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    YW Moderator-42

    There is an article on the main page about the segual of davening 40 days at the kossel.

    What do you think of this particular segula and segulos in general?


    If you truly believe in the segula (and its based on something) then it will work. that doesnt meant the answer is what you want everytime.


    The more a person believes with complete Emunah that any segulah works, it will work. It’s Hashem who you are supposed to rely on, NOT the segulah!

    thinking jew

    if there is a reliable mekor for a certain segula then what’s the question? the idea of segulos in general is certainly not made up although many of the present day segulos are. but either way the best segula is to keep the mitzvos, work on ourselves and daven. I once heard a rav say “if the 613 mitzvos would’ve been written as segulos, then everyone would keep them”! people today are certainly too much into segulos cuz it seems like an easy way to get what you want, today everything is about getting the easiest way (Kosher, Parve,and Mezonos)


    does anyone know or can attest to any segulos???


    yoyo; I heard that getting rich is a segulah for getting a rich shver.


    Many pregnant women are nohagos to go to the mikvah when they enter their ninth month, as a segulah for an easier labor and delivery. There are also women who are trying to become pregnant (but so far not successful at reaching that aim), who go into the mikvah on their leil tevilah, as the next tvilah after a ninth month pregnant woman has gone in. It takes some coordination of mikvah nights with the pregnant woman making herself available bedavka on the other woman’s leil tevilah, but the ladies are very accommodating. I do not know the origins of these two segulos, but I can tell you for a fact that a woman went into the mikvah after my pregnant daughter-in-law, and she became pregnant with her first child almost immediately. Both of them had boys. Whether or not this has any validity, it is an accepted segulah in my neighborhood.

    Another segulah in my neighborhood, is the collective baking of challah by 40 women, in order to be mafrish the challah and make the bracha in the zechus of a cholah.


    oomis1105, My rebetzin told me that pple confuse the number 40. The mekor for davening 40 days is from Moshe Rabeinu, but she does not know the mekor for 40 pple doing a certain mitzvah. “B’rov Am Hadres Melech” the more pple that do a mitzvah, the more beautiful, but the number 40 in terms of pple, do you know a mekor?


    Is it really the segulah that brings about the result, or is it the faith behind the segulah that causes it?

    I think that segulot may cause a person to believe in the power that God has, and from his belief he might get what he is desiring.

    What if a segulah does not work? Does that mean that it has no power or does it mean that God said no?



    The number 40 indicates a complete change:

    40 years in the Midbar: a change from a people not fit to enter Israel, to a fit people

    40 seah in the Mikvah: a change from a goy to a Jew, or from an assur woman to a mutar woman

    40 lashes: from a sinner to a righteous

    40 days of the mabul

    40 days on Har Sinai

    40 days from seed to embryo

    there are more


    “but the number 40 in terms of pple, do you know a mekor? “

    So many mystical events took place in Jewish history, or are connected to matters that are of a supra-natural (not supernatural) essence involving the number 40, that I suppose that is why the number was chosen by those who ascribe to it some koach. I would think that the number 8 would be likewise thought of in that way. I have no mekor for this, it is simply something that I have observed in my community.

    And the answer to the question – well, what happens if the desired result is not achieved? Firstly, Hashem works on His cheshbon and timetable, not ours. And second, we are still showing hishtadlus and being pro-active in some manner. Can it ever be BAD for forty women to be mafrish challah on the same day and make a bracha on this MITZVAH of taking challah, in the hope that in zechus of doing the mitzvah with a united mindset that it will accrue to the benefit of one who is too sick to do the mitzvah herself? Is it neged halacha for a woman to go into a mikvah when she is pregnant, so that she feels a level of kedusha (much as does a man who is toveil regularly and has NO achrayus to ever do so and is not mevareich when he goes to the mikvah) so she goes into labor with a more positive mindset? The mind is a powerful tool. If one believes that her actions will lessen her difficulty in labor, that mindset alone will help her somewhat.

    And if a childless woman has to go to the mikvah ANYWAY, does it HURT her in any way to go in after a pregnant woman? How many women get pregnant after adopting a baby? There is a sound medical reason for this well-documented phenomenon. Perhaps a similar type of relaxation (mentally, and therefore also physically) occurs when a woman truly believes that she might become pregnant doing this segulah. And if it does not work, she can always say, it was not meant to be at this time. It doesn’t take away from her approaching the mitzvah of tevilah with even more kavannah than usual.

    Even our chachomim believed in the koach of talismans, cameos, and amulets. I personally never understood this, it seems like l’havdil elef havdalos a form of A”Z, but what do I know?


