In the spirit of vnahafoch hu, I will now argue the other side of the coin, because all science is in the Torah, it may be possible for gedolim to learn it from there.
Let’s start with molecular biology:
DNA has 4 bases: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine.
I can find the first part of each one in Maaseh Breishis:
Adenine–from ADEN
Guanine–from GAN
Cytosine–from ChYTO Eretz
Thymine–al pnei TeHoM
Next, RNA transcribes DNA, and the sequence is translated into a protein.
vNaHaR yotzei meiADeN lhashkos es ha GaN (gene). (RNA leaves DNA to activate the GeNe.) Note: the letters H and A are interchangeable (Rashi in many places.)
Umesham yipared vhayah larbaah roshim. From there it splits (replicates by unzipping) and becomes four strands. (Two double stranded DNA molecules after replication.)
Hu Hasovev: It is a winding double helix
Next, DNA contains Phosphorous, One of these rivers is called PHiSHon.
Protein: PRu or the river called PRaT.
DNA and RNA also contain Ribose (or deoxyribose): uRVu
Water is called mayim chaim. Molecular weight of H20 is 18 (chai).
Enjoy and feel free to add.