seeking new wig advice

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    what brands do you recommend as having nice hair that lasts, in israel and ny. blonde with a wave or lots of body. and i’m not interested in discussing whether or not you think i should wear a wig. my rov said i should. thank you


    maybe your rov can make a recommendation.


    what does her rav have do with anything shrek?

    All she’s saying is that her rav poskens that they can wear sheitals- there are rabbis that hold that sheitals are not permitted you know right?


    As we have blondes in our family, we have been very satisfied and pleased with Shevy wigs the past few years. Some of us have also bought Eva wigs(formerly of Bnei Brak and now mainly in Boro Park).


    shevy is the best usually but the most expensive. If money is not an issue I would go with that

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