Just a memory of Scott Beigel Zt’l who died trying to protect students from the Florida School Shooter, He gave his own life so his students could live
May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion
ZD: While we mourn the loss of this individual who certainly did a heroic act, I don’t know if it is appropriate to say “ZTL” which stands for Zecher Tzaddik Livrocho. Even the Home page of YWN only states Z”L (Zecher Livrocha).
If even one of those children he saved were Jes (the school was 40% Jewish) he will have the zchus of saving worlds. Yesh kone olamo b’sha’a achas may apply here, how fortunate is his neshama to have those zchusim to bring with him.
According to Rambam a tzaddik is someone whose mitzvot outweigh his aveirot – and we do not know the weights (Hilchot Teshuva 3:1-2). Thety are different for each individual (Rav Dessler, Michtav meEliahu, Kuntras Nekudat haBechira). However, for some reason the minhag is that “zatzal” is only written about talmidei chachamim. After the name of a murder victim we write “Hy’d”.