an i hear you have to give a dvar torah… is this true?
January 24, 2012 2:07 am at 2:07 am #846412Too CoolMemberdoes anyone know what P’ninim asks?
January 24, 2012 2:40 am at 2:40 am #846413happym19Membertoo cool….i was just abt. to ask the same thing? everyones answers just got me really scared when like 10 min. ago i was totally relaxed and not worried @ all. I do know i heard that pninim is way more relaxed then others plus its not worth making yourself crazy over….but if anyone does have any ideas of specific questions theyd ask that would really help!
January 24, 2012 3:24 am at 3:24 am #846414sam4321Participantwow,harder to get into seminary than yeshiva it seems,good luck.
January 24, 2012 3:34 am at 3:34 am #846415OneOfManyParticipantNaaah…we just make a bigger deal about it.
January 24, 2012 3:34 am at 3:34 am #846416yentingyentaParticipantgirls, just be yourself when you go on your interview. don’t be a faker.
sam, dont get started. the interview is VERY stressful. and i had easy ones compared to the israeli ones
January 24, 2012 9:20 am at 9:20 am #846417ayshosheeParticipanttoocool and happym19 – dont worry im in pninim this year and its actually really simple rabbi meisels does NOT want to scare anyone he asked me last year things like whats ur friend situation and whats ur favorite subject and he might then discuss that subject with u a little he also looks at ur application and may ask u a few questions on that and then he asks u to read a pasuk and then start reading the rashi (not to test u just to see where ur holding dont stress!!!!)(its also a pasuk usually from what ur learning in chumash)he does NOT ask anything like which animal would u wanna be and y? thats not what hes there for hes there to see if pninim is right for u! good luck on ur interviews and let me know how they go!!!!! 🙂
January 25, 2012 4:56 am at 4:56 am #846418789jklParticipanttoocool and happym19- i had my pninim interview last week , just be yourself and dont try to lie bc he knows EVERYTHING answer very honestly and its not worth stressing over. ust be really yourself and honest ! hatslacha 🙂
January 26, 2012 2:46 am at 2:46 am #846419happym19Member“he knows EVERYTHING” lol
thanks! i agree it is definatly the best just to be yourself 🙂
January 26, 2012 3:42 am at 3:42 am #846420cinderellaParticipantDon’t be yourself. It only works if you’re an amazing person.
January 26, 2012 4:55 am at 4:55 am #846421happym19Membercindarella- kinda the point…we just are! :p
January 26, 2012 11:52 am at 11:52 am #846422zeena.kastaMemberanyone know anything about darchei binah?
January 26, 2012 2:59 pm at 2:59 pm #846423zeena.kastaMemberplease answer the following questions about darchei binah:
1.What were you or other people at the seminary looking for in a seminary when deciding?
2.How important is the interview/How intense,etc.- reading of rashi?
3.What is the style of teaching? Discussion, lecture, classroom setting, chavrusa??
4.What type of classes are there?
5.Can you choose your classes?
6.How much work is there? Tests?
7.Is the seminary about getting as much done as possible or learning as much as possible out of each thing? Are tests and work a side factor and they really just want the girls to learn or is work a big factor of importance to the seminary?
8.How hard is it? How hard is hard?
10.The girls who go there is their focus on learning more textually or learning more and growing more spiritually?
12.Are they all about the outside or do they focus on the inside as well?
13.How big of a mix of people is it? Is it hard to find your place?
14.Do they go on trips? Do they go to Europe?
15.Are their rules strict? What are some of their rules?
16.Do they have a uniform?
17.What is the status of the dorm?
19.How many meals are given?
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