segula of R. Chaim Palagi with quarters

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    I understand that the segulah of R. Chaim Palagi of giving 104 (91+13)perutos on erev shavuos to a talmid chacham is a recent inyan dug up by valid tzadakah organizations as a gimmick to get nice hundred dollar donations. However, can anyone think of a reason why not to do it with quarters instead of dollars? It says “perutos”, and I think most poskim would say a quarter counts as a perutah. BTW-I don’t believe in asking halachic shailos to the coffee room, but I don’t think that this counts as a halachic issue (it’s just a nice thing)


    104 perutos means 104 pennies. a peruta is the lowest coin denomination. you can put 104 pennies into a r. mair baal haness pushka and it has the same value as a segula as does $104 to some gimich minded organization.


    I firmly believe that you are better off giving $105 dollars to tzedakah than $104


    I firmly believe that you are better off giving $105 dollars to tzedakah than $104

    You’re disputing Rav Chaim Palagi zt’l?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    That’s not disputing. Giving $105 is giving $104 plus another dollar.

    ???? ????? ???


    As long as it’s at least 104 we’re good.


    A peruta is the amount of the weight of half a barley grain. ( I forgot where I learned that – something to do with the beginning of Kiddushin.)

    According to modern understanding, a troy ounce is 480 grains. Silver is around $16.50 per ounce today, so a grain is worth 3.4 cents. We need only half that for a peruta, so 1.7 cents. AFAIK, that’s bullion price. We need to add 60% more to make it retail price, which gives us 2.75 cents. 104 perutot is therefore $2.84


    I believe R. Moshe said that a pruta is the smallest denomination that you can buy something with. About 30-40 years ago he said that was a dime. Today I think most would say its a quarter. Either way it sounds like rov poskim of the coffee room say there is no reason to do $104 to fulfill the segulah.

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