    A friend of mine told me that his Rebbi discussed the 40 days at the Kossel inyan with R. Eliezer Pluchinski, zt”l, who said there is an inyan, and they even discussed specific details, such as making sure to have only ONE thing that you pray for, and that going before mincha and staying for maariv does NOT count for 2 separate days out of the 40.

    He said that the Rabbi of his shul has publicly stated that he puts little stock into the media’s announcements of R. Eliyashiv’s opinions since they often get it wrong.


    YW Moderator-80, I dont know if we can just pick special numbers and do things in those incriments. Maybe give $40 to tzedakah, cuz 40 is a special number…ya get what I mean? I dont know, i am just wondering out loud after reading your response.

    Moshe rabeinu davened for 40 days for Miraim and then his tefilla was answered, thus we daven 40 days for a personal yeshua.

    On a seperate note, I once heard that its important to know the source when you do a segulah, in the zchus of your emunas chachamim ( of the chacham that told you to do that segula), you will merit a yeshua.

    May all of those in pain and need of their own personal yeshua, be helped B’karov!!



    Moshe Rabbeinu spent a few seconds Davening for Miriam. All he said was, Kel Na Refa Na La.

    Anyhow, there’s a big difference between trying to understand the logic behind something and making one up. Not every Segula is magic. Often there is a distinction between a Segula and something which is Mesugal. Wearing a fox tooth to be able to fall asleep is a Segula, something not explained by medical or Avodas Hashem. Washing Netilas Yadayim with a full Kos is Mesugal for Parnassa. Both examples, by the way, are from the Gemara in Shabbos. Going to the Kosel for forty consecutive days is not meant to be a magic trick. It is meant to be a form of devotion to your Tefila, just as you can understand how fasting for three days gets your prayers heard faster.


    What if you do the segula for 41 days, does it still work? 😉

    anon for this

    Oomis, the segula of a pregnant woman going to the mikvah is one that is new to me. When I was pregnant, I would give to the tzedaka Efrat-CRIB, which provides financial support to pregnant women in eretz yisroel, in hope that this zchus would help me have a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and child. I do not have any specific halachic basis for this though, other than the well-known chazal “tzedaka tatzil mimaves”.


    HaLeiVi, I was just thinking out loud, I really dont know whats behind segulos and which ones have mikoros or not. As long the ones that tell us to do it are trustworthy, erliche pple, we should hope and pray for the best.


    anon for this, similarly, When I got pregnant I donated money to Bonei Olam, to try and help other couples, and at the same time to thank Hashem that it went easily for me.


    Anon, I totally believe in the idea of giving tzedaka, as a shmira memaves. I am sure it saved my own life recently.

    The segula which I mentioned, has been around in my neighborhood over thirty years. I first heard of it when I was pregnant with my oldest child, and pooh-poohed it as an old wives’ tale. I had the MOST horrendous labor and delivery (went into labor on Yom Kippur early afternoon, and delivered the next morning after 20 hours of back labor).

    The next time I was due to give birth again, I decided to try the segula, and did so when I was in my ninth month. That labor was short and sweet, as was every one thereafter. Did the segula help? Who knows? But as the saying goes, it couldn’t hoit!

    One caveat, however, and it is really important. Do NOT do this if 2) you have not asked your doctor if you can still go into hot water – and if you go, make the experience short, so as to avoid prolonged raising of your body temp and 2) if you are dilating at all or your water is leaking, which can leave the baby vulnerable to infection and it also means labor is imminent, even if it is just the beginning of the ninth. Try to be the first one in the mikvah, also. There is NO prep required for this tevila, whatsoever – it is not a miztvah and there is no bracha. Just say to Hashem what you want when you are in the water, an


    OOMIS- yes, I’ve don’t this segulah before all my babies and I hope it helps my labors.

    Its simple enough so why not?

    I like to go as soon as I step into my ninth so as not to miss my chance, because its always possible to go into labor little early.

    If I’m not mistaken, I’ve heard that this segulah is written somewhere with a reliable source…(Please don’t ask where because I’ve got no clue).


    I think segulos which have a mekor in halacha and go with daas torah, are legit (such as the tekuma stone in shulchan aruch and mikvah in 9th month which I believe the reasoning behind it is teshuva and tevilla as teshuva/tahara – since the premise of labor pains is in line with chataim and a punishment for the cheit of chava…) but otherwise they are “cop-out”s and people should daven to Hashem for an easy labor etc – i.e. the point of the segula has to be relying on HASHEM not the segula (borders on avoda zara with some pple) and should be in line with daas torah… ask your LOR for specific segula sources & which are in line with daas torah…

    Feif Un

    Yes, tzedaka saves from death. We say straight out, tzedaka tatzil mimaves. On the Yomim Noraim, we say that tzedaka removes the evil decree.

