seminary acceptance

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    does anyone know the exact date the letters are coming? is it tuesady or thursday?


    Don’t worry about it. In five years, nobody (including you) will care which one you went to.

    I once asked a girl on a date which seminary she went to. She said “BJJ”. I remembered too late that I was supposed to be impressed.

    Oh well. I didn’t want to date her again anyway. (If I tell you why, you’ll yell at me. So I told you in a way that you can’t yell.)


    Its officially thursday, but some letters have been sent out. Ateres, Meohr, and Seminar have already come to some cities!




    u 2

    pet peeve

    popa, i can’t tell if your kidding or not, but your statement is not true. some people who go to seminary have very important years. if used properly, sem years can be potentially life altering.

    i am thankful every day for the seminary i went to, and i am not going to forget its impact on my life so quickly.

    i would hope that anyone i date can recognize and appreciate the profound way my seminary experience affected my life, and helped me become who i am today.

    as for your other comment, no yelling, but it was not at all necessary to slide that in. it just adds fuel to a potentially aggravating reality, as it is.


    Pet peeve:

    I am not kidding. While I don’t doubt that the seminary year is very important, presumably you will be accepted to some seminary which can give you that experience.

    Not getting into the “Brisk” of seminaries is really not such a big deal.

    As for my other comment, no further comment.


    I’m rather confused – didn’t people get acceptances at least a month ago?

    I really thought my neighbor told me that their daughter was already all set to go to a certain school – but what do i know?


    its on thursday!!! this year was changed because the whole process was later- but i know michlala already found out but the rest will imh find out on thursday the 24th


    mich, darchei bina… most of the non “bais yaakovs” got their answers already the rest are coming anytime this week!!!!!! DAVEN!!!!! and remember- where ever you end up- its where u r meant to b! Hashem wouldnt put you in a situation thats not right for u!!! rise up to the occasion!!!


    ya those sems lk midreshet tehilla, michlala, sharfmans, and other places lk that came, but a few bais yaakov sems also sent their letters!!!!




    Nervous as anything!! Remember: everything’s bashert. Just Daven. HATZLACHA RABBA!!!!!!!!! MAY ALL OF US TEENS END UP WHERE IT’S BEST FOR US!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


    r u sure it didnt change to tues? do u know if pninim sent theirs out yet?

    pet peeve

    pba: it depends on what u hope to gain from your time there. to some, its just for the name, and your right, that wouldn’t be such a shame if they don’t get in. for others, it is a big deal. its all relative.

    i definitely don’t advocate going to “brand name” schools, i think its silly and immature; however, if someone has real goals and things they hope to gain from a particular institution, then it is disappointing to not be accepted.

    at the same time, not getting in to your school of choice does not mean you wont have a great experience elsewhere. sometimes, the second or third choices yield better results! but lets hope that all those who DO go to seminary WILL most definitely remember where they went and what they did there–if they can’t remember even that, then i guess their year wasn’t at all important to them.


    bbyg-def thurs! :0) and pninim i heard is also thurs :0)

    doodle jump

    Everything is min Hashamayim. You will get accepted to the seminary that you were meant to be in. Don’t sweat over it. You will make nice friends IY”H and get together with your old ones too.

    I could be wrong, but I believe that most seminaries have the same roster of speakers, like: Rabbi Orlofsky and Chanoch Teller. So, you will get a lot out of it. Have fun. It goes by so quickly.


    Letters came!!! after everyone stops nursing their wounds- ur all still awesome it doesnt matter who doesnt want you- can everyone post where b”H they will b going


    I got in to BJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!!!

    I can finally come out of the closet and say I am a high school senior in Beis Yaakov D’R’ Meir. I didn’t want to say it before because I was afraid the seminaries might read YWN.


    Me too Popa! Now I too can be rejected by a guy on YWN for not being pretty enough!


    sjs- ouch!!

    popa- didnt ur mother ever tell u its rude to make fun of ppl!


    no, but this girl on YWN did.


    Yeah got the letters!!!! i wanna say where i got in, but my school has a policy that we aren’t allowed to say for a week! but as soon as im allowed to i will post it!!!!



    i wanna say where i got in, but my school has a policy that we aren’t allowed to say for a week! but as soon as im allowed to i will post it!!!!

    Well, there is only one seminary with that policy, and we all know which one it is, but if you’re not saying, I won’t either.


    BUSTED! no its not the seminary that has that policy, it is my high school. We are not allowed to say until everyone in our class gets in somewhere. Hmmmm…. i wonder where you are going!! 😉



    candy-thats a really dumb rule. people should be happy for you! sooo what sem did you get into? now im curious….ppl arent supposed to know who you are here anyways so…


    I meant there is only one seminary that accepts girls from the only one high school which has that rule.


    Sure pops by the way she got accepted to 2 already so what do you have to say to that?

    yogibooboo- I couldn’t agree more that is the dumbest rule.


    Sure pops by the way she got accepted to 2 already so what do you have to say to that?

    I don’t consider the other one a seminary.


    Haha Popa you are a funny one. If you are able to name those 2 I will believe you.


    If you are able to name those 2 I will believe you.

    Sure, they are and .

    edited. No revealing personal information about others.


    that’s very funny! but no it is really not a stupid rule! imagine if one didnt get in anywhere. It is very hard to hear about others getting into places when you didnt. this way during the week that we are not allowed to say, the girls who haven’t got in anywhere are pushed into somewhere, and then everyone is able to say after.

    IM GOING TO ATERES AT THE END! but got into meohr also. Also our class was really bad about it and everyone kind of knows where everyone else is going!



    Very funny pops!

    Popa this is a warning! behave yourself or we will close your account.



    I thought you’d like it. I’d been waiting for a response.


    pops- Ya your a clever one!


    hey pops! maybe u can be friends with my classmates going to BJJ! Now how ironic would that be???? 😉 Do you actually think we believe you that you are a senior in high school? cuz sorry to burst your bubble but we know you are NOT!


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