    2 other things which give long life – kibbud av v’em, and shiluach hakan. There’s definitely a source for those 😉


    Oomis, I hadn’t heard of this when I was younger. I would have loved to have done something like that to give hope to someone struggling with fertility, so ran it by my daughter as her pregnancy progressed. We were told that if it wasn’t our family’s minhag, not to do it.


    There is absolutely no issur to do this, but there is something to be said for following family minhagim. On the other hand, many people adopt minhagim when they get married, that were not their family minhagim. Different strokes for different folks.


    oomis – I always had a “kasha” on this minhag – we never did it but I would try it – except that women in mikvaos are not always the most careful with how and where they cut their nails (some may not know you have to) and given the chazal that a pregnant women stepping on nails can cause a “miss” (at that point would probably c”v be a stillborn) i always wondered how pregnant women can take that risk??


    “and given the chazal that a pregnant women stepping on nails can cause a “miss” (at that point would probably c”v be a stillborn) i always wondered how pregnant women can take that risk??”

    They must know of a segula that helps when nails are stepped on.


    DVEYKUS- what makes you say that women aren’t careful where they cut their nails?


    Truthsharer- it is brought down somewhere in a sefer but I don’t recall where. My hub read it to me once.

    However, I don’t know who mentioned that its a chazal- I don’t think it is.

    Ill try to find out.


    The Gemorah says that if a pregnant lady steps on nails after being cut, she may loose her child that she is carrying. One of the reasons given is, before Adom sinned his body was covered with a layer of nails. After he sinned the nails only remained on top of the fingers. Since a lady caused the sin of the eitz hadas that in turned caused the removal of nails fromthe body, women are punished because of it. Based on the aforementioned if one burns the nails he is considered a chassid. If the nails are buried he is considered a tzaddik, and if the nails are thrown in a place where they will be stepped on he is a wicked person. Men should also refrain from stepping on nails. Toenails should also not be thrown and they should be dealt with like fingernails. Steeping on nails of a non-Jew should no be done.

    The Pri Megadim (OC 260) says: Adam HaRishon was created covered by nail like material over his skin. After the sin it was removed, remaining only on his fingers and toes. Since Woman is generally blamed for the original sin, there is therefore a danger for pregnant women to step on finger and toe nails.

    Some other rules of (thumb)nails:

    Not to cut on Thursday because they will sprout (presumably this means noticeably) on Shabbos.

    Not to cut finger and toe nails on the same day (Mogen Avrohom 260). (Shulchon Hatahor recommends averting this problem by leaving one toenail uncut).

    Only cut fingernails Erev Shabbos and Yom Tov (Ibid).

    Based on the above the Mogen Avrohom recommends cutting toenails on Thursday and fingernails on Friday.

    The Rema says not to cut fingernails in order. The order he gives is 42531 for the left hand and 24135 for the right. The Arizal laughed at this practice and the Maharam Miruttenberg was not particular about this. The Mogen Avrohom recommends being stringent. There are various opinions as to which hand to cut first, the Rema seems to favor the left. (See Pri Megadim and Ashel Avrohom Mibutshetsh). All this does not apply to toenails. (Chazon Ish).


    Not to cut finger and toe nails on the same day (Mogen Avrohom 260). (Shulchon Hatahor recommends averting this problem by leaving one toenail uncut).

    Some people don’t realize this means you can’t have a manicure and pedicure on the same day.


    About the pregnant woman not stepping on nails, I think that its written in the mishnah berurah.although I’m not sure.


    1) Seriously redting shidduchim to singles is a segulah to finding ones basherteh.

    2)learning Torah Lishmah

    3)saying Tehilim with Kavanah, davening to HB”H

    a)esp, Kapitol 121, Esah Einay

    b)also 128, Ashrei Kol

    c)also Lamed Beis 32,

    4)being Mesameach Chosson V’kalloh

    5)working on correcting bad Middos,

    6)tikkun Chatzois, or tehillim, or Torah at Chatzois

    7)being b’simcha,

    8)having Emunah, despite the hardships

    9)focusing on the good thing HB”H granted you & thanking him for them.

    I know many other ones, I cannot guarantee authenticity,

    but the previous ones are solid.